Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.

Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.

This morning was one of those mornings.

I stepped on the scale, like I do every morning, and it showed a number .8 pound less than yesterday, that is like 400 grams, and my thought, my commentary, my meaning was: I’ll be a svelte thin corpse. Yaay for me!

My work is hopeless, I think. Continue reading “Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.”

Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do

Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do
  • see yourself-doingIf you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
  • If you can dream it, you can become it
  • Believe it and you can

Lots of inspirational quotes say the same thing, so today we’ll examine what is the truth about this whole seeing/doing, seeing/being thing.

I won’t say bullshit on these, although this time yesterday I would have. And I would have been wrong… and I would have been right.

What?! Yeah. Continue reading “Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do”

Forrest Gump is a great person to teach my work through

Forrest Gump is a great person to teach my work through

forrest gump and his bracesForrest Gump again… to clarify some of the most important distinctions a person can have to live a life worth living.

Some of the most important, and most life altering distinctions one can have are coming up nowadays daily in questions, in podcast… and I am happy about that.

The two that come up and will come up every session is choice and of course context.

Choice is easy to see… Continue reading “Forrest Gump is a great person to teach my work through”

What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?

What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?

what is inspiration?If we were talking directly, I would let you guess… but I am sure you wouldn’t guess right… It wouldn’t even occur to you…

Because the greatest motivators of all is being inspired by yourself.

What does it even mean, Sophie? Continue reading “What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?”

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

The first step in AA, Alcoholics Anonymous says: We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol––that our lives had become unmanageable.

Whether you know it or not, that is the most important of all the steps. And of life… Continue reading “If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow”

How to turn yourself from a guppy into a majestic dolphin?

How to turn yourself from a guppy into a majestic dolphin?

trying: what it cost youTrying to be funny? This is one of my sore spots watching movies or interacting with people in life…

I hate people when they are trying… trying to please me, trying to prove that they love me, trying to prove that they are already OK… They are trying my patience!

Rant finished… but I do want to talk about trying… forcing… about the smell of sweat and about the inauthenticity of it all.

You resort to trying because you are a twitchy little bastard. Because you want immediate gratification, but nothing worth having is going to give it to you, so you are covering up the fact that you don’t want what is worth having… Continue reading “How to turn yourself from a guppy into a majestic dolphin?”

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?

Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?
Clarity of language reflects your clarity of thinking…

It is becoming clear that the parts that maybe are the most important ones (to you) in my articles are too new for you to hear.

I didn’t realize that I need to bring special attention to them, explain them, or they will be lost, maybe forever. And give me an unwelcome experience: frustration.

This is a great opportunity to bring some clarity to the use of two words that you, mistakenly, have been taking ans synonyms… meaning the same. They don’t.

The two words are disappointment and frustration.

They feel similar, yes, but the underlying cause is different. Continue reading “Is it disappointed or frustrated? What is the difference?”

Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?

Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?
Immortality? Yeah… even before you die…

I have been listening to a lot of audios from Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training (Erhard Seminar Training). Some are as old as 30 years… 40 years… old. Keeping the person who speaks in the foreground of some people’s minds.

The question, as usual, is what is the truth value, is the person who is speaking able to do what they are saying to do, etc? Because it is one thing to be the millionth person to listen to a talk, and quite another being the first person who can see that the emperor is naked.

Often I am hesitant to say it. Often I am dismayed to say it. But somebody has to say it for evolution to happen… instead of pretending that it has happened already. Continue reading “Will my work, like others’, survive my death? Immortality?”

You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck

You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck

racket, the man eating machineMy teacher, Robert Hartman famously said: to know good you need to study evil. To turn your life around, you need to study what keeps you stuck.

As I am gearing up to teach the machine that we call the racket, I am getting emails from participants, people who registered in the workshop.

Those who are smart (not many :-\ ) come prepared. Armed in having witnessed enough of the distinction and the process to be able to recognize it on themselves by buying the Racket Course… have questions.

I am sure the rest of them want me to do all the work, and make them good, pretty, slim, smart, happy, rich… did I leave anything out?

The racket is a machine. It has a trigger that is an on-switch… and it even has an off-switch. Continue reading “You can get unstuck only if you see what keeps you stuck”

Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

Equality: All men are created equalAll men are created equal. That is the design. Whether you are a Bible reader, where The Book of Genesis says that when God created the world, God created humanity ‘in the Divine Image.’ or you look at the DNA and see that all humans have essentially the same DNA… we are equal, but some people are more equal than others… fffffff! Right?

This is going to be a post/article I am thinking through as I am writing it. I don’t already know what will come out of it.

It is not meant to be racist, elitist, or anything like that. It is meant to be looking what is the truth about that statement in the Declaration of Independence, and what it means to you.

I consider every person a person… so to me all men are a person… and yet, I measure stuff about them, and I hold the idea that the underlying design, the DNA is the same in all.

Hah… and therein lies the mischief. Continue reading “Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?”