Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?

Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?
Your starting point measurements tell me the whole story that you are.

And the picture of putting all those starting point measurements together also tells me how humanity as a whole is doing.


But why?

Most people think that what they do when they are at their best, when they go to church in their best church-going outfit, when they are smart, nice, funny, or can answer a question right… that that is who they are. Continue reading “Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?”

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low… day to day to day to day?

This question came from one of my students in a class. Interestingly none of the other students in the class asked this question. They didn’t ask, even though this may be the most important question to ask, and the most important skill to master.

You see unless you master this skill… unless you can reduce your about-me score to under 10%, your chances to interact with reality are slim… and for many people the chances are none. Continue reading “How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?”

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

In February 1988 my career as an architect ended with a whimper

It went out like a light.

I was 41 years old.

I was sure I had nothing to offer, I had no value, and I had no future.

It felt like I was on a stormy sea, on a ship, and had no control where the ship was going. I was not the captain, I didn’t hold the levers and dials in my hand.

Until that point I went wherever the ship went, and did what I could: do a good job, or not, wear clothes, read books, and be a passenger. Continue reading “Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?”

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

You need to see what you said so you can say no to it

Do you remember the pie chart of all knowledge? The circle, the pie, represents all facts in the universe?

  • A tiny slice you know and you know that you know it. It is your address, it is your name, it is facts that you can prove.
  • Another tiny slice is all the things you know that you don’t know. For example you know that you don’t speak Japanese, unless, of course, you do.
  • The rest of the pie is the things that you don’t know that you don’t know. Some of it you think you know, but what you think is just isn’t so.

Continue reading “You need to see what you said so you can say no to it”

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Real Royals… Like Muhammad Ali…

Real Royals take it on the chin… If you were really a princ(ess), you would too.

Disappointments, slights… yeah, those are what I am talking about.

I read every book some writers write. Or have ever written.

One of these is Neal Stephenson. Continue reading “Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?”

Poetry? What does poetry have to do with happiness?

Poetry? What does poetry have to do with happiness?
poetic mindPoetry, poetic, poetic mind… not part of the fabric of culture in our times.

JFK was inspiring. Trump, Biden? coarse or boring.

At the same time there is a  quirk to human nature: A result that is not poetic, a result that is not uplifting, a result that is not inspiring doesn’t register as a result. So people are left with a sense of nothing important got done. No happiness, no fulfillment. Nothing to be proud of, nothing to be inspired by.

And then the second quirk: that the skill people have for poetic language is completely undeveloped. Continue reading “Poetry? What does poetry have to do with happiness?”

Should you address directly what you want?

Should you address directly what you want?

T Harv Eker talks about the inner game and the outer game. He is the multi-multi-multi-multi-multi-millionaire… as he calls himself, so he teaches money. The secret of the millionaire mind… lol.

Most people who come to my site want more money. And they want to, maybe, change their inner money game, but there is no such thing.

Unfortunately working on what you want to change is an ineffective approach to changing it. Working on a relationship never worked. for example. Continue reading “Should you address directly what you want?”

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

confrontation3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different worldviews. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a worldview that is the polar opposite to mine.

Why would I hire coaches so different from myself? Continue reading “3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?”

More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface

More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface

As you see, every project for change, for growth needs to start and maybe even stay for some time below the surface. It has to start with the roots.

Why? Because unless you attend to the invisible, the visible can only change temporarily, and then, by law, it will go back to how it was.

It’s a worldwide epidemic to expect results inconsistent with the quality of the roots.

A rotted root system cannot bear a healthy tree, whether it is a person, a relationship, a society, or a business… A rotted root system can only produce a rotted tree… It just can’t produce a healthy tree. It cannot. But more important than to note: it won’t. It is true everywhere. It is nature’s law. Continue reading “More Money Course: Part 5: change, grow below the surface”

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

I am tired. The kind of tired that doesn’t want to budge from sleeping, or resting. It is not ordinary tired.

I have had it before.

It’s between my ears. Mental tiredness… I think. Continue reading “What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”