I understand what you are saying… I hear, I see, I get it

I understand what you are saying…  I hear, I see, I get it

I understand what you are saying. I hear what you are saying, I see, I get it. Which one do you say?

When you tell someone something, depending on many factors, you are going to get answers that belie their relationship (attitude?) to what you told them. Continue reading “I understand what you are saying… I hear, I see, I get it”

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…

The answer is actually quite simple. Medicine works with definitions and not with distinctions.

So similar things seen as same… And some similar things seen as different.

Example: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr syndrome. Continue reading “Why is medicine’s truth value so low? 7% overall…”

One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…

One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…

One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call the little voice, the evil inclination, The Opponent.

That is to say anything that takes you out of your natural state of goodness, expanding, being in harmony with all of it, Kabbalah calls it the Opponent.

Compare that with how YOU think: I am, I did, I was…

The little voice, all the shoulds, and all the labels, and all that totally paralyzing stuff isn’t said by you. It is the Opponent.

All the wants. All the needs. And all the fears… It is the Opponent that is doing it. Continue reading “One of the genius moves of Kabbalah is to call…”

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Here it is, the secret technology to raise your vibration, instantly and permanently: validation

My Second Phase Activator class just had the hardest session ever: activating validation as a capacity. Continue reading “Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation”

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

70% of all people feel that they are stuck… And I guess, 100% of the people feel, at least occasionally, that they are stuck.

Feeling stuck is very unpleasant. I know because I know how it feels.

But being stuck is not real, unless it is something physical, and no one means that, when they say they feel stuck. Continue reading “The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…”

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t

seeing rainbowsIf you are discouraged, read how I got myself out of the rut and see the rainbow again

I just read Roy H. Williams’ Monday Morning Memo.

It was just the thing for me to read… it was a mixture of feeling shamed and encouraged at the same time… Whaat? Yeah.

I woke up depressed. Not new, I have been depressed to some degree all my life. Continue reading “Dogs can’t see rainbows. People can see them, but don’t”

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature, it would have to learn how to live, how to be, how to do best with what they have, so it can last. Mothers are to be used and abused… it’s just how it is… every living thing devours their mother… No compassion, no remorse.

  • mother-child is about getting
  • father-child is about instruction

Whether you are about getting or about being instructed… it’s a worldview.

Guess which worldview will make you more successful? At life… at living… at everything…

Continue reading “If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature”

Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Huge learning today. In this article I’ll take you through two ways to see why you can’t learn, don’t learn, and won’t learn, unless… and I am not talking about information, learning about, I am talking about learning to do…

The world is changing rapidly… and unless YOU change, you’ll be a casualty.

To change when the world changes you need to learn a lot of new stuff… and unlearn just as many. So the fittest that will survive is the one who can and willing to learn. Continue reading “Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever”

Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be

Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be

Let’s talk about the planes of existence… Where we live where consciousness can come from… shall we?

A plane is like a whole world, where certain things are obvious, certain things are possible, while other things aren’t even possible.

The two main planes I know of are the horizontal and the vertical plane. Continue reading “Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be”

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?

How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well? And how can you tell the difference?

Most ‘I cannot’ statements are lies. They actually say ‘I will not’. I won’t even try. I didn’t care to do it.

The speaker may be you, someone else, or the little voice. Continue reading “How can a statement: ‘I cannot’ be a lie and truth as well?”