How WANTING and DESIRE put you into scarcity

It’s January, and a good large percentage of the searches on my site are for the mindset of money… People’s mind is on abundance this month… and it will stay there till April…

I have been observing people and businesses for decades. If you made it through March, then you probably made it another year… but the sense of impending doom begins in January.

I read a story about a woman who gave away ALL her money.

She was, a millionaire (or close to it) at the time. In any case, she came from money.

Her grandfather was a famous industrialist. Her parents had owned houses and property all over the world.

Thing is, this woman (who had been born into all this money and the lifestyle it afforded) didn’t feel right about it.

She felt she hadn’t earned it.

So she gave it away, ALL her entire inheritance. Lock. Stock. And Barrel.

Then she began doing workshops on contributing to the greater good of society.
Continue reading “How WANTING and DESIRE put you into scarcity”

My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel

The inspiration to coach using Tai Lopez’s 67 steps came from one of my all time favorite books, the Neal Stephenson novel, Diamond Age.

In that novel, science fiction, far in the future, a scientist puts together an interactive book, a primer, for a rich and influential client’s grand daughter. And then he steals it… meaning: duplicates it without permission.

He means to give it to his daughter, but accidentally it goes to a very young, very poor, very disadvantaged girl, Nell.

Nell grows into a veritable person and a hero as a result of interacting with the book.

Not READING the book, but interacting with the book… doing what the book says to do, answering the book’s questions, etc.

It is not what she learned from the book that made her a person, by the way. It is the constant redirecting the book provided. Getting to know herself. Minding her job as a person… not worrying about others’ opinion of her, or what she is doing, of what one is supposed to do. Continue reading “My 67 step coaching program was inspired by a Neal Stephenson novel”

What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?

Dr Wallach says: what you don’t put in your mouth is more important to your well-being, than what you do put in your mouth. Is he right?

An article I just looked at says: what you don’t do is more important to your productivity, money, well-being, than what you do… Is the article right? Continue reading “What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?”

Raising your vibration? Are you sure that is what you want? Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?

Are you sure that what you want is Raising your vibration? Or do you just want feel good about yourself?

When people come to my site, buy a product or sign up to my mailing list, I ask them what they expect to find, what they expect to get.

Ultimately I find out that they don’t know what vibration is, but they want to feel better. Feel better physically, feel better about their lives, feel better about themselves, without doing anything, changing anything.

They want it to done for them.

They may be willing to pop some pills, listen to some audios, drink some magical potions, but that’s it.

99% of my site’s visitors are not willing to inconvenience themselves in any way.

They want the same life, do the same things, the exact same way, but have a different result: feel better.

When I get a person to ask me to measure their vibration, 50% of them know that their vibration is low, and agree with the number I send their way.
The other half argues: “But I am such a nice person. Kind, caring, volunteer saving cats, blah blah blah”
Continue reading “Raising your vibration? Are you sure that is what you want? Or do you just want to feel good about yourself?”

The pain of being devalued…

what is the truth about youWe all have a need to fulfill others expectations of us, and also some of us have the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves.

Now, what if someone says something about you, or something that you like, find important, says something that conflicts with what you think about yourself, your self-image? Your I you consider your Self. (it isn’t… by the way)

Your experience is that you are devalued. 1

The lower your vibration, the more it hurts.

And when someone puts down a thing or a person we have liked, then we feel devalued by association.

This can happen quite frequently if you hang out with me…
Continue reading “The pain of being devalued…”

Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

you are fine until it is time to bring in the troopsI just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine

This is the mindset that will move you out of trouble and towards a successful life in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

But this is not how you live. You live your life campaigning.

Anything that doesn’t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poo-pooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by “them”. You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren’t paid. You dream of a private jet while your credit cards are maxed out. You dream of being a rock star while you haven’t been able to play one song well.

You don’t know, or you ignore the cause of your misery, and then you need rescuing. Continue reading “Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you”

The hockey stick graph: your TLB score is on it… and you are likely in the 99%. Why?

your tld score is on a hockey stick graphLearn something and a whole world of learning opens up…

I had the first breakthrough in my 67 steps coaching…

Why only the first? Because most people do the 67 steps the way they do their lives: with their eyes closed, hoping for magic.

Hoping for either me doing the job for them, or the audios or the content of the audios doing the job for them. None of them can… it is not the content. It is what you do

So what happens if you do the 67 steps with your eyes open?

For a long time: not much. But then I’ll hear something, a direction, that I can push you towards. Some people get to this push-point sooner, others later. Most: never.

Your TLB score is the surest predictor. Not your IQ, not even your vibration. Your TLB score.

Continue reading “The hockey stick graph: your TLB score is on it… and you are likely in the 99%. Why?”

No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard

No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard… A Marshmallow eater…

(or how to increase your Twitchy Little Bastard score)

This morning I am running on fumes…

TLB – Twitchy Little Bastard; a person who is too anxious for results. Also a person who has no ability to control his urges… like the urge to fix what they see as wrong. Continue reading “No energy? Likely you are Twitchy Little Bastard”

The newest measure to predict your future success… this one is like a ladder

are you a twitchy little bastard?Every human is moved by their emotions and feelings plus thoughts: words, ideas, concepts. In this order.

The motive power, the stimulus to act comes from the feelings.

The words, ideas, concepts only modify them, or direct the actions.

Without the thoughts, the words, the ideas, every human would act the same way. They would have to.

So the main difference between people is really the words, the ideas, what they say about what they feel.

One extreme is the “Twitchy Little Bastard“, while the other extreme is Jeff Bezos.
Continue reading “The newest measure to predict your future success… this one is like a ladder”

Have desire. But discomfort is a lot stronger impetus

What can you do to finally start to amount to something, start to become worth a damn? Increase the IMPETUS for growth. 1

About 14 months ago I did something that started a whole new growth period in my life.

I started to get up early.

Looking from the outside, and looking from the inside, there was more to it… and I’ll share it, because it is significant. It shows how decision-making, direction, guidance, are not a straight-forward matter: not at all. 2

OK, here is the story:

It was November 2015, and I was still licking my wounds from having lost paradise… i.e. Amazon decided that my energy products cannot be sold on Amazon.
Continue reading “Have desire. But discomfort is a lot stronger impetus”