I Can’t Be Happy Unless… How to get out of your own way?

I Can’t Be Happy Unless… How to get out of your own way?

prayer for messiah, the saviorHere is another example  for the unless (or-ness)… the distinction I’ve been trying to teach you, so far quite unsuccessfully. Why? Because it is really simple, but is really hard… and I am not quite able to express myself clearly yet… I am getting there, I promise.

Here is the article from 2011.

I caught myself, red handed, up to my chin in misery, wallowing… yuck.

I had been depressed for two straight days. It wasn’t someone else’s feeling, it was mine. It sucked. I mean, literally, it sucked me dry, took away my aliveness… Continue reading “I Can’t Be Happy Unless… How to get out of your own way?”

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.

I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.

So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscletest and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value” Continue reading “Take away from longevity studies regardless your age”

Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense… yet another principle

Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense… yet another principle

‘Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense.’ (Mignon McLaughlin)

99% of what is (reality) is invisible for the uninitiated. Unrecognizable. Puzzling. Mystical, Miraculous. Unexplained.

My programs, in part, are initiating programs: initiating you into these invisible yet very real mysteries. For example the 53 invisibles

Enabling you to see and recognize the dynamics below the visible layer of people, behaviors, societies.

And on yourself.

People are really mysteries for themselves… and even after initiation, they want to keep those inner dynamics a mystery, because, between you and me, those invisibles are not pretty. And they run counter to people’s precious I, the way they fancy themselves to be. Continue reading “Even cowards can endure hardship; only the brave can endure suspense… yet another principle”

Change your perspective and get unstuck

Change your perspective and get unstuck

perspectiveWhat does perspective have to do with anything?

You’ll find out that it has everything to do with everything that matters to you… So pay attention.

Even though you intellectually know that perspective matters, you, unconsciously, have the tendency to look at things the same way, every time you look at them. Result: you see them the same way.

You look at the map of reality, not reality. You saw it once, from a particular vantage point, you stored it in your mind, and now you are stuck seeing it that way.

This is detrimental to your health, mental or physical, emotional. Detrimental to your success, to your happiness. You are anything but astute… I could even call you a moron, or a machine… and you could get all upset, and it would make no difference. Continue reading “Change your perspective and get unstuck”

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

i-promise-to-teach-you-promise-to-learn.jpg… and by “right” attitude I mean the attitude that gets you what you wanted from life through coaching or learning from a teacher.

Most people don’t.

Why? My guess is an attitude issue… but the attitude issue is caused by something deeper.

I’ll get back to this…What’s underneath the attitude…

But for now let’s see what programs, teachers, coaches do or not do to weed out people who would not be the right match.

I did a training program twice when I was in Landmark Education. The introduction leaders program. Seven months bootcamp. Intense. Hard. Continue reading “What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?”

Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong

Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong

breaking into a new careerIt seems that many people are stuck in a profession they don’t like. And also many people don’t have a profession and are afraid to pick one.

Among my students I have both kinds…

Interestingly there is some commonality in the underlying attitudes.

One attitude is something I could call stingy, but it may not be the right word.

The commonality is: I want certainty, guarantees BEFORE I’d do anything. Continue reading “Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong”

Are you flexible?

Are you flexible?

NEUROPLASTICITYYour worldview is hidden from your view, hidden from your awareness.

And it is, of course. Worldview is how the world IS for you, not how it seems.

If you have a fixed worldview, than all the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men Could Not Put a new worldview for you… unless you are willing to become flexible.

Cognitive flexibility has been more broadly described as the ability to adjust one’s thinking from old situations to new situations as well as the ability to overcome responses or thinking that have become habitual and adapt to new situations. Continue reading “Are you flexible?”

Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering

Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering

breakthrough‘There are people who take the heart out of you, and there are people who put it back,’ wrote author Charles de Lint. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, your heart will encounter far more of the latter than the former types of people in 2020. There may be one wrangler who tries to take the heart out of you, but there will be an array of nurturers who will strive to keep the heart in you — as well as boosters and builders who will add even more heart.’ my horoscope by Rob Brezsny came in the mail today.

It’s been hard to be me. Continue reading “Before a breakthrough you’ll have immense suffering”

Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other

gratitudeI have students who fake thankfulness, gratitude… you can hear it. And occasionally they confess.

To me, to hear the fakeness, it indicates their wretchedness.

They think that gratitude, appreciation is social grease… and you give it to look good, to fit in, to obey some social rule, or because the other needs it.

Their knowledge about how reality works is completely missing…

Gratitude, what you are getting, all live in language… have no existence in reality. Without expressing gratitude you got nothing… and of course nothing to be grateful for.

But if you get nothing, ever, then you are wretched. You got nothing… and no joy, no being moved,no nice feelings, no connection with the other… you are an empty shell waiting to be filled. Continue reading “Gratitude, appreciation is for you, not for the other”