What you call things matter more than you know

What you call things matter more than you know

Just from this morning’s ‘crop’…

I woke up with the alarm. At 4 am… Then I fell back to sleep. I said: ‘oops, it is late!‘ and the whole world was now witness to me being a slacker whose word you can’t count on.

I made myself a cup of Tetley’s British Blend tea.

I am testing not using sweetener. My body is covered in hives…

Continue reading “What you call things matter more than you know”

Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’

Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’
Why is winning harder that losing? And don’t say ‘of course!’

Even when I don’t think there is anything further to see… I find out: there is.

I have said before, but I don’t think anyone heard it.

The most EFFECTIVE way to deal with reality is dealing with things how they are and how they aren’t.

People, things, events.

Easier said than done. Continue reading “Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’”

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable
Just like the front and the back of the hand, being and action are distinct yet inseparable. WernerCorrecting the language

This article tries to explain something I heard 30 years ago, and it took, till today to understand. So it’s not easy, but it has the answer to the question in the title, and it has the key you’ve been looking for, though you didn’t know what exactly you were looking for.

The reason you are unhappy, lonely, and afraid because language directly leads there. Continue reading “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable”

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?
you create your own realityDoes it serve you to have a personal reality?

You may know that I have been talking  a lot about flexibility. And how important flexibility is. How essential flexibility is for you to be able to change your mind. To get out of the rut your mind has taken you and is keeping you in.

Without you knowing why you can’t grow. Why you can’t be happy. Why you don’t feel successful, productive. and why you don’t have ease and grace in life. Continue reading “You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?”

What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?

What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?

What do you like about a movie? A book? A TV series? A person?

The drama? The look of the actors?

So, observing myself, I have discovered that I don’t watch something unless I like at least one person there.

And to be truthful, you have to be a good person for me to like you. Continue reading “What do you like about a movie? book? TV series? person?”

Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence

Our current worldview is as if we are backseat drivers, at best driving next to the driver.

All we can do is

  • observe
  • react
  • hope
  • suggest
  • protest
  • resist

but ultimately we feel we have nothing to say in the matter of where this life is going. That is our current view of the world.

Continue reading “Self-Control, Flexibility and emotional intelligence”

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

Assumptions, assuming… the not seeing beyond the cover

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life…

The biggest, I say, were the result of this cognitive bias we all have. Making assumptions based on insufficient data.

Assumption is jumping from seeing something and its meaning… without looking further, or looking again.

Given that astuteness is the exact opposite: making the correct interpretation of phenomena or data, assumption is the sign of stupidity.

And I have been guilty of that. Continue reading “What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?”

Some of the ‘gods’ smiled at me this past week.

Some of the ‘gods’ smiled at me this past week.

Yesterday I was on a health consult call… and I enjoyed it. I felt a lot of permission to be myself.  And as a result I gave the dude more than I normally give, not much worrying how much he gets. I was just in the zone.

And I learn something that can revolutionize what I teach… among other things. I’ll listen to the call and cut out part that I think are revolutionary or new, and either sell them, or just post them, have to hear them again to decide.

It was when the dude (really the client, but I’ll just talk about him as ‘dude’, no disrespect is meant… just lightness.)

So when the dude mentioned that he regularly muscletested I asked him to turn on the eye switch. And when he did, his tangerine spot lit up.
Continue reading “Some of the ‘gods’ smiled at me this past week.”

In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine

In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine

Yesterday I was working one-on-one with a client.

I asked her to stick/push her chest out and she didn’t know what to do.

After watching this video I see that her thoracic spine isn’t flexible enough.

So this is a somewhat disappointing thought, but if someone wants to activate the power, they will need to make their spines more flexible… or they are sh!t out of luck. Continue reading “In preparation for the Switches training: flexible spine”

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…

Transformation is not what the pictures say: you lost weight… no, that is not transformation.

Transformation is when what you see changes, without any changes in reality. What you see changes

  • because YOU changed, inside… or
  • because where you are looking from… your attitude, your vantage point… and now you see different.

The second way of transformation is often easier to get, but it still depends on its success on who you are inside…

If the inside doesn’t change, then the transformation disappears fast… in a blink of an eye. Continue reading “The little sh*t score makes its grand entrance…”