Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward

I don’t feel motivated! I can’t get motivated enough to get this done! Motivation is missing… can you help?

This, motivation, motive power is the topic of this article… but first: how it came about… OK?

Yesterday I had one of my ‘historic’ Sunday calls… A call I have been having for 14 years.

I use the calls to get insights into myself and into the invisible. Motivation, motive power is in the invisible… all we can see what we feel, and what we do… but motivation… that, we can’t see. Continue reading “Your motivation, the motive power that propels you forward”

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

Missy... a should motive power dogThis dog story illustrates something profound and new in this article: motive power.

This story is about two dogs.

The female is Missy. The other a male, Jojo.

Missy is a medium-sized… I am not good at dog breeds. She is friendly, reserved and weighs 15 pounds.

Now, Jojo, the male, is a real character. He’s a dachshund. Jet-Black/yellow in color, and weighs just 7 pounds.

Guess who’s the boss in this relationship?

Well, it ain’t Missy.

Jojo is only 7 pounds, but his small stature doesn’t inhibit him in any way.

He strides right up to the biggest dogs ( including Pit Bulls ) and extends a friendly greeting. Continue reading “A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?”

You live in a made-up world

You live in a made-up world

Earlier today I slayed one of my closely held ‘truths’, that I can’t deal with complexity, that I can’t deal with creating a sales letter… for whatever is hard about it for me.

And when it rains it pours…

I found myself crying at the idea that I am considered ‘one of ours’ (mishelanu) by Jewish people. How do I know? My Jewish tech teacher welcomed me with a celebratory image: one of us…

So I cried.

Truth be told: all my life I was searching for home… as if I didn’t have one. Continue reading “You live in a made-up world”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals

Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz and Dr. Mercola

I have never seen Dr. OzĀ  but I am leery of TV doctors: just remember Dr. Phil…

Dr. Oz personal vibration: 200. His recommendations average at 7% truth value, slightly on the side of death…

Dr. Mercola: personal vibration is also 200. His recommendations average at 10% truth value.

Why not higher?

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and the flexibility minerals”

Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?

Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?

There is ‘knowledge’… what you hear, what you read, even what you see… and then there is knowledge that is the result of what you do and observe.

Mind you, all knowledge depends on observation and actually accurately identifying what worked and what didn’t.

Because there are thousands of things that you can see at any one time, and it is hard to know what is operative and what isn’t, most people never distinguish accurately the operative factors, and therefore need a coach who looks from the sideways view where there are less factors to contend with.

What do I mean? Continue reading “Concerted effort? Phalanx? On what, for what? And why?”

3 profound horoscope readings of this week

3 profound horoscope readings of this week

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Taurus poet Gary Snyder said, “Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering.” Personally, I think that many of us, not just philosophers and writers, do the same thing. Are you one of us? Your first assignment during the next four weeks will be to explore whether you do indeed tend to convince yourself that you like the cage you were tricked into entering. Your second assignment: If you find that you are in a cage, do everything you can to stop liking it. Third assignment: Use all your ingenuity, call on all the favors you’re owed, and conjure up the necessary magic so that you can flee the cage.

What is a horoscope? It sounds like a prediction, but in my view it is best considered a spiritual practice for the week, or longer if it is necessary.

How so, Sophie?

A spiritual practice, a real spiritual practice is a context. Or else it is just something you do… worthless, if you ask me. Continue reading “3 profound horoscope readings of this week”

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

i-promise-to-teach-you-promise-to-learn.jpg… and by “right” attitude I mean the attitude that gets you what you wanted from life through coaching or learning from a teacher.

Most people don’t.

Why? My guess is an attitude issue… but the attitude issue is caused by something deeper.

I’ll get back to this…What’s underneath the attitude…

But for now let’s see what programs, teachers, coaches do or not do to weed out people who would not be the right match.

I did a training program twice when I was in Landmark Education. The introduction leaders program. Seven months bootcamp. Intense. Hard. Continue reading “What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?”

The latticework on which you hang new knowledge

The latticework on which you hang new knowledge

Latticework can be likened to a Christmas Tree. Some teachers call it scaffolding… by the way.

I once had a boy friend who bought tree ornaments as gifts every Christmas. Even to people who didn’t have a tree… ;-/

One of the barriers to real knowledge, I have found in my students, is compartmentalizing. Continue reading “The latticework on which you hang new knowledge”

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?

Before i say anything else, all the illustrations about negative energy, negativity I use in this post are b.s. and harmful… The Hungarian Christmas pictures… I remember being a child…

Yesterday I was on a group coaching call where a so-called energy practitioner… Continue reading “What is the negative energy you are trying to eliminate?”

The skill to develop if you want to live a life you love

The skill to develop if you want to live a life you love

We live as if things never changed. Even though we hear, read, that the only thing that is constant in life is change.

And yet, our minds, the machine-like part of us that cannot learn, won’t learn, and fancies itself YOU… our minds tell us, moment to moment, that life will remain the way it is in that moment.

Is that crazy or what?

  • When something bad happens, the reaction is not to the bad thing, but to the idea that the results of the bad thing are life-long.
  • When something good happens, the reaction is not to the good thing. It is to the idea, to the notion, to the certainty, that the good thing will last a lifetime.
  • When you are well… you are sure you’ll be always well. When you feel sick, you are sure that unless you fix it, you’ll never feel good again. Gloom and doom, or yippee… all is wonderful. The roller coaster, I call it.

So in light of this behavior of the mind: what is the most important skill? Continue reading “The skill to develop if you want to live a life you love”