How to become unbreakable, and unflappable?

How to become unbreakable, and unflappable?

White lotus grows out of mud… and creates beauty out of it. Peacocks eat poisonous berries and create beautiful plumage out of it… This article is about how to be like the white lotus, how to be like a peacock where life, and the circumstances don’t beat you down.

So, how to be like that, unbreakable


the song, Unbreakable, is exactly the opposite of what I am teaching in this article. That whole song is imagining a perfect world with a perfect “another” where they do all the things they are supposed to do so you can feel good, so you can feel loved…

The perfect prescription for unhappiness, fear, anxiety, disappointment, frustration… because people are the way they are. Because people aren’t even willing to be the perfect person for you, because it feels like a straight jacket. If you look in your own heart: you aren’t willing… and yet you expect others to abide by your standards… ugh… ugly.

Unflappable… loving life the way it is?


There is a long long answer, and there is a short answer.

I will give you the short answer first:

  1. learn that there is nothing wrong and nothing to fix.
  2. learn that the horizontal way of living where everything depends on people and their opinion of you, you become like them… and you are vulnerable and a slave to their opinion, to their beck and call, and you’ll be, with tiny breaks, miserable, till you die.

white-lotusThere is a movie by the Indian film maker, M Night Shyamalan, starred Bruce Willis. In that movie there are two characters:

  1. no matter what happens, he comes out of it unscathed – The Unbreakable
  2. no matter what happens, he is broken to pieces, shatters.
If you pay attention to the unbreakable character of Bruce Willis…

…what you’ll see is a certain flowing with his environment, a conscious awareness. He feels his way through life… and that obviously gives him an edge. It is as if he walked in a bubble, and the bubble would walk with him.

Is that a story, or is that actually possible for a mere mortal? Don’t try to remember all the stuff others have told you: I want you to empty your mind of preconceived notions, and have no prejudice, either way.

Cultures where the “floor” isn’t that things should be different, that there are things right and there are things wrong, where making a mistake is just making a mistake, are much more intelligent. Far East culture is that, a certain acceptance and allowing of what is to be what is.

People’s average IQ as measured by the IQ tests is noticeably higher than in cultures like America, regardless of color or race… it is the culture of wrong, should and shouldn’t that makes people less intelligent.

The other aspect is significant in Western culture and much less present in the Far East culture is taking things personally.

I am addressing cultures where the difference in base attitude, the attitude to life, is most different.

In the Western culture, where I live, people want the world and the circumstances to change as a condition of their happiness, productivity, actions.

When people think what they want, and I have asked, no one said: I would like to be happy, fulfilled, productive, and well, regardless what life metes out to me.

The idea that you can choose your attitude and that will, in turn empower you or disempower you, is alien to the Western culture: the dominant emotions are fear, trepidation, anxiety, and frustration.

This is not true, or not yet true (things are changing!) in Far East cultures.

The emotions that are dominant, determine your experience of life. Fear, trepidation, anxiety, and frustration will reduce your coherence, your intelligence, your accuracy, your results by far. And it is double “whammy”: both your experience and your results effect your circumstances… which means those emotions are unhappiness makers.


But it is possible to create a personal bubble of “there is nothing wrong here” and remove the triggers that create the emotions, and live, largely, in a Western society as if it were a Far Eastern, and be happy, fulfilled, content, effective, productive, kind, available, and become untouchable, unbreakable, impervious to the negative influences of the culture.

article-2229941-15E9D17E000005DC-698_634x444How do you become unbreakable?

You need to realize that wrong is a comparison: you arbitrarily determined what should be, and you call that right. But it is your personal take, and arrogant.

It is also a pedestrian way of relating to the world: where everything and everyone seem to be in the way, blocking YOU from getting what you want, getting where you want to go, and it feels entirely personal.

bubbleA person who needs life to be easy for them to feel well is a weakling, and his or her kind will be eliminated in the evolutionary near future.

The person who is able and willing to be strong and empowered in the face that life is: random, and impersonal, is the specimen whose seed will be the basis of the next evolutionary step.

The future depends on the individual, not on the masses. The number of people that can master their nature and their attitudes are few… and the future (and the present) is theirs.

Because they can be well, present, happy, productive, intelligent, and kind in the face of whatever life throws at them.

Does it take work? Does it take diligence?

You bet it does. But the truth is: the willingness activates the capacity to work on what’s important… and the unwillingness makes you quit.

What you say won’t matter… what you’ll do is all that matters.

Talk is cheap.

Good, evil, truth, justice, moralilty, amoral

Good, evil, truth, justice, moralilty, amoral

As I am battling the issue of finally saying no to what my mother called me when I was three, everything comes at me enlarged, sharper, more painful.

In fact, I haven’t been able to sleep well, and quickly approach exhaustion.

Going through the wall that is between me and going higher is turning out to be quite a challenge, quite a torturous undertaking.
Continue reading “Good, evil, truth, justice, moralilty, amoral”

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, getting stuck

Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, getting stuck

I am in a state that can be compared to the cocoonĀ state. I intend to emerge on the other side as a butterfly.

Wasn’t I a butterfly before? Who knows. But humans don’t live a day or two, like butterflies, and they have more stages than butterflies.

When you grow (if you grow) spiritually your growth pattern is much like…
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Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting

hope displaces actionYou have hopes, aspirations, you have dreams. Some have been around and with you since you were a little kid.

You keep them close to your vest, because without hope what have you? If you lost your hopes, you would have nothing, you feel… so you keep them close to your vest, you are protective of them.


If you took hope out, instead of hoping, you would, probably, have a sudden clarity about the fact that what you are doing and not doing are not in concert, not in harmony with your aspirations.
Continue reading “Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting”

You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…

You send for a vibrational reading. I send it to you.

Your vibration is 130, your wife’s is 200

You email back: “That’s very strange and looks wrong. Coz we are very wealthy healthy and happy.”

You think that your physical well being, even your so called happiness is any indicator of your spiritual vibration, the level of your consciousness…

No, it’s as if you were looking at the person who looks healthy but has maybe cancer ravage their bodies, or a heart attack waiting to happen.

Consciousness is not skin deep. You are…
Continue reading “You send for a vibrational reading. Your upsights…”

Raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

Raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

path to enlightenment is mastering your attentionThe Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…

In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.

In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.

What no one is talking about though is what differentiates a human being from a robot or an animal: changing your attention, changing your consciousness also depends on your brain’s ability to change itself.
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Raise your vibration to grow… as a person

Raise your vibration to grow… as a person

The key to growth is noticing… The key to raising your vibration is awareness

“Dear Astrology Guy: Please tell me why I have to work so hard — meditate, reflect, read, analyze, poke, prod, investigate — to discover truths about myself that must be obvious to others. Why is it so hard for me to see where I need healing and where I need to let go? Why is it such an ordeal to grasp what is interfering with my wholeness when I can quickly pinpoint what other people’s issues are? -Overworked Virgo.” Dear Overworked: I’m happy to report that you will soon be offered a gush of revelations about who you are, how you can heal, and what strategies will best serve your quest to minimize your anxiety. Are you prepared to absorb some intense teachings? For best results, make yourself extra receptive.

Now, if you are like me, you want to raise your vibration! You don’t want to wait for the “right alignment of the planets” to be able to heal, or minimize your anxiety, get guidance, etc. You want to do it now, if possible. You can if you concentrate on raising your vibration instead of all the details.

You want to take an active stance, an active position in the matter.
Continue reading “Raise your vibration to grow… as a person”

A fresh look at the pebble: unconscious commitment to fail

A fresh look at the pebble: unconscious commitment to fail

A fresh look at the pebble: is it a secret commitment?

When you are a transformational teacher, part of your job is to do the work you ask your students to do, on yourself and on your life.

Why? Aren’t you already transformed? No, transformation doesn’t last. Transformation is a momentary opening to the beyond, beyond what you already know and hold true, and that momentary opening doesn’t stay open for any longer than a few seconds, maybe minutes.

Which means, that if you don’t take an action consistent with the new opening you see, then the transformation is lost, maybe forever.

I am a transformational teacher, and I never pretend to have transformed: I do the work, every day, just like I ask you to do it.

Transformation is one of those phenomena when you can see that the saying is quite true: “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off…” Sounds funny, but it really isn’t.

Doing work, day in and day out, being pissed of by what you see is nobody’s dream life, and yet, if you want a bigger life, a less predictable, less scripted life, then the only path I have seen that works is ongoing transformation.
Continue reading “A fresh look at the pebble: unconscious commitment to fail”

Is life all it’s cracked up to be? it is not fair!

Is life all it’s cracked up to be? it is not fair!

If I asked you to observe your face without changing it first and without going to the mirror, could you do it?

One of the most useful things I have ever read, that if you use specific muscles in your face to produce a micro-expression, your emotions will follow. Continue reading “Is life all it’s cracked up to be? it is not fair!”

What is enlightenment? Are your gurus, enlightened?

What is enlightenment? Are your gurus, enlightened?

What is enlightenment? Are the gurus, sages, mystics of the day enlightened? If their enlightenment were a sex organ, how much would they have to play with?

Enlightenment is a big word. It is a huge accomplishment.

Enlightenment is a way of being that is unburdened by the mind, the concerns society imposes on you. It is a simple way of being joy, rejoicing with life is the normal.

Just like with many other things in the domain of being, the nature of reality is such, that you can only see the tip of the iceberg of enlightenment. Continue reading “What is enlightenment? Are your gurus, enlightened?”