Your homepage attitude… How to have a choice?

You read the meme that it is not what happens to you that matters, it is how you react to it. You nod, you don’t learn. You have no idea what it means. You are clueless.

This is one of the memes that never gives you pause, because it is a meme that is also a principle. It is true everywhere, and it is one of the most important things to wake up to… that is, if you want the good life. If you want success. If you want love. If you want to be happy. Continue reading “Your homepage attitude… How to have a choice?”

How will you reclaim your life from the machine…

anchor to doomI wrote this article back in 2012. It talks about one of the most important invisible dynamics of the human condition… your homepage. I am republishing it to give you a fuller picture of this invisible dynamic… so crucial to your future, to your results, to you becoming an expanding human being.

Here is the original article:

I’ve been trying to teach a new way to connect to Source. It would give you a lot more control over your attention, over your connection, and a lot better results overall. Continue reading “How will you reclaim your life from the machine…”

Do you need faith to have a transformed life?

I am running, again and again, into the same barrier with every group, with every person, their lack of faith. 1

This is especially true for people who had a religious upbringing.

Religion teaches you to ask your deity to do things for you… and your deity doesn’t.

Whether there is a deity or not is everybody’s guess… but one thing is for sure: no deity has ever done anything for anyone. no matter what anyone says. So no wonder, all the religious folks with rare exception, are disappointed. They asked and asked, and expected, and got nothing. Continue reading “Do you need faith to have a transformed life?”

The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition

Escape route differs from jailbreak… Unless you plan how you’ll be, where you’ll go, what you’ll do after you break out of jail, you’ll be taken back on short notice…

Why and how the “human condition” have come to signify wretchedness, evil, and ugly?

I wrote the first part of this article about 18 months ago…

This article has been researched for more than two years. but it was just getting puzzling and more puzzling.

Finally, today, as I was pondering the issue, the expression “human condition” opened it up for me.

So, here is the result of more than two years of research into the biggest puzzle I have ever dealt with.

Why are humans so bad? Continue reading “The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition”

Are You Trying To Win The Game With Just One Cannon?

Higher Vibrational Frequency and Winning In The Game of Life: Will You Choose It?

I had a totally weird feeling this morning. It felt like everything that is in this universe is just one of the many universes, and it is really all about how I play the game.

Continue reading “Are You Trying To Win The Game With Just One Cannon?”

Change your view… change your life

If transformation is due to the change in what you see then the most important thing to change is your view.

Your view of anything is what you actually see without resistance. Mostly a tiny bit of what is there… and you base your whole worldview on that tiny bit.

Your language, your behavior, your facial expression can reveal the your view of self you are trying to hide.

Your language, the words you use, your tone of voice, reveals your inner coherence, and all the unreality you consider reality, your attitude, your haughtiness, your delusion… everything. Continue reading “Change your view… change your life”

To what degree is your life fragmented?

fragmented lifeYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attached you are to one area of life, or one way to do it, or one problem you have.
Continue reading “To what degree is your life fragmented?”

The difference between knowing and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation. Continue reading “The difference between knowing and transformation”

How present are you? the common notion and the reality of being present

There is a video at the end of this post to test how present you are…

When I tell people to be present, or to get out of their mind, they understand it this way:

Be present to everything around you. The beauty, the ugliness, the sun, the wind, people.

Or alternatively, while doing guided meditation, pay attention to what the guide, the leader of the meditation tells you to pay attention to, your breathing, relaxing, whatever.

This type of notion seems to make it wrong when you are paying attention to what you are doing, thinking (as in problem solving), etc. Because you are present to one thing and one thing only.
Continue reading “How present are you? the common notion and the reality of being present”

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… enrich your concepts

This is, still, my favorite TED talk… Amazing TED talks to enrich your concept of emotions, feelings, and self-image

Here is one… what makes it stand out is the passion, and the using of sound effects… her own voice, really authentic… I really loved it.

But what makes it really my favorite, that my clients and students who have been in a quandary about who they are… are starting to see the importance of recognizing the pattern this TED talk introduces: how you make up a new identity that is wholly inauthentic to you.

I am on a roll… I will be watching, and posting if I find the TED talk useful.

Two things about this coming TED talk: the more views a talk has, the more the talker speaks the common man’s language, beliefs, and stuff… words that are inaccurate.

Regardless, this is a good talk. Not excellent, but good, and worth your time.

I always check if my female students will relate to it… and if it is a yes, I’ll post it.

This one passed the test… Even if you never got anything I said in The Playground, you’ll benefit from this one… so please watch it. It can change your life, and start you on the path to what you always wanted: freedom, easy, power… Continue reading “This is, still, my favorite TED talk… enrich your concepts”