Overwhelm Paralysis, or No matter what I do…

I have been sitting here mired in sadness, despair… the mind feverishly looking for reasons I should feel this way.

Evil in the world. Low vibration. No love… but this is true always, so what is special about now that is now miring me… enveloping me, making my stomach tighten, and my heart hurt.

It’s 10 o’clock, and the mailman comes at 11 am… I have a package to send out. A student of mine generously decided to buy something from me, instead of the open market. I am grateful, but I am scared.

Am I going to be able to ship it to her?

I finally open my postage software, and find out the postage rules for different size packages. Continue reading “Overwhelm Paralysis, or No matter what I do…”

Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?

What is the opposite of entitled?

This question around entitlement is asked on google thousands times a day, and the trend is that this number is growing steadily.

More in certain countries… More in religious countries… Christian countries… Countries with deep Christian roots, like Ireland. One can safely assume that entitled, and deserving was invented by Christianity to promote certain behaviors that a father would want their child to demonstrate.

Other words that express this same entitlement are deserve and deserving. Continue reading “Entitlement, deserving: do you get what you deserve?”

Why just getting unstuck is not enough? Start moving

Getting unstuck and moving in the right direction is just a dream for most people.

Most programs deal with only one side of the story: they either help you unstuck (but you’ll get stuck again, because there is no path for you), or they help you move (but unless you first unstuck, you may move to unhappiness, unfulfillment, disappointment, instead of a nice place). But what I have never seen is someone who does both, and definitely no one seems to use the energy of what fuels you, your hidden fuel source, a craving, a yearning, to help you get unstuck and help you get moving. Continue reading “Why just getting unstuck is not enough? Start moving”

You may know the price of everything and the value of nothing

I had a very interesting conversation, in email, with one of my long time students.

It belies one of the fundamental needs of a human: being paid attention to.

You could say: every child is paid attention to, you work for them, you clean them, to feed them, you put them to bed, but being paid attention to is different. It is a need to be personally noticed, considered, and in some way validated… or something breaks inside.

It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from the lack of fulfillment of this need. Continue reading “You may know the price of everything and the value of nothing”

What is your best that you could be offering to the world?

I have been listening to old calls, webinars, courses, with fascination.

The latest call I listened to was a workshop style call for the upcoming course, back in 2013, Called the Pebble In Your Shoe.

I started to see something I could not even fathom six years ago: that we, the current humanity, deny having anything good on ourselves… expect the fake goodness we may pretend.

Essentially we deny our divine origin, our souls, and the soul’s desire, the spirit’s desire to soar.

Mind you, not everybody. Continue reading “What is your best that you could be offering to the world?”

Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?

So I am listening to the “itch” calls from 2014, and I am mortified at the level of transformation… It is near zero.

Sometimes I put the cart in front of the horse…

The insight (the horse) on the two selves that unless they become a team, no transformation can happen, came since I did those amazing Itch calls in 2014… so no wonder that the results are missing…

What am I talking about?

Your machine, your particular machine, was built based on an incident. Or better said: a decision you made by you (or accepted about yourself) as a child. 1

So far so good… but the process doesn’t stop there.

There is a series of “therefores”… behaviors, that come from that early decision, and all of them are ugly. Fake. Pretentious. All try to fix what wasn’t true to begin with. Continue reading “Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?”

Itch, pebble in your shoe… two more invisible dynamics

I woke up with a start. OMG… The switch… or the pebble… or whatever I called it!

The invisible dynamics is a system. It is like a machine. A complex machine… It takes in life as it could be, and it spits out your life as it is, having sucked all the juice out of it. Really.

That is the machine. Continue reading “Itch, pebble in your shoe… two more invisible dynamics”

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

I don’t think I have ever really distinguished the difference between these two similar sounding activities… so it’s time.

As usual, I had to distinguish the difference for myself… the hard way.

I almost didn’t make it…

My strength deteriorated to the degree that I was having heart pain and exhaustion from just going from one end of the apartment to the other… So I started to mentally prepare myself to meet my maker, so to say.

The weird stuff was, that Source answered all my “diagnostic” questions with no… not my heart, not my lungs, not this and not that… yet it agreed that I was dying… Weird, right? Continue reading “Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket”

Sleep Mechanics… solve long standing sleep issues

Sleep Mechanics… or ideas to solve long standing sleep issues, and for occasional difficulties as well

I will write this article in my usual style, that may be difficult for some… but easy for me.

I will write about my own experiences only… too many books and articles that talk about things that may or may not be true, useful, with one thing in common: what they write about is Tree of Knowledge… myth, truisms, but not the writer’s personal experience.

With that said: I will not write about anything I haven’t tested both on myself and on at least one client. Continue reading “Sleep Mechanics… solve long standing sleep issues”

Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics

Therefore: the invisible thread in all the invisible dynamics that decide your happiness or wretchedness

I have been talking about these invisible dynamics forever… hundreds of articles about them.

There is no mystery about them, yet you need to actually be willing to look until you see them.

There is a common element in all the invisible dynamics I have looked at, even included the logical fallacies and cognitive biases, which are also part of the invisible dynamics.

And that is what I am talking about in this article. It is there, it is always there, it is already there. Invisible… Lurking in the background, lurking under the conscious detection.

There is nothing wrong with you. And there is nothing right about you either. Continue reading “Therefore: the invisible thread in the invisible dynamics”