I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.

Yesterday I found a quote that shook me to my core… So I want to start with that. You could say: that quote accurately expresses my attitude about life… and I am moved by that.

Sandy Koufax was Jewish, and his attitude was what made Jews survive all those thousands of years of exile, all the persecution, and come out, when and if they did, on top…

Continue reading “I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.”

What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

  • You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
  • You shouldn’t have to pay attention
  • You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone past that stage… stingy was nice compared to… wait for it…

Circuitry: blocking even the chance of thinking about any energy going to the other… Block the flow…

Continue reading “What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?”

Learn the art of life-altering sharing

Share your incidents, success incidents with giving the fireplace wood before you expect/receive heat

It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.

Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.

Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They don’t quite know what the principle is, or it may not be politically correct in this day and age. Or not sexy. Or won’t sell books.

Just observe your refusal to consider any true principle… and you’ll get why those articles and those “authors” put their emphasis on sexy… because you won’t read it unless it is innocuous (not considered harmful or offensive) and in some ways tells you that you are greater than you are… Continue reading “Learn the art of life-altering sharing”

Guaranteed to make you feel happy: It’s all in a day’s work

It’s all in a day’s work

Of all the things I have ever said to myself, this is the most potent saying.

It has saved me from suffering, it has saved me from all the nasty feelings that plague humans nowadays: belligerence, entitledness, feeling slighted, frustration, anger, laziness, yearning, wanting, and more.

How? Why? Continue reading “Guaranteed to make you feel happy: It’s all in a day’s work”

Some things that you didn’t know that you didn’t know

I have worked for myself for the past 40 years with a short, three-year stint working for the City of Jerusalem…

But even there, it was both clear and unclear to me that the number one skill to make a living is the ability to sell… in person, on the phone, on a video, or in writing.

In fact… it is not just a skill you need to make a living… it is a skill needed to make a life…

Because either you sell them… or they sell you….

I’d rather be the seller, thank you very much.

Now, why am I telling you this? Continue reading “Some things that you didn’t know that you didn’t know”

The 20-day skill learning challenge

You can pick anything. But it must be a skill that includes visible results… measurable results.

If you want to learn the skill of reading… at the end of the 20th hour you’ll be able to read without losing attention of patience… length of time, comprehension, number of books is a measurable, visible result.

If you want to learn the ukulele… just get ready to play to an audience.

If you want to learn to move your attention from your emotions, thoughts, reactions to reality… we’ll measure your results by the percentage of time you spend in your mind, being miserable.

If you want to learn to cook, let’s say, Hungarian dishes, we’ll see and taste your dishes… it is visible, and tangible.

It is really up to you to pick the target… and then follow through.

The role of this group is to keep you anchored… Continue reading “The 20-day skill learning challenge”

Do you live by your definition of yourself?

I thought I have written all I wanted to write today, but man plans, god laughs.

It’s Monday, time to read the Monday Morning Memo by Roy Williams… the highlight, often, of the week ahead.

Today especially, because what he is doing is echoing my own teaching: The main principle of Life is the Anna Karenina Principle: the principle of the strait and narrow…

Attention: I am trying to teach you how to see beyond the obvious, beyond the surface… Continue reading “Do you live by your definition of yourself?”

Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head…

How do you know that you are slipping onto the horizontal plane… the plane of the valley of the shadow of death? hell…

It is on the vertical plane where you can say: A is A. Fully accepting reality, resisting none of it. Having no need to hide from it, changing it, wishing it away. 1

Reality is the way it is. You are a guest to it… and like a guest, you’ll find that it is not the way YOU would run the show… and that is OK. The show goes the way the show goes.

If you add anything, out loud or in your head or in your feelings… then A is not A, and you are not on the vertical. You are on the horizontal plane, where A is not A, where reality’s rules are resisted, and where you can only be unhappy, forcing your will, or resign to never have what you want.

For decades I had thinning hair.

When I looked in the mirror, there was a balding circle on my skull… The size of two of my palms. Continue reading “Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head…”

Stuff we see we solve, the stuff we don’t see kicks our ass

Turning the impossible possible…. results in flow

I have been listening to a podcast… two and a half hour long, so I can take only a half hour here, a half hour there…

The sentences above are from that podcast… a conversation about how to get into your flow state.

Because I have client with a half-done Juice Exercise call, I am looking for some help in that podcast… some more inspiration than I already have… More faith, more confidence… Continue reading “Stuff we see we solve, the stuff we don’t see kicks our ass”

Delusion of choice, bread of shame, perpetration-withhold

what is your level of vibration?Dynamics in the invisible reality

I am like a dog with a bone… and this bone, even though I have talked about it, is going to get some chewing done on… because it is coming up and is in my face.

OK, what am I talking about?

We have been talking about reality… a lot, but mostly we have been talking about the visible part of reality, what the Martian can see.

Now, that is just great, but what about the invisible part of reality, the more than 90% of reality?

Really good and tricky question. The invisible part is, by the way, the “don’t know that you don’t know” part of reality.

But, luckily, we do know some stuff from that invisible part due to some incredibly observant people who can connect the dots… visible, invisible, principles that are true in either area. Continue reading “Delusion of choice, bread of shame, perpetration-withhold”