If it is NOT beauty, truth or goodness that inspires you

If it is NOT beauty, truth or goodness that inspires you

A higher state of being, a higher state of consciousness is when you are touched, moved, and inspired…

Let’s look at the word inspired first

People are writing to me claiming that they get touched, weepy from certain values. But when you look at their lives, that is an experience that does NOT inform their lives, only their eyes… Or maybe their ego, their mind?

What is inspired? Continue reading “If it is NOT beauty, truth or goodness that inspires you”

Who are you? Beauty, truth or goodness? Let’s find out

Who are you? Beauty, truth or goodness? Let’s find out

I was having an interesting conversation with one of my students.

Because he wanted to write his thesis on the Feelings book, an unknown entity, he needed to gain his thesis counselor’s support. And maybe even his enthusiasm. Or he was going to be alone… and it was going to be a tough road to hoe. Continue reading “Who are you? Beauty, truth or goodness? Let’s find out”

Awe… One path to feeling your Self you may want to take

Awe… One path to feeling your Self you may want to take

Awe… One path to feeling your Self you may want to take

One of the capacities you want to cultivate is the capacity of being in awe. Awestruck, awe-inspired.

Awe, the state, is when the spirit is surprised and moved. Inspired. Continue reading “Awe… One path to feeling your Self you may want to take”

Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver?

Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver?
Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver? Do ‘they’ feel they need to give you a gift?

I was looking at Christmas this morning and I saw something that I had never seen before.

Your relationships can be described in terms of gift giving and gift receiving.

For some people, in your life, you may be a gift. You and your life. And for others, you substitute that by giving them gifts at the predetermined gift-giving time… and buy another year so that you don’t have to be a gift. Continue reading “Are you the gift, or are you the gift giver?”

What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

One of the biggest difficulties in raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, is your vocabulary. Connecting it to your life.

Unless you know what being, how, who words really really really mean, your vibration cannot rise. Your vocabulary makes you not just live in the world, but be OF THE WORLD… i.e. have the consciousness, awareness, attitude and vibration of the world… which is, at this point, has hit an all time low.

So I continue writing about your one thing…

…the one thing that can 10x your results and make everything else easier or not necessary.

Continue reading “What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?”

The One thing: The who, the how, and the role of rest?

The One thing: The who, the how, and the role of rest?

working 7 days a weekWhile context is decisive, the One thing, the way I teach it is as decisive regarding your life as context.

This is how it works:

Let’s say you invent for yourself and for your life to be consistent. That is your One Thing.

And then you use that one thing to do the same things you’ve been doing, but now you do them differently. Continue reading “The One thing: The who, the how, and the role of rest?”

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?
Curiosity… Hunger… appetite… sexual desire…are you killing them all?

Your parents, your teachers told you: don’t eat candy, don’t eat cookies before dinner: it will kill your appetite.

The five ‘hardware-type’ needs, the need for energy supply, information, safety, reproduction and group are guided by feelings… all a lot like hunger.

Hunger can be fulfilled with empty calories or good, nourishing food.

The need, the second most vital need is the hunger for information. We also call that curiosity. You can fulfill it, just like the first one, with junk. Continue reading “Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?”

Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?

Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?

Let me start with a joke:

How to have a million dollars in business? Start with two million

How do you make a million dollars in the restaurant business? Start with two million

This is the joke that is making the circles in my brain when I think about how to have clients who have ambition, motive power, and actually accomplish stuff? Continue reading “Can you grow? Grow curiosity, intelligence, motivation?”

Why acknowledging source raises your TLB score?

Why acknowledging source raises your TLB score?

When I ask a question, either on the phone or on a webinar, I feel where the person I am asking is looking for an answer.

99% of the time the person is looking in their mind. As if that were the only place to look.

When I ask people if they ever knew the answer to my question, they don’t hesitate to tell me that no, they had never met the question or the answer. And yet… they look in their mind. Continue reading “Why acknowledging source raises your TLB score?”

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a ‘practitioner’ of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing. Continue reading “Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking”