Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

I have been observing people for about 33 years. Before that I had my head entirely up my ass… I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was too eager trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look.

Growth is not a gradual and straight path, no matter what anybody says. It’s not like a school…

Continue reading “Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind”

Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?

Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?
The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated.

If you act without looking, or if you act from what you stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the consequences of your actions won’t make any difference.

There is a prerequisite to seeing: and that is looking. Continue reading “Can The Sight be useful if you habitually don’t look?”

The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

Robert Greene definition or distinctionIt was Apr 9, 2021

I spent that whole day watching Robert Greene, listening to him, reading him… And had a question to you:

What is the difference between a worldview where you look through definitions and a worldview where you look through distinctions.

Definition vs distinction

The first thing to do is to see what is a definition. Whatever you define: you talk about it. It’s characteristics, and you try to be as descriptive and as exactly as possible. Continue reading “The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me”

Self-concern: how self-concern takes you out of the flow

Self-concern: how self-concern takes you out of the flow

life is a process. concerns block the flow of lifeYou don’t live successfully. Your desire is much higher than your results. You are often, maybe always disappointed in the world, in yourself… but you don’t know exactly what is wrong.

So first let’s look at what is the underlying issue, because there must be an underlying issue if you don’t live successfully, right?

The natural state of things is that you live successfully.

There must be a cause to which ‘not living successfully’ is the effect. So what is the cause? Continue reading “Self-concern: how self-concern takes you out of the flow”

Intention is the beginning of all transformation

Intention is the beginning of all transformation
The power of intention

Most people don’t know the power of intention, it because they have never experienced it, because they don’t know how to get access to intention.

They never intend. They live inside wanting to, needing to, having to, and should… the horizontal plane, the Valley of the Shadow of Death… Fear of death, fear of annihilation. Continue reading “Intention is the beginning of all transformation”

All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?

All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?
start-crawlingIt is what it is

The hardest thing for anyone is to allow things to be the way they are and allow people to be the way they are, without loss of respect, without calling it or calling them wrong.

I have had to deal with that for at least 40 years… But I think I finally can.

I realized the vast differences in my students in the 67 step coaching program. I realized that each and every one of them are on the level they are. Their level of intelligence, their level of awareness, their level of education, their knowledge, their willingness. Continue reading “All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?”

What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?

What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?
sports don't normally activate any higher capacitiesThe currency of life are capacities and distinctions.

The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.

What? The bottom of what?

The bottom of the power pyramid. Where personal power, personal authority is the currency.

Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it. Continue reading “What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?”

Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?

Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?
conflict of worldviewsYour worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.

You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh. Continue reading “Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?”

Is the way you make your money a good match for you?

Is the way you make your money a good match for you?

Is your life, the way you make your money, your living arrangement a good match for you?

I wrote this article seven months ago. Some of the emails I get tell me that people want to stay the same. That they want to do different without changing anything, changing themselves, or changing anything about themselves.

It is not going to work.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. but someone has to tell you. reading a book, even taking a course won’t change you. and therefore won’t change anything… unless…

At the end of this article I’ll share one thing that happened in the last day or two, that changed a long time student of mine, at least temporarily… read on… Continue reading “Is the way you make your money a good match for you?”

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Audio introduction by me:

I have been anguished by the inability of my clients to abide by their food list and make it fully satisfying… Result: their well being tops off at 10%, while mine is 70%.

Don’t have your food list? Get it now.

Get your food list
I saw an article that suggests that following recipes is way inferior to knowing how to cook, knowing the patterns, the principles, the methods, the science and the art of preparing food. I republished that article here Cooking Jazz

Preparing food and your relationship to it is a ‘how’, not a ‘what’. And how you do anything is how you do everything, remember?

If your relationship to food, to the preparation, to cooking is in one way, we’ll find the same one way in other areas of life. So pay close attention to what is your relationship to cooking: this can be life altering.
Continue reading “Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…”