How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

tailored-vs-untailored dietCustom diet plan… versus a plan off the rack.

I want to do more Health Consultations. So I have been reading emails in my spam folder for ideas what hooks people… Spammers, marketeers know how you think and therefore they know how to hook you.

I found this subject line: “Custom diet plan…” and I contemplated using it. A custom diet plan, this is what I give people, will cost you. But unlike custom made clothes, this will not cost you much more than a diet plan off the rack, in fact on the long run, it will cost you less.

But here is the interesting thing: even when someone comes to me for a health consultation, they quickly return to their lives and do what they have always done: chasing mirages. Chasing quick fixes. Chasing a fix. 1

But why? What is the difference between clients that do well with the diet and clients who do well for a while, but then go back to almost the way they were?

This is what I am examining in this article. It’s long, be forewarned.
Continue reading “How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…”

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

you attract what you fear, you repel what you wantWhether there is such a thing “law of attraction” or not, there is a phenomenon that I have observed.

If you want something, it tends to get away from you.

Whether it is love, having a community, being well thought of, or money… the wanting it renders you tense, reactive, and closed off. Act in predictable ways, the ways we have revealed for some of you in the Upsets workshop. (Started as Feelings webinars)

Wanting is a mind thing. Maybe a desire trap, maybe not, but definitely not from the Tree of Life, where it is obvious that if you want something, then you go for it, and do the things that get it for you. Not what you always do…

No tension, no tightness, no tight throat… just doing the things that get it for you. Continue reading “Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?”

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could, reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger? 2 Or how to learn to do what people did through reading what they read… So you can do it too. So you can see what they saw.

People with humility and success quote a lot. They know where their views, where their knowledge comes from. And their knowledge is deep, instinctive driver of actions. Not book knowledge, not Trivial Pursuit knowledge. NOT Tree of Knowledge.

I read eclectically. The next few books that are on my list now come from Charlie Munger’s suggestions.

He sees things I don’t. He has wisdom I don’t. What he reads has something to do with it. How he reads, how he thinks… He says: “Becoming rational is a slow, arduous process.” You need to build up to developing that skill. Most of us have very small capacity to use our brains. But it can only be grown like a sculpture. So most don’t even start.
Continue reading “Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?”

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life

I listened to step two 3 of the 67 steps, I think, the seventh time three days ago, and then again yesterday.

The step is about evolution. Growth. What it takes to grow… personally. It’s also about being adaptable, it’s about adapting.

Adapting is very hard. Why? Because part of adapting is to say no to what you have been saying yes to.

So it is complete upset, confusion, fear, uncertainty, and personally, it feels to me that death would be preferable. That is my 50% TLB speaking.

I always bring the example of climbing the ladder, but it is not how it feels. It feels really jumping. And when both feet are in the air, you don’t know where you are going to land.

I am seeing that in every area of life all the yes’s I am saying are keeping me the same, and I am terrified of saying no to them and saying yes to something else.

It started with my health.
Continue reading “When the teacher needs to do the work for herself: climbing the Tree of Life”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…

I thought I would share something I haven’t talked about in a long while… And that is your memories. Your pain memories… specifically.

We all have it. And they are, for most people, packed away, in some fat, or some muscle, joint… like any other toxin.

Life is smart. You cannot be very effective with life, very present, if you have to deal with pain that can’t be resolved… emotional pain.

Many people go to classes to rid themselves of the pain, but these classes don’t work very well. Why? Because when you retell the story, you get caught in the story instead of feeling the pain. You feel the “marker feelings” the words awaken, but not the original pain. 4

The pain is NOT in the story… stories are words. But the pain is real, and the words, the story, push the pain further out of reach.

Continue reading “How does the Days of Power help you become more of yourself? To climb the Tree of Life…”

Clarity – a great distinction, a great inquiry…

Clarity – a great distinction, a great inquiry…


A friend of mine, internet marketer, and an all over nice guy, is starting a brand new business. It is to create a promotional package for people who want to be considered experts in any field.

What he is doing could be incredibly valuable. What he is doing is this: giving people a chance to get to clarity. Continue reading “Clarity – a great distinction, a great inquiry…”

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

dante infernoThis article is about using guidance, but not for its truth value, but in spite of its truth value. 5

Tai’s 67 steps program coupled with my coaching is the perfect growth program.

It’s not because of me, it is not because of the steps either but because of its structural essence.
Continue reading “Long winter may be the secret of high achievers”

90%-95% of everything is mechanics, the grind…

90%-95% of everything is mechanics, the grind…

vision boardingI wasn’t going to write an article today.

I had four calls yesterday, and I expected myself to be tired, and running on empty.

But I am well. Not tired. The Days of Power must be really working… lol.

The fear, the uncertainty is never quite extinguished in a healthy brain: nothing is certain… even what you see or feel can be mirages.

Anyway, I am putzing around, and find an old Landmark Education notebook… and it triggers an issue I will need to deal with.
Continue reading “90%-95% of everything is mechanics, the grind…”

On the 13th floor words don’t have emotional meaning

On the 13th floor words don’t have emotional meaning

When we live on the 14th and the 15th floor of our being, where words and the added emotional content govern our lives, we are utterly miserable. We have no control over our emotions: others have, words have.

We eat the menu, not the meal. We chase worthless and useless temporary “values”… and we hurt. Continue reading “On the 13th floor words don’t have emotional meaning”