How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…

get unstuckI have been working on the project of doubling my income by adding a new revenue source.

This article is my private process. I wrote it to document how I got myself over the hump. To clarify some things. To get unstuck. And to be able to do it again and again.

At some spots it’s sketchy… it is my process and it has fulfilled its purpose: I have gained the clarity from doing it, the clarity that will help me to get to over the next hump when I want to or need to do it again… because that is how life works.

If life is smooth sailing, then you are not growing.

Then you are not challenging yourself. Then you are most likely going down on a greased chute. Continue reading “How I got myself unstuck on a project to double my income…”

Taking you from smart to intelligent…

Taking you from smart to intelligent…
not very smart but very intelligentTaking you from smart to intelligent…

OK, my intention is to teach you to become intelligent… Lots of people will teach you stuff that is going to help you to regurgitate stuff, look good and smart to others, but is otherwise useless… for life.

So I am really only interested in making you intelligent. And so that you know: intelligence is 70% physical, and only 30% mental. You don’t learn it through mental means: you learn it through being in intimate touch with your physical self, and I am not talking about muscles, and athleticity, I am talking about everything physical, including all the senses, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching.

OK, after this preamble, we can start… Continue reading “Taking you from smart to intelligent…”

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

stone soupCapacities, distinctions, intelligence, and success in life: there is a strong correlation. The Stone Soup fairy tale is an excellent teaching story.

Let’s start with debunking the current worldview, that intelligence is inborn. We are all born tabula raza… a blank slate.

Your intelligence depends on the number of large chunks, neural connections permanently formed in your brain firing together automatically. Those chunks are created in learning. Not learning about… no, actual learning a skill to unconscious competence.  Driving a vehicle is unconscious competence for most. Reading and comprehending? not so much. Continue reading “Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore”

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin

lily-tomlin-actress-quote-reality-is-nothing-but-a-collective-hunchMy article Energies Part 4: Designer Energies has been read by many people, and everyone I have spoken with, has, so far, misunderstood it. It matches not reality, but what they think of as reality

Why? Because the article touches on the most fundamental worldview through which you perceive everything: Through your personal reality.

You can’t see it, you can’t verbalize it, you don’t believe when someone calls it your worldview: it is reality for you, and that’s that.

No matter who it is, what they do for a living, what level of education, what level of vibration they are at: we all have a personal reality. Each vastly different from another’s… Continue reading “Reality? collective hunch at best! said Lily Tomlin”

On coaching: what it is, what it isn’t… It’s a bridge

On coaching: what it is, what it isn’t… It’s a bridge

walk-the-bridge-with-me coachingGood coaching is a bridge… Bad coaching is not.

We all have some area where we don’t already have a bridge, a path, to where we want to be

What bridge? What is a bridge?

The bridge is what happens between an idea and its fulfillment, materialization. What happens between a problem and its solution.

Most bridges are connectors between words and actions. Or future words and the process that will make it work. Or teaching and what we actually make of it.

Or maybe our words and the feelings we want to feel, mostly about ourselves…

Words and feelings. Words and doing. Doing and something built in reality. Different ‘modalities’. Continue reading “On coaching: what it is, what it isn’t… It’s a bridge”

Do you have enough? Energy, knowledge, attention, love?

Do you have enough? Energy, knowledge, attention, love?

I wish you enoughHow do you set the price of your product or program? Or help. Or work. That was the question yesterday in my coaching program.

I know you are probably not a product creator, or a coach. But yet you do have a product or a program… if you work for a salary, if you have friends, a spouse, children.

No matter where you are in life, no matter what you do, money comes to you from other people… or love… or support.

The question here is: what are they paying for? What are they reciprocating?

Depending on your about-me score, you’ll have a different answer… Continue reading “Do you have enough? Energy, knowledge, attention, love?”

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

tiny steps methodBack in the fall of 1987 I was in a camp in mountainous Kingston NY. I was participating in a highly physical course, called the 6-day course, challenging both your body and your fear and what you should do with it. It also added the method of tiny steps that is the secret I want to share in this article.

One of the challenges was to cross a valley on a cable stretched, just with your arm’s strength… (Of course I don’t know what it is called, so the pictures are all about zip-lines… oops… what are they called, do you know?)

The first half of the climb was easy… your weight created a slope in the cable… the second part was wicked… you had to, hand over hand, pull your weight over.

It was a lot like mountain climbing: you put one foot in front of the other, and you don’t quit. Small feats take you there. Continue reading “Big audacious actions or tiny steps?”

How and what can move you out of not moving?

How and what can move you out of not moving?

inertia renders you not moving aka stuckIsaac Newton was very famous… he invented the concept of gravity, he created laws of movement, and a lot of other things we consider laws… blah blah blah.

Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation that formed the dominant scientific viewpoint until it was superseded by the theory of relativity.

The most important laws he ‘formulated’ that have a day to day effect to understand ourselves are the laws of motion.

His first ‘law’ of motion can be expressed in many different ways, examples:

  • A stationary object with no outside force will not move.
  • With no outside forces, a moving object will not stop.
  • An object at rest stays at rest.

Continue reading “How and what can move you out of not moving?”

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

The human spirit and the predatory genes…

who wears the pants in this relationship? predatory genesI’ve done thousands of starting point measurements, muscletest 34 things about you, that measure the inner struggle between the predatory genes, the soul, and the spirit.

It is one thing to do thousands of these, and quite another to measure the same person monthly, or frequently. The insights come from seeing what behaviors, what moods, what results correlate with what measurements.

In this article I will talk about those correlations, in the context of power vs. force, spirit vs. predatory genes.

I’ll begin with a little history: the term predatory genes came from a book, The Cure by Douglas Richards.

Continue reading “The human spirit and the predatory genes…”

Self-trust… do you earn it or do you just have it?

Self-trust… do you earn it or do you just have it?

self-trustAs I unlock more and more abilities for people, as more and more abilities get activated, I am starting to see something new emerge.

When one ability is suddenly available, like The Sight, other abilities that were already there can now be expressed.

Expression is the technical term for DNA capacities… The DNA is there, but it is not expressed.

It’s a lot like this: to assemble a piece of furniture, you need tools and not just one tool.

Continue reading “Self-trust… do you earn it or do you just have it?”