Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a ‘practitioner’ of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing. Continue reading “Cancer: The unintended consequence of positive thinking”

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never know

There is a secret to mastery most people will never crack.

Most people will never see… because it is in plain sight and yet invisible.

The movie Karate Kid gives away… and still no one gets it

There is a turning point in the movie Karate Kid 1984. The original movie. Continue reading “There is a secret to mastery most people will never know”

The backdrop method of building a new, more effective Self

The backdrop method of building a new, more effective Self
Just because your brain can do something doesn’t mean you will

What you WILL do depends on a whole lot more than what your brain can do.

How you will develop the habit to fully use what your brain can do is the question here.

If you live a life, if your habits don’t require much from your brain then your numbers in your starting point measurements expressing this will be low. Continue reading “The backdrop method of building a new, more effective Self”

What is the difference between a winner and a loser?

What is the difference between a winner and a loser?

If you observe, every long running TV show went through a sudden change a year or two ago.

The plots got steeper, the camera movements swifter. Why? Because we live in “attention economy”. The rarest resource, the most un-renewable resource is people’s attention. Continue reading “What is the difference between a winner and a loser?”

What does emotional and intellectual inflexibility do?

What does emotional and intellectual inflexibility do?

intellectual inflexibilityAlmost all Nobel laureates in the sciences are actively engaged in arts as adults. They are twice as likely as the average scientist to be a photographer; four times as likely to be a musician; eight times more likely to do woodworking or some other craft; twelve times more likely to write poetry and literature; seventeen times as likely to be an artist; and twenty-five times as likely to sing, dance, or act.
– Bob Root-Bernstein, PhD

That, above, is probably a puzzling fact.

The question you should be having on your tongue is to ask: Why is that so?

The answer, of course, is below the visible, the invisible. Continue reading “What does emotional and intellectual inflexibility do?”

Can beliefs be changed? With energy, coaching, activators?

Can beliefs be changed? With energy, coaching, activators?

Can beliefs be changed? With energy, with voodoo, with hypnosis, with activators, theta healing, NLP, positive thinking, mind movies, ANYTHING?

Every Joe Shmo and their brother, every so called ‘transformational modality’ goes for the goal of changing your beliefs. Continue reading “Can beliefs be changed? With energy, coaching, activators?”

Often things you want look and feel and maybe ARE impossible

Often things you want look and feel and maybe ARE impossible

the optimistI wrote this article about the seemingly impossible and seemingly impossible dreams. I am republishing it because it is a teaching, I can see, is needed.

Often things you want look impossible.

How do I know it? Because, for me, it is an daily experience. Continue reading “Often things you want look and feel and maybe ARE impossible”

For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you

For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you

I am having flashbacks.

I hoped I wasn’t going to live long enough to live it in reality, but there you have it… I am.

Nazism. Law of Attraction. Idol worship. Pipe dreams. Continue reading “For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee. I weep for you”

To a child everything seems to appear magically

To a child everything seems to appear magically
To a child everything seems to appear magically because they want it.

Eventually a child will learn what is real life, reality… or not.

If even just one of your entitlement genes are still active (we are born with two. Genes that make us docile as babies) your ability to deal with reality is impaired: you are still a child waiting for magical, mystical, miraculous, sudden, instant… and don’t even consider that you have to do anything for it, other than wanting it. Continue reading “To a child everything seems to appear magically”

Do you have it or does it have you? Beliefs, pipe dreams

Do you have it or does it have you? Beliefs, pipe dreams

Do you have it or does it have you?

pipe dreams

I’ve been spending a lot of time watching videos with Ricky Gervais, a funnyman. Continue reading “Do you have it or does it have you? Beliefs, pipe dreams”