Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?

I have mentioned in another post that I am re-reading the book, The Tipping Point. It’s a brilliant book and it talks about something that is very very relevant to the work we are doing here. The work we are attempting to do…

It’s about raising the vibration of humanity, taking humanity, or at least a small group, to the next evolutionary stage.

With the current level of evolution, humanity is not capable of bringing in the age of “Heaven on Earth”, also known as “The Thousand Years of Peace.”

This article is about what is in the way (the single most important obstacle) and how to go about removing it.

Continue reading “Why you can’t go to the next evolutionary stage? Why you can’t be living your soul’s purpose? Why you can’t raise your vibration? And what you can do about it?”

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?

Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead of what everyone says I should read: non-fiction, someone talking ABOUT something?

In my recent conversation I have realized something important: people not only have a narrow cone of vision, they don’t even know where else they could be looking other than where they are already looking.

I realized that looking is a skill.

It comes from someone taking you by the hand and takes you to places you would not think to go, and maybe even point out what you could look at, what you could get curious about. Continue reading “Why do I prefer to read fiction, instead non-fiction?”

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?

Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?
A minor miracle happened yesterday morning…

I found that one of my students who had willfully turned off The Sight capacity, unexpectedly allowed it to stay on. Or maybe it was a major miracle… we shall see. Continue reading “Win the war not the battles… or where are you looking?”

What are your strengths? Do you know them?

What are your strengths? Do you know them?

know your strengthsPeter Drucker, famed management guru said: ‘Build on your strengths’…

“A person can perform only from strength. One cannot build performance on weaknesses, let alone on something one cannot do at all.”

It seems that even one strength built on and used makes the person’s fatal flaws insignificant… Boggles the mind that so few actually do build on their strengths, because all the self-help books talks about your weaknesses.

And that is tragic… but it now makes sense that…

People have a really difficult time finding their strengths. Continue reading “What are your strengths? Do you know them?”

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

Whether Darwin said that anything like that, or he didn’t… doesn’t concern me. The principle is true, whether a famous person said it or not.

In the evolutionary sense, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Continue reading “It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it”

Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?

Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?

I am reading an amazing AND disturbing book. Again.

I have been heeding the words of my teacher, Robert S. Hartman, that to fight evil, you need to know evil, intimately. Be able to recognize it everywhere… in yourself and in others.

Like yourself, I prefer to look at pretty, beautiful, harmonious, happy… But if you want to tell the truth, there is not much of that, at least where humans are involved. Continue reading “Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?”

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

Thinking of life as an iterative game changes how you play it… Life. Positioning yourself for the future carries more weight than ‘winning’ in the moment.

I read that yesterday, and it immediately clicked with me…

Let me explain:

My methodology, my approach to life, to work, to transformation, to everything, is iterative.

Even in architecture: I was attracted to iterative design… the growing house… starting with just a tiny house that was designed with the big house in mind.

Iterative means: I start with an incomplete execution of an idea… and I improve on it after lots of testing, and go through this cycle several times.

I used that approach to raise my vibration from 35 to 991 in 35 years. Continue reading “life is an iterative game. change how you play it”

When life FEELS empty and meaningless… because it is

When life FEELS empty and meaningless… because it is

I love this joke:

This dude goes to his rabbi to find out the secret of living long.

The rabbi says: simple. In the morning get up, do your ablutions, have breakfast, kiss your wife, go to work, after work go home, kiss your wife, eat dinner, watch TV and go to sleep. Do this every day. That is the secret.

Oh, the dude says. And if I do this I will live long?

I don’t know, says the rabbi, but it will feel long.

This is where the laughter of recognition should come in.

The overwhelming experience of a lot of us of loooong days and short weeks is what I am going to look into in today’s article.

Life is empty and meaningless… says Werner Erhard. What he doesn’t say: it doesn’t need to FEEL empty and meaningless… It is up to you. That it IS empty and meaningless is independent of you. But the feelings are up to you. Continue reading “When life FEELS empty and meaningless… because it is”

What does it mean: get out of your own way?

What does it mean: get out of your own way?

I am noticing a phenomenon that is both interesting and terrifying:

When people include themselves in their cone of vision, in their visual field when they need to answer a question, give a view of something, they literally become stupid. Moronic. Continue reading “What does it mean: get out of your own way?”

The role of the size of your visual field in life

The role of the size of your visual field in life
tunnel visionTunnel Vision

One of the barriers to a successful life is your tendency to look at the world with a tightly narrowed cone of vision.

You only see a tiny sliver of what-is, and you make your decisions from that.

It’s like doing grocery shopping in a pitch dark grocery store you are not familiar with, having access only to a pen-light… you would have to look at everything and it would take you hours what would only take me minutes.

But worse than that: what you actually see at the light of the pen-light, you now drag it into your man-cave… your mind, and start chewing on it… or denying it… either way: You stopped looking. Continue reading “The role of the size of your visual field in life”