Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle

Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle

anna karenina principleHow does change fit into the Anna Karenina Principle, or the principle said in another way: the method of taking away what doesn’t contribute to happiness to make your life better?

Remember: the Anna Karenina Principle says: All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

The principle implies that the unhappy families have one or more things that make them unhappy, things happy families don’t have… That happiness is simple, while unhappiness is complicated.

In this article I will look at change and how the Anna Karenina principle, of taking away what doesn’t contribute can be done in the context of change. Continue reading “Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle”

I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman

the three r's of changeAlan Deutschman says you need 3 R’s… relate, repeat, reframe to effect lasting change.

I hate when people try to do anagrams or 3r’s from their advice, but I’ll fight off my disgust, and translate for you…

Relate, the first R, stands for hope. Trust. Faith. Faith that you can and will do it.

He says that for someone to change someone else has the believe that they can.

The doctor, the therapist, the teacher. Continue reading “I am reading this book, Change or Die by Alan Deutschman”

What is the Promised Land I have been talking about?

What is the Promised Land I have been talking about?

the promised land signThe Promised Land… what the F…?

Yeah, I expected this reaction. And no, I am not some religious cult, and the Promised Land is not somewhere physically, like on Mars.

The Promised Land is embedded in our DNA… a new Man, fully godlike, and fully equipped to live in productive peace that was foretold, the thousand years of peace.

What is that? Continue reading “What is the Promised Land I have been talking about?”

How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?

How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?

change yourself change your lifeChange yourself, change your life. When you change everything changes.

That is the principle… But how do you change yourself?

And if you manage to do that: is that change permanent? Does it go as deep as your DNA? or is it temporary?

Great questions, disappointing answers. You CAN change yourself, and the new you will be temporary… unless the change is so profound that it causes epigenetic shift… which is rare, but possible.

Why change? Because how you are creates a predictable future, and for most of us: that is very ugly, tragic, and lacks what we really wanted our life to give us: joy, satisfaction, self-love.

If that is a good reason for you, then keep reading. If not… don’t bother…

This article is going to be, hopefully, the first in a series of articles that explore change. Continue reading “How do you change yourself into someone who actually gets sh!t done?”

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?

soaring methodAre you in harmony with Life? If you aren’t, you likely cannot soar… And soaring is the key to living a life worth living. This article shows what’s in the way and suggests how to remove what prevents you from soaring.

This article is a meandering journal entry: just walk with me… it will be worth your while. I promise.

The more in tune you are with the Universe, inner or outer, the more what I am going to share here applies to you.

My core group students are going through the grief of what it was like to be a child with a violent father, or a father who didn’t like the way you were, or having been an unplanned unwanted pregnancy…

The deeper you can go into the despair of it, the easier it is going to be to create a new name for you… and to create a new reality around that new person. Continue reading “Why some cultures honor the soaring eagle as their symbol?”

Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

We are working to uproot you from misery… and helping you to grow some legs.. so you can dance, move, joyfully.

One more thing to mention that unless you truly get this, nothing else will help, nothing else will matter:

The most important fact about reality is this: there is nothing that is missing in reality.

there is no ‘no’ in reality. So if you want to live in reality, then suddenly we won’t hear the word, inside and out, no, don’t, haven’t, shouldn’t, etc.

I have a young couple living downstairs in this two family house.

I always check if they are at home, and I always opinionate about how they live their lives, at least the part I can see.

So this evening I did what I always do, just after I sent an email to my faithful ‘flexibility capacity’ clients. Continue reading “Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs”

Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong

Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong

breaking into a new careerIt seems that many people are stuck in a profession they don’t like. And also many people don’t have a profession and are afraid to pick one.

Among my students I have both kinds…

Interestingly there is some commonality in the underlying attitudes.

One attitude is something I could call stingy, but it may not be the right word.

The commonality is: I want certainty, guarantees BEFORE I’d do anything. Continue reading “Breaking into a new field: how to do it right or wrong”

The top of the mountain view: gets rid of the brain fog…

The top of the mountain view: gets rid of the brain fog…
One of the things I teach people I coach is to do things differently than they would instinctively do.

One customary way to build a project is from the bottom up.

Let’s look at a dissertation, a paper, an article, a book. Or climbing a mountain. Or building a software app.

What is in common among them is that you’ll have an idea, then parts, processes, and then an end result.

I normally teach this through the example of climbing a mountain.

Why? Because standing on the top of the mountain is a different view than standing at the foot of the mountain.
Continue reading “The top of the mountain view: gets rid of the brain fog…”

Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff…

Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff…

Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do

Part One: Knowing yourself is key to being able to change
We all think that we know ourselves… and then when it turns out to be wrong, we are surprised, but unphased in our certainty that we know ourselves.

Why is it nearly impossible to you to know yourself?

Because self-reflection is an intangible, spiritual capacity that can only open up if and when you look at your effect, your reflection, your feedback from the world around you. Continue reading “Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff…”

What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?

What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much.

Something is driving me…

I used to say it this way: “I can do no other”… Continue reading “What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it?”