Want more, better, different than what you have?

Want more, better, different than what you have?
Want more, better, different than what you have? Here is my contribution to the “manifesting” craze

It seems that people live with a desire way bigger than their skills, their opportunities, their earning capacity, their level of focus, their will power would fulfill.

Desire for stuff, desire for recognition, desire for opulence, status, love, travel, all known to cost you… but who wants to pay? right?

So methods of magic justified with “science” have been popping up.

They say: create with your mind
They say: manifest
They say focus on what you want
They say: want it really really really
They say: place your order to the Universe
They say raise your vibration so what you want will come to you.

So let’s look at this last one, because this falls into our expertise: we raise people’s vibration here… we raise people’s consciousness. Continue reading “Want more, better, different than what you have?”

What can you learn from The Mind Parasites?

What can you learn from The Mind Parasites?
Can you learn how to have peace of mind, productive, and maybe even happy from Colin Wilson and from the book The Mind Parasites?

Colin Wilson died a few years ago. He left a legacy of of many many books, some of them I have read. His vibration was 200, and yet the book can leave you a lot more empowered than Colin Wilson ever was…

This article is about that… how to be empowered by that book, the idea that there are parasites, mind parasites that have their own agenda in your brain. Continue reading “What can you learn from The Mind Parasites?”

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery

There are, in my experience, three thinking brains, at least potentially, in every human…

The first thinking brain

The first thinking brain, the mind, that is in cahoots, in collusion with the selfish gene, works against you. That is what creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it. Continue reading “The third brain… immersion: the secret to mastery”

Want to become competent in life? Competence is rare…

Want to become competent in life? Competence is rare…

I watched, mostly listened to the ‘masterclass’ selling Eric Edmeades’ Wildfit course.

The truth value of what Eric Edmeades said was 30%. There was nothing in it that was untrue… it just cannot go higher when you have a product for mass consumption, a one size fit all product.

Eric Edmeades’ vibration is 200.

As in every masterclass, he was having a conversation with Vishen Lakhiani, who looks fabulous, but is insufferable, for the most part. His vibration is 150. Continue reading “Want to become competent in life? Competence is rare…”

Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?

Most people have one or two tools in their tool box… And what is even stranger: they don’t want any more. Why?

Some of you cannot deal with complexity, and therefore you will deny your right to feel feelings. And some of you will indulge your feelings and never look, never ask any probing questions that could let you see what is really going on…

What am I talking about?

In the Playground program, always starting new groups, we attempt to bring clarity to life, we attempt to reclaim our power over our lives by separating what life seems to be, what seems to be happening in many different ways. One of these is having a “reality” side, everything a Martian could see or detect, and another that is all words. Continue reading “Feelings, emotions… what should you do with them?”

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…

I have been, I am just noticing, making myself miserable.

What got me out of that direction down to desperation, ultimately, a Carlos Castaneda 1 quote:

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same

Continue reading “What can a one-track pony teach you? Teach me…”

You attract money if you match its vibration? True or false?

You attract money if you match its vibration? True or false?
The first question needs to be answered is this: does money have vibration?

And the answer is: no. Neither the pieces of money, bits, bytes, paper or metal… they don’t have any “vibration”… and neither does the idea of money, the concept of money.

The second question that needs to be answered: do YOU have a vibration? And the answer is no, you don’t have “vibration” either.

So what are we talking about when we assign a certain number to a person? We are talking about what they can see accurately, and what attitude they have towards themselves, the world, and other people.

We compare them with the Ideal Man, the godlike being that was predicted in the scriptures… what is possible for a human on a higher level of evolution. A Human BEING.

Now, does your “vibration”, the height matching your personal evolution with the scale of the Ideal Man, have anything to do with money?

Hell yeah. It does. Continue reading “You attract money if you match its vibration? True or false?”

The Bulletproof Diet or Wildfit work?

Normally either someone uses these expensive and generic programs or opt to use my individual muscletested diet for themselves. But it seems I got lucky, and one client first started to do the Bulletproof Diet… and then came to me for his individual food list and eating type.

The client got their Starting Point Measurements, that include their hydration and their health number.

His health was rated at 10%. He ate a vegan diet, which means no animal foods, not even eggs, or milk.

When he shifted to the Bulletproof Diet his health number jumped to 20%.

Encouraged, he asked for a full health consult… That was a few days ago… and now his health number is 30%. The new rise is partially still due to the Bulletproof Diet, and partially the new food list/eating style.

What is the difference between his standard Bulletproof Diet and his individual diet?

Continue reading “The Bulletproof Diet or Wildfit work?”

What you crave is experiences… So you make them up

What you crave is experiences… So you make them up

This morning I am looking at the tremendous difference between high vibration and low vibration. My head is spinning… wow.

One can say, that vibration is a number that measures how much of reality you see accurately.

  • What you see, of course, depends on what you know, what you can distinguish from everything else… accurately.
  • What you see, of course, depends on where you are when you are looking. How high, and how wide and how deep you look.
  • and what you see, of course depends on what you’ll consider as relevant… we’ll consider this your grounds of being.
  • and lastly, what you see will depend on your attitude aka what is driving the looking.

All these, of course, are nearly invisible for the looker. the person whose vibration we measure…

I am saying “nearly invisible” because unless you pay attention to what you see, to where you are looking from, to what you consider relevant and to what is your attitude… these factors are unconscious and therefore not seen. Invisible. Continue reading “What you crave is experiences… So you make them up”

Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child

Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child

Did you get stuck, ontologically, at a 3-year old’s level, and you are still behaving like a 3-year old child

Ontology is being science.

It looks at the grounds of your being. Here are a few examples: “I am an object in the world of objects.” “I am not free to be myself!” “There is something wrong and it needs to be fixed!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “I already know!” “It’s mine!” “I am a girl” “I am not loved” “Life is dangerous” “I can’t count on anyone” “I am worthless” 2

Your life is built on the grounds of your being… like a house. You don’t like your life? Examine your grounds of being: the issue is there. Continue reading “Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child”