There are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers that fit each other as glove and hand
Guru Category 1. The Hopeful Path:
Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.You really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But you know you aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in your emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught. Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human. You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory. Continue reading “The 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The 3 Types Of Seekers”
Soul correction… if it is accurate and really something recognizable, then you should be able to tell someone’s soul correction without knowing their birth date.
I found an email in my inbox recommending an article on what Tony Schwartz, Donald Trump’s “The Art of The Deal” book’s ghostwriter has to say now that the Republicans make Donald Trump their presidential candidate. Donald Trump: personal vibration: 70. Number of spiritual capacities: 4, overall intelligence, including emotional and spiritual intelligence: 30. For contrast: Adolph Hitler: personal vibration: 100. spiritual capacities: 4. overall intelligence: 50.
I am only halfway in the article, and it is already clear: Donald Trump is the archetype of a bombastic liar, a delusional self-aggrandizing sociopath… The soul correction of “Finish What You Start”.
Obviously each soul correction is a scale… where the correction is done to one degree or another.
You CAN tune into the Zero Point Field, I have been, but it is much less colorful, much less like the channelers and the entities and the b.s. that is floating out there.
But you are stupid… and you can be told anything, you’ll be fascinated, and blown away.
Here are a few examples:
Jane Roberts: personal vibration: 100. Truth value of what she says: less than 1%. Bullshit artist.
Esther Hicks: personal vibration: 150. Truth value of what she says: 1%
A course in miracles and its author Helen Schucman: personal vibration: 70, 1%
Living in the three levels of value, the systemic, the extrinsic, and the intrinsic, lived fully, and balanced, is the secret to the good life.
The Indian sages, including the Buddha, skipped the extrinsic. They taught people not to live there. They had a disdain for it.
But work is on the extrinsic level, making money is on that level, so skipping it means living a life of charity. Living a life where you cannot value another person on all levels… because you don’t value the values of that level.
Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is.
This is very catchy… titillating even. I read this on a blog talking about the reincarnated soul… Barry McGuiness: personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teaching: 4%.
People look at spiritual work as titillating, and that is why nothing happens as a result of the “work” they do. 1
Work is always painful. Work is never “nice”, never an experience, never passive. The soul isn’t doing the work, and the world’s people consciousness isn’t like the Bell Curve…
if you are not on my list, here is the email I sent yesterday. From that email I got many requests for checking, and most people had attachments and cords, so now I have a lot more experience to tell you what attachment removal does, etc. So here is the email:
All the healers I have ever written about have one thing in common: they do not connect to Source, and they do not know how to connect to you.
Of course, if you are lying on their table, their hands can do the job of connecting.
But if they “DO” what they do remotely, like Carol Tuttle, Mr. T, Christie Marie Sheldon, and a horde of lesser names, then they have only one way to do it: shoot an arrow in your direction and do what they do through a cord attached to that arrow.
When they are done “healing” or whatever they do, they leave the cord there… there is no way they know how to remove it, other than connecting to you: and that they cannot. They are not able to.
So you end up with a number of cords dangling from your energy body, sucking you dry, leaving you to leak energy, create blockages, and poison you slowly to death.
This week I started to offer attachment/cord removal, because I don’t know anyone to refer you to.
It’s hard work, and against my principles, I work on you, and sell my time for money.
But the work needs to get done: you have no energy, and you have no power in your life.
So, I am tired… and a handful of people have a chance at life again.
One of the people I worked on, remotely, while she was doing other things, asked if I could train her to do the work. “I have largely failed to teach you to connect to Source, do you think I can teach you to connect to a person through their email address?” I answered.
If you are tired, listless, depressed, you may have an attachment on you.
I can check it for you, and then you have a choice, of having me remove it, or just ignore it.
But at least you’ll know.
I had quite a few people contact me and ask me to check if they had attachments, and all that found out they had, asked me to remove them. So I have had my hands full.
Most people had at least three attachments.
After the removal of the cords, their vibration rose
I can only tell the flavor, not the source of the attachment
My experience of the aftermath: freedom. fear disappeared
I consider this process a real success.
More observations:
Some religions put an attachment on you. Depending on where the attachment is, I can guess what religion. cults put an attachment on you distant healers put an attachment on you
I prefer to say “attachment” but it’s the same as cord.
One person wrote me an email
Hello sophie, How do I know that you mean well and it is not you that keeps a cord for energy?
I answered: you don’t… and unsubscribed her from my mailing list…
Then I went and checked if she had attachments. Yes, 4. While I was doing the checking, two attachments, both on the top of the head, jumped over to me. I quickly removed them from myself.
So far I have only experienced something like this once, attachments being contagious: with Mr. T’s attachments. But these ones felt like Satanic or religious attachments, pure hate.
Unless someone can maintain a connection, an energetic channel open long enough to do something substantial through it, they have to create something that is permanent: a cord or an energetic attachment, a flag, a transmitter.
It’s nasty: you become their prey. You have no say in the matter what and when they send you or pump away from you.
Why I don’t need that: I am an empath: being an empath means I don’t need a channel. I actually merge with you for the time of the connection. I feel what you feel. I work on my own body to cause healing. If you watched me, you would see me giving myself energy. But while I am connected to you, you receive all that energy. I don’t even feel myself, I only feel you.
A friend of my coined it “healing by proxy”, and I like it. It is an accurate description of what I do.
If you could find your attachments, you could remove them yourself, by the way.
But my experience of you is that you are asleep and dead…
But, if you are one of those rare people who is aware: you can feel attachments and you can pull them, and pull them and pull them, until they are removed. The “tail” of the attachments can be as long as 100 yards long. You should feel as it uncoils, as it is pulled from different organs, etc.
My blessings to you if you can do it.
There is one healer among my students who has two attachments, and in my regular once a month call with her, I will help her find it and remove it: I’ll just observe, so she can experience her own power.
She has been doing some magical work on others, hands on, by the way. I have learned from her as well.
PS: As I was searching for pictures for this article on the web, I found references to what other people teach, cutting attachments, and dissolving attachments.
Unfortunately, just like with weeds, superficial cutting will not cause the weed to die: it will continue sucking your life force.
Another thing I saw: considering that someone, another mere mortal can own you, get you attached to them. That is not the case, although if you live your life in a somnambulent, sleepwalking state, of course it is possible.
I think it takes magik, sorcery, to attach a cord to another, and not everyone is capable to that evil, or even wants to.
Here are two practitioners and their vibrational review:
Sarah Petruno: shamana personal vibration: 170. truth value of what she says: 2% is what she does effective? no
Michelle at Guided Hands Reiki in Barrie, Ontario personal vibration: 90 truth value of what she teaches: 3% is what she does effective? somewhat
The 67-step program isn’t about money. It’s about living the good life. Whatever that means to you.
If it is being financially free, rich, beautiful, famous, happy, fulfilled… whatever you are willing to work for, that you have a natural inclination, i.e. talent for, you can become.
I did another teacher’s, T. Harv Eker’s course, The Millionaire Mind Intensive twice.
For me the course had one sentence that was instructive: “It is not making the millions of dollars, it who you need to become to earn and have millions of dollars that matters.” 2
Harv subsequently effectively sold me courses, courses that cost me over 30 grands… courses that gave me nothing in addition to that one sentence.
This is important, because this is what I have in mind when I think about today’s spiritual teachers: they teach that doing will create beingness. Or speaking… or thinking…
Sometimes I wish I could force you to buy something I know you need, and I know you’ll really benefit from.
I have signed up to Tai Lopez67 steps program. He says that research now says that it takes 67 days to establish a new way of being, a new take on life… That is why it lasts 67 days.
It is dripped out one session a day, for 67 days. I signed up yesterday, so I had two sessions, two audios to watch today.
I don’t know if he can keep this up, but both sessions talk about something I should talk about, and as soon as I make it mine, I will… I do have a commitment to never just repeat something, but make it mine first.
Often (too often!) people write to me telling me that I am not supposed to get angry, not supposed to be stingy, not supposed to be on thing or another…
Why? Because enlightened means, according to them, forever joyful, forever happy, and rich, rich, rich.
Having smooth youthful face, a radiant smile, and a slim body, if you are a woman. Men have no such requirements. They can be ugly, they can be a predator, they can be even disgusting looking. For men it’s OK.
So, what is the truth about enlightenment? Is there such a thing at all?
The answer depends on who you ask, but whoever you ask: they are speaking from Tree of Knowledge.
Why? Because if you say ‘I am enlightened’ according to scriptures you are lying. And if you say ‘I am not enlightened’ you don’t know what you are talking about…
Enlightened is a trick. Just like it is a trick to call Jesus (if he existed at all) the son of god.
It is to feed the masses with inferiority… you are not like that. Creating a caste system.
Or alternatively, since the last century, anyone who can say ohm, and sit in the lotus position is ‘an enlightened master. I just found a new ‘enlightened master’ Ibrahim Hassan in Egypt. He has 10 spiritual capacities, personal vibration 170, and truth value less than 1%
enlightened master
spiritually aware: having a good and accurate grasp on how reality is… This is the dictionary meaning. When I listen to people, they say: enlightened with reverence… so, I guess, their meaning is something like approaching god-like.
enlightened master ibrahim
I both listened to this person, and watched this person with the audio off… Both times I felt his impostor syndrome, I felt that he listen with the mind and speaks from the mind. None of what he says is his personal experience. Fake…
enlightened master ibrahim hassan
As I said, bs artist.
‘, a guru, and your job is touch their feet and sit with them so you can entrain yourself to their vibration.
But my measurements of any guru is that they were and are low vibration, full of anxiety, impostor syndrome, who abused their power and had no integrity.
So the so-called enlightenment, looking through the ‘enlightened ones’ is a scam to create a them and you… hunger and greed for enlightenment, no mind, silence, and such.
So the result is more anxiety, more pretense, and more misery. Wahoo… success?!
My claim to fame is not what I have attained to. My claim to fame is that I don’t ask you to do anything I am not willing to do, and 90% of the time I actually do, when I ask you to do it.
My claim to fame is I am a ‘man of understanding’ using Osho’s wording, Osho’s expression. That simply means that I don’t say something from my head, I look, I see, I say.
And given the number of years that I have been doing this, I see a lot more than anyone I know, and a lot more accurately. That is not to say that I am accurate 100% of the time. According to muscletest, I am accurate 93% of the time. 7% of the time I am off. How off? Off…
Compared to the 2%-10% truth value of others, I am up there, but I am not 100%.
Now, with that in mind, that is only when I speak. And mostly when I speak about you to you.
When it comes to me, I am wrong 20% of the time. Why? Because it is very hard to see your own self.
So if I lived till 120, I still would not see myself accurately, even though it is a daily occurrence that I see something I was wrong about.
Can you be with me, can you trust me if I am only accurate 93% of the time? And that with double-checking myself with muscletest, really frequently… Without that I would be wrong a lot more often.
Some people, especially if your soul correction is ‘Silent Partner’, have a serious issue with trust.
It is because you are afraid to trust yourself. Because you have an eye for mistakes you make… and you even pay more attention than others.
So your issue with self-trust is projected to others in the world, and you’ll have a hard time trusting me.
One of the fundamental missings, for a lot of people, is self-trust, the ability to say: if I screw up: I can handle it. If I succeed, I can handle that too.
Self-trust is the ability to say: I can handle it.
When self trust is turned on and is working, you stop resisting, you stop procrastinating, you stop avoiding what you are not sure about… and become an expanding human going on expanding human being.
Because lack of self-trust is preventing you from that…
The activation is, on your end, is quite simple: you need to do, for three days, things you are not used to doing: taking risky steps, talking to strangers, asking for help, taking wrong turns driving, taking on assignment you are not sure you can fulfill but are going to.
It will not eliminate fear: I am still afraid from new things… but I am rarely stopped by them. Now that I have included being homeless as something I can be with… I can see that I can handle a lot more… Jail? dealing with authorities? Still scares the living out of me… So self-trust is 70% working.
And this is what you should expect with every capacity: it is a 1-100% thing… For example, generosity is only 30% active and working for me. I still interrupt people, I still connect their success with my no-success and react with anger…
Whether I am ‘enlightened’ or not, I am still human.
PS: If self-trust is your big issue, here is the link to order the activation of self-trust. Self-trust is sorely needed for most of the things on the Tree of Life.
Especially it is needed when I ask you to choose something, or invent something, as in the upcoming Invent Your Self course…