The Tiny Steps Approach To Life, aka trimtabbing or Kaizen

Warning: the biggest learning is in the PS!

I could make enemies with this article. But don’t worry: I won’t, unless by accident.

The success or business gurus, whose business will suffer if you follow this path, aren’t in the habit of checking what people say about the stuff they teach. They are so sure they got you, hook, line and sinker, that they will never suspect that they lost you to some other theory of success.

And they will be right. Continue reading “The Tiny Steps Approach To Life, aka trimtabbing or Kaizen”

What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see yours?

fake it worldview

fake it worldviewYou can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on. Continue reading “What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see yours?”

4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness

the future given present

4 daily tasks: the future given present4 daily tasks: not what you need to do. instead what you see you can do for a future you decided to have.

In my case the future: being able to pick up and move countries without loss of productivity, loss of health, loss of income, loss of standard of living. Having an apartment, food, transportation, internet connection, mobile phone… the important things.

The four daily tasks are really a very useful tool.

An aside: what is a task? Anything that you can do in one sitting, not long enough even to have to get up to go to the bathroom. Even writing an article is a project that is made up of several tasks… idea, outlining, writing, editing, title, publishing. It may include even researching… Continue reading “4 daily tasks… a revolutionary tool to happiness”

I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?

what if monster

what if monsterWhat if? Let’s look at it, shall we?

You see, the ‘mind’ is only concerned with future… while it squarely looks at the past. Yeah, the mind looks in the direction of the future, but it looks at the rear view mirror…

And it makes its decisions from the past, past failures, past track record, past mistakes, past pains and punishments.

Moreover, the mind is only interested in the bad stuff… it wants to protect you from it.

I have a track record of 70% good decisions, and I can see what the mind is doing: it looks straight at the 30%… not at the good decisions. Continue reading “I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?”

Unless it doesn’t make sense it won’t do anything for you

My father taught one thing to me with words, that although it only landed some three decades later, has caused me to finally become successful and healthy… with relationships that are enjoyable…

Obviously the decades in between weren’t like that. They were full of suffering, misery, health deteriorating, and relationship that weren’t fun…

And I didn’t get better because I got older… I got wiser… because finally I understood what my father taught me… Continue reading “Unless it doesn’t make sense it won’t do anything for you”

Are you a lone wolf? The capacity of inclusivity…

Some animals are lone rangers… hunt alone. Maybe eat their young when hungry. Other animals hunt in a pack. Humans are supposedly pack animals, but individuals dare to differ. I am not a pack animal, although when I find a group of people who welcome me, I get all teary eyed… but even then: I’ll do my own thing, and ‘belong’ to the pack as a leader. And if I can’t be a leader, if I can’t have a voice, I don’t want to be there.

Which means: humans vary in many regards, and this is just one of them.

As a kid I was the black sheep. For years I wasn’t even included in family dinners… my mother sent my food in on a tray with my little brother.

I felt excluded. Thrown out. Left out. Continue reading “Are you a lone wolf? The capacity of inclusivity…”

Let’s look at your life as a business, shall we?

One of the most impactful 10-week seminars I ever did with Landmark Education asked the participants to look at their lives as a business. Me, Inc.

At that point in my life I was better, much better at business than at life… and maybe, if you look closely, I still am.

I am going to ask you the same thing Landmark Education asked us: consider your life a business. If you are suddenly experiencing an oh oh moment, or an ugh moment, you are not alone.

Almost everyone I know is guilty of misusing their assets, wasting them, and not paying any attention at the bottom line… so this will be a useful article, if you can just get over yourself, and get curious… and into learning mode.

Ready? No? Then come back later…

‘Your business is kind of like sex. If you’re not enjoying it, you’re probably not doing it right.’ ~ Bill Maher

Continue reading “Let’s look at your life as a business, shall we?”

It’s all in a day’s work… what does it mean?

3 years oldWhat’s the invisible dynamic that makes “It’s all in a day’s work” so transformative?

I have a different relationship to work than most people.

People at large want to do what they want to do, and don’t want to do what they don’t want to do. An attitude, a behavior, a maturity level of a 3-year old.

It is the level where most people got stuck, and now they are unhappy, because the world doesn’t respect their wishes, their rules, their “right”… so they are angry, pissed, reluctant, belligerent, feel slighted, lazy, stupid, clueless… whatever it takes to avoid playing life at life’s terms.

It’s easier to see it on misbehaving 6 year olds, than on adults… but it’s there. Continue reading “It’s all in a day’s work… what does it mean?”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?

I had an interesting insight this morning.

Putting a price tag on any product, service, or coaching is going to be a lie. My courses. My strategy sessions. My coaching. My health consultations. My activators. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on Earth…

Really, almost any product.

For one main reason:

You, The Buyer, create the value for yourself!

Continue reading “Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?”