Growth is like a spiral… only when you have made a full circle… that you see it

taking-a-showerThe 67 steps spiral… second take… I am at step two… and can see the territory I have covered.

There are a few incredibly useful distinctions in the 67 step program.

Of course, if you listen to the audios through the filter: true/false, right/wrong, agree/don’t agree, you’ll miss them all.

And it’s a pity.

How do I listen? I have said it before: I listen in theta mode… i.e. as if I were taking a shower. I get wet.
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The Chess Master OR how can a smart person be so stupid?

chess-finch…or what is the secret ingredient in The Machine that a chess master has or doesn’t…

I have been observing, for no reason, chess masters. Haven seen movies, read books, watched videos… for no reason… other than to allow consciousness to see.

WTF, right?

It is normal to do things for a reason. For fun. For research, For learning. But to take consciousness, like a baby, to the zoo? Who has ever heard anything like that before?
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Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?

Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?
Genetic determinism and the ego’s role in it.

Genetic determinism is the mechanism by which genes, along with environmental conditions, determine looks and behavior.

  • I could also have made the title: your horoscope and your ego’s role in it, or
  • your soul correction and your ego’s role in it.

Continue reading “Do you have free will? What is the ego’s role in that?”

Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy…

Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy…
looking about, multitasking, overwhelmThe ONLY way to be happy is to accept what is.

Accept how it is. And also accept how it isn’t.

Now, this second statement, accept reality how it isn’t is the topic of this article, the essence of this spiritual practice. Accept that it is what it is, not something else, that may look better, faster, easier…

One of the symptoms of not accepting reality the way it isn’t, is overwhelm… another one is misery… Want to know more?

Now, before I continue, I want to explain something:
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Awakening: the one practice to enlightenment

Awakening: the one practice to enlightenment
AwakeningNowThe illusion of progress

I had a rude awakening this morning. The illusion of progress, the illusion of doing something that works hasn’t left me untouched either.

In my coaching session this morning I woke up, I woke up from my illusion. The illusion that people understand what it takes to grow, what it takes to become an expanding human being, the illusion that people know anywhere what the work entails.

I think this illusion is shared by quite a few teachers, but not being alone is not a consolation, it’s just a fact.
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How could you feel REAL LOVE? Experience REAL LOVE?

How could you feel REAL LOVE? Experience REAL LOVE?
experience real loveI’d like to write about love, or being loving today.

In this space I’ll quote Osho, and other people… I am not going to talk about what YOU call love, because what you call love is not love… unless you can call ‘loving ice cream,’ love.
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Develop your Awareness, your conscious awareness

the awareness we are talking about in this article is self-awarenessAwareness 1 , when it is in the context of raising your vibration, is an inner awareness, awareness of what lies below the surface, maybe even several layers deep. But to develop awareness, we need to start real close to the surface, and maybe even outside of it… a little bit. 2

Awareness of your insides is developed through practices in focusing your attention on the details of your emotional responses and your attitudes. You can’t learn anything about yourself, your insides, from others, or from a book: you can only be guided where to look, how to look, but what you will see is what you will see… no telling.
Continue reading “Develop your Awareness, your conscious awareness”