If you start in the middle, you’ll lose…

The most important thing that happened to you happened when you were around three years old. It was a decision that happened to you. Even though you made that decision, you are now a slave to it.

Until that first incident you were innocent. Unless you make that decision malleable, that decision you made about how life is, how you are, how it’s best to behave, nothing can change about you or your life.

I can pull your anchor to doom energetically, and yet… nothing changes. Because that decision is like a physical skeleton, a framework, that everything, all of your life is built on.

And however you are today, however you approach anything comes from that decision. Entirely.

How the world occurred to you then.

Continue reading “If you start in the middle, you’ll lose…”

If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X

  • If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X
  • Work sets you free
  • If you need encouragement to become an entrepreneur you’ll never be an entrepreneur.

Context, of course, is decisive… Arbeit macht frei is true… but…

On the gates of hell, on the gates of Auschwitz, Dachau, Theresianstadt that principle feels like mockery. The slogan: Work sets you free through Crematorium number 3. Sob, sob. Weep, weep.

If you need a reason to work, then you’ll never do work.

Continue reading “If you need encouragement to become X you’ll never be X”

Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

You have two selves. Everyone has two selves. One is your real self, impervious to attacks, slights.

‘That is not true’, you say. ‘I feel like I am attacked, I feel every slight is an attack on me.’

Yeah, this is all true what you say if you identify yourself with your precious I, the second self.

The precious I is an invented self, and it is the sum total of all your aspects.

Continue reading “Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights”

What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation. Continue reading “What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?”

When you see how Life came about, you can live better

There are probably many origin myths. Every group has one, because curiosity is as innate with humans as wanting the best life possible.

An origin myth explains why humans are the way they are… and in a way it also serves as a ‘how to play this game of life’ instruction book.

I am familiar with the ‘god created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested’ myth. Unfortunately, when I look, it doesn’t explain anything well, and it gives instructions that need a PhD to understand, let alone follow. So no, I don’t buy this myth, even though billions of humans do.

I like the Kabbalistic origin myth because in my work of penetrating the invisible I haven’t found anything that doesn’t seem to fit. This includes science too. Continue reading “When you see how Life came about, you can live better”

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

bad newsBad news. On my way home, climbing the long stairway off Euclid Avenue, I was listening to Step 21 of the 67 Steps. It’s about the superpower of being able to get into a relationship with people. Get into a relationship because you can see how their machine works. and because you see it, therefore you can speak their language.

Everything comes to you through people… and…

…you cannot get more abundance than what your people skills allow you to have.

I have been resigned about my ability to get better at dealing with people.

Resigned means: I have a fixed mindset about it, that says: it may be possible for you, but it’s impossible for me. Continue reading “How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?”

Reality for dummies or what can you find there?

reality for dummiesThere is no such book… I made up the cover myself…

A few years ago I made a lot of money selling my Sleep Rescue Remedy. It worked, and 80% of the buyers bought it again. All I needed to do is fill and ship bottles fast enough.

Sleep is a big problem… Continue reading “Reality for dummies or what can you find there?”

Are you ready to find out what you are missing for success?

All successful people share a number of principles by which they operate. Missing even just one of those principles will render you unsuccessful. So find out, at least, what you are missing… What you can’t see you can’t change.

All successful people are alike; every unsuccessful person is unsuccessful in its own way… thousands of way.

The Anna Karenina principle describes an endeavor in which a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms it to failure. Consequently, a successful endeavor (subject to this principle) is one where every possible deficiency has been avoided. Continue reading “Are you ready to find out what you are missing for success?”

If you feel like I have slighted you, can you learn from me?

Kiki the cat: tool for transformation and soul correctionI had a cat a decade or so ago. Her name was Kiki. She had a relationship with me that was very similar to my clients’ relationship with me.

I could say love and hate, but it would be a lie.
I could say need and resentment… that is the closest I can get to wording what was the essence.

My cat was a stray kitten when I adopted her. I already had another cat, a huge tomcat. But occasionally I invited the tiny and scrawny kitten to eat. She ran in and ran out several times. Took a bite and then ran. I guess to make sure that she wasn’t imprisoned. Continue reading “If you feel like I have slighted you, can you learn from me?”

Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success

One of the concepts that none of my students have gotten before is process. Until now.

And maybe when she shares what she sees you’ll be able to see what you haven’t seen before. Whether you are a student of mine or just a reader.

This is from a student of mine. She has been in training for nine months. It’s taken that long to reach the state where she is ready for ‘step 1’ as she calls it. Continue reading “Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success”