Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?

not thoughts, actionsNote: In this article I will use action and behavior interchangeably…

If you have ever attended a course on making money, or starting a business, you will recall the leader’s frantic call for “massive action.” Then they achieve a whopping 1% actually doing it.

Why is this call frantic? Why does it have to be said? And why does it fail?

Because people have a life already, perfectly and totally defined by their current actions.

Actions come from a place that is unfamiliar or unknown to most people. Most of the actions are habitual, ineffective, and there is no room for new actions, or the new, prescribed actions directly conflict with the habitual actions.
Continue reading “Your dominant belief gone: It is actions that change your life, but what is there to do?”

Therefore: Your conviction is not the same as your behavior

I bark therefore I amTherefore: Your conviction is not the same as your dominant behavior. So what am I pulling?

One of the biggest discoveries, for you and me, is the fact that you can’t produce a different life by changing a belief.

If it worked, and it doesn’t, then all the people who do affirmations, afformations, self-hypnosis, hypnosis, brain entrainment, EFT, would be the most successful people on Earth in the area that they are targeting.

They aren’t… and that is not surprising to me.
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Now that your dominant belief is removed… Now what? What should you expect?

inconvenient-truthOK, let’s look first what you have been expecting? Because this dominant belief issue has been around for quite a while, and you probably blamed your lack of happiness, success, love, etc. on this dominant belief. You’ve wanted it for so long… your life is going to change… so, how did you expect your life to change? Ponder that a little bit, the article will be more valuable if you know what you have been expecting. OK?
Know it? Then you can proceed…
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How would you know if you are a sissy? And I don’t mean gay…

sissy humanityThis is a March 2017 update… Since I wrote this article, I have been able to measure your sissiness score… I call it the TLB Score (Twitchy Little Bastard score)… to what degree you are able to evolve as a human. Personally. You. Able and willing.

Want to know your score? Your life actually shows you… but if you think it’s the circumstances, or not being smart enough… you may want to find out what about you that doesn’t allow you to grow, to create a life worth living.

Get your TLB score… I measure it personally… it is not a questionnaire… How can I measure it? I am a True Empath… I can measure accurately a lot of invisible things about you…

OK… here is the original article.

Humanity is declining… Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

I read a paragraph in an article, online, I can’t seem to find the article any more.

The article says that the United States became a world leader because of its attitude of innovation, and hard work, but today: U.S. consumers spend significantly more on potato chips than the U.S. government devotes to energy Research and Development.

Research and Development, innovation, is what makes a country grow, and it needs people who can cause growth. People who can think. Who are willing to think. Who enjoy thinking, getting to be pioneers… work long hours, be uncomfortable… Not for the money, but because they love challenges. 1
Continue reading “How would you know if you are a sissy? And I don’t mean gay…”

The truth about erasing negativity – Updated

erasing negativity in your life is like picking sand burrs off your clothesIf you are like me, you want to feel free, at ease, full of energy, loving life. But…

The journey to freedom has been fraught with controversies…

Of all the things I’ve ever done, (outside of personal coaching), it was removing attachments, cords, curses and spells, and removing the gaping wounds of the soul fragments… that proved to be the most effective thing to turn people around, and raise their vibration.


Everyone and their brother talks about removing negativity, but they talk about this, and go about it waving a magic wand. Nothing they say works to remove negativity actually works.
Continue reading “The truth about erasing negativity – Updated”

Penetrating the mysteries of existence

ayahuasca offered by a "shaman"There are two kinds of thinkings… or really maybe three.

  1. You grab onto something about what you hear or see, attach it to what you already think you know… and then either go deeper, or not, but definitely not go wider. Most people “think” this way.
  2. This is really the third way: no thinking… lol
  3. This is what I want to talk about in this article… holographic thinking. This is an uncommon way of penetrating the mysteries of existence…

Let’s define what we are talking about.
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What is all-of-it like? benevolent and disinterested? angry and frustrated?

angry antromorphic godI had the most peculiar experience today that forever changed my relationship to Source.

I have been muscletesting everything, and the results have been erratic, and even my name came out as no: Is my name Sophie? No.

That phenomenon is called “turned” when what means “no” become what normally means “yes”.

There is a way to turn oneself back… so no worries.

This “turning” has been becoming more and more frequent, so today I asked the question…
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An insight: your broken soul fragments are still tied to you

activate divinity to de-fragment the heartI just made a discovery while I was pulling the attachments from a woman who had it really bad. (Her starting vibration was 70, and her ending vibration was 170. That is amazing. Just pulling attachments and cords).

Some of these attachments or cords are not the making of others, sometimes they are cords to fragments of our soul, fragments of our self that we have denied because it was too painful to face ourselves. Or we attached it to a “loved one”…
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Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?

You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?

I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?

The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?

This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.
Continue reading “Raise your vibration. What should be your first steps?”

Does your cheerfulness irritate someone? Enough to wish you dead? More on attachments…

witch throwing an attachment

The difference between cords and energetic attachment, psychic attachment is many.

Cords don’t grow roots, they stay where stay landed. They cause damage only by virtue of being there.

Energetic attachments, psychic attachments are “alive” and grow roots, coil around an organ, go from one organ to another.

They are designed to kill, or at least debilitate. They grow fast and siphon your life away.
Continue reading “Does your cheerfulness irritate someone? Enough to wish you dead? More on attachments…”