When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either

there is no hurry on the creative plane... hurry and mistakes go togetherWhen you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either. When you are prepared you can afford to not hurry

An article I wrote about IQ and your inability to see higher than 1 degree above your level, and about 5 degrees below your level fell on dead silence. Hm, interesting. It seems to have violated something unsaid, and got caught in the filter the mind mounts to stop disturbing news to enter your consciousness.

I shared this with the woman who drives me to do my errands on every Tuesday, and watched her emotions (remember, I am a True Empath!)… the emotions were “holding your breath, playing possum: I am not even here… Nobody home, I didn’t hear you…”

I pondered it until I saw it: we don’t like our bubble burst. We want our self-image to stay the way it is, so all of life can stay the same.

This, in spite of all the wants to be more, live more, do more, have more. In spite of the desire to raise your vibration. Why? Because it’s scary. It is scary to hear that our worst fears are true. Or maybe even worse than we feared them to be.
Continue reading “When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either”

The counter-intuitive path. Teaching pigs to fly

if someone else did it, your can do it tooToday I am tired. I am in and out of bed, I need my rest.

Why am I so tired? I lead a session of the From Upset To Communication course/workshop, an experimental course with no curriculum, except my commitment to take you to a place of living in the flow.

It is possible. I did it. But not with what you already have.

People, maybe you, my students, hope that we can have a life like that, without some pain, maybe a lot of pain.

What is the pain about? Well, it is the pain of loss.
Continue reading “The counter-intuitive path. Teaching pigs to fly”

How a collage is a diagnostic tool


the field of admirer-admired collage“What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?” French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan posed that question. I invite you to put it at the top of your list of hot topics to meditate on. In doing so, I trust you won’t use it as an excuse to disparage your companions for their inadequacies. Rather, I hope it will mobilize you to supercharge your intimate alliances; to deepen your awareness of the synergistic beauty you could create together; to heighten your ability to be given the universe by those whose fates are interwoven with yours.

In the current live course, from Upset to Communication we have come to the last of the four non-elevated fields of communication, Admirer-admired. My horoscope, above, for the coming week reflects that.

One of my students has already sent me her collage. It has given me a glimpse into her internal conversations that is deeper than I have ever seen… and I have known her for almost six years now.

Collages, where you go through pictures in magazines, or memes on the internet, are the best way to reveal to yourself your relationship, opinion, attitude about the world, about others, about yourself, about effort, ambition, etc.

Making collages has two parts:
Continue reading “How a collage is a diagnostic tool”

Impostor Syndrome – One stumbling block to becoming…

writers-block-4This article is an old one… republished here…

It is puzzling to watch people not taking any actions that would make a lot of sense for them to take. They will cling, tooth and nail, to some status quo that only they see: it seems that they don’t want to find out that they can, and they don’t want to find out that they can’t.

This relegates them into the status of has-been, or never-been. You can’t hold onto anything, because anything that isn’t growing is dying. And you can’t become something more without growing.

Growing is risk: the risk that you need to find out that you are not as good (or not as bad) as you thought, pretended, claimed you were. Well… suck it up… but most people can’t and won’t.
Continue reading “Impostor Syndrome – One stumbling block to becoming…”

I don’t think I have even thought that, let alone say that.

But it makes sense, now that I am examining that sentence. Continue reading “I found myself saying: I don’t need you to be different than you are. Refuse to be governed!”

People are writing to me that they had no trauma to bring to the Sunday Feelings Webinar.

A trauma is an incident. The significance is in your emotional response, not in what happened. The same incident is no big deal for others, but it is, or was a big deal for you.

Here is an example from my life:

I went on my biweekly grocery shopping trip with the old folks van yesterday.

They asked what’s new, and I shared that I asked the Community Center to give me a chance to do a short lecture on water. The answer to that was a groan. Audible, and coming from a deep reluctance and distaste.

It wasn’t the right time to deal with it then and there, so I stored it away for analysis later.

And this is “later”… let’s do it now.

First off: the groan awakened a whole series of memories, unpleasant memories of earlier similar incidents.

Earlier similar is a technical term.

Let me explain:

When you are upset, you are never upset from or by what is happening right now. Continue reading “People are writing to me that they had no trauma to bring to the Sunday Feelings Webinar.”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

I have been watching youtube videos and movies for a few days now… The focus is becoming more and more on being who you are… being true to that… and inside that seemingly limited “arena” be the most you can be, the best you can be.

One of the great evils perpetrated on us humans is the dogma that we are all one, and that was also made to mean sameness.

Don’t get all out of shape… I do believe we are all human. I do believe we are in this together. I do believe that only if we cooperate we can save our race and our Earth… But I also see that people who preach this are intolerant, uncooperative, and hateful. And I suspect if you got bent out of shape, then you are one of those..

Horse shit.

I am not same with you… I am the end of a blood line of thousands of years of persecution on one hand, sharpening the skills to live in a hostile environment on the other. A tradition where what is in your head counts… because it cannot be taken away. Everything else can be taken away, but who you are, and what you know cannot.

How could I be the same as you when you only care about your money. When you think you are your money…

This is just one example… but as you can tell, my pump went up.

In my coaching practice, the most successful are the people who are able to reach deep down and become proud and guided by their ancestral heritage.

Continue reading “One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.”

Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…

blind-justice prejudiceJudge, Pre-judge people? Pre-judging is a cognitive bias… how to avoid making stupid value judgments…

Our prejudices often rob us from seeing what is in front of us.

Prejudice is a simple two-part word: pre-judge. Meaning: judge from some simple criteria, like the color of someone’s skin, the strength of their grammar, their clothing, or whether they curse or not.

And then we stop looking, because the judgment is already there: this or that.

Pre-judging is a cognitive bias, it is the mind’s attempt to save you time. It is accurate for our purposes of survival, about 60% of the time. 40% of the time it is inaccurate, and leads to stupid, self-defeating decisions.

Most people get married based on a the 40%, hire people, buy stuff, or not buy, reject perfectly good matches. Continue reading “Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…”

A look at feelings… going under the hood. Here, knowledge is really power!

I have been saying in every article now that the 13th floor is a dynamic system.

Why dynamic? Because the feelings have direction, content, opinion… and they interact, pull, push, stop you…

Moving, changing, pulsing, etc.

Humans are not simple machines, and yet: every complicated machine is made up of many simple machines… and so are you. The more you allow the machine to inform you, the more fulfilling, the smoother, the more enjoyable life becomes, with you in the driver’s seat.

You know I am corresponding with the creator of the books, Feelings and Words, Gyozo Margoczi.

In his last email, this morning, he made sure I push the dynamic nature of feelings. 1 I am not a very experienced translator, and translating his Hungarian helped me to understand the material and the dynamic even deeper. Continue reading “A look at feelings… going under the hood. Here, knowledge is really power!”