If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind

If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind

If you find yourself behind the eight ball… or way behind…

I am surprised this is just surfacing now.

Someone being behind their rent, behind other payments, or behind taking care of their health and the numbers are going crazy.

Getting to what seems to be unmanageable.

What do you do?

Your/my inability to be with what doesn’t work will take you there. Just give it time.

The sound of scrambling is everywhere.

So without making you wrong for what you have done wrong… Continue reading “If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind”

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

If you want to get the most: focus on one thing in a program

In my Friday Podcast with Bonnie this past Friday it became clear that the methodology of using courses, coaching calls, programs is not taught anywhere, so each person feels that they need to make up their own method. Each coach, each participant.

By methodology I mean: how to get the most out of a course, a coaching call, a program.

In this article I’ll teach the most effective way to get the most out of anything. Literally anything you do. Continue reading “Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time”

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

squirrel-stuck-in-a-treeIf you know you are stuck… stuck in a rut, stuck in a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or maybe you are stuck on a plateau… What you may want to consider that you need energy to move away from that place.

In this article I’ll show you two methods to create the energy to move. Continue reading “Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!”

What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?

What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?

You live a sheltered life. Either restricted to a small area of the world physically, or to a small area of the world experientially.

So you, just like your cone of vision would predict, have a very narrow slice of reality (the pizza pie) ever seen, heard of, played in, experienced.

One of my 67 step coaching clients says in her reports, on average 10 times each report ‘Wow! I have never thought of that’. ‘I have never considered that’. ‘Hm, I’ve never heard that before’.

Each time she says that her slice of pizza becomes just a little bit bigger. Continue reading “What do I intend to leave behind as my legacy?”

All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?

All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?
start-crawlingIt is what it is

The hardest thing for anyone is to allow things to be the way they are and allow people to be the way they are, without loss of respect, without calling it or calling them wrong.

I have had to deal with that for at least 40 years… But I think I finally can.

I realized the vast differences in my students in the 67 step coaching program. I realized that each and every one of them are on the level they are. Their level of intelligence, their level of awareness, their level of education, their knowledge, their willingness. Continue reading “All you can do is enough. But are you doing all you can do?”

Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence

I originally wrote this article in 2017. Not much has changed since then, but I had new insights. So instead of writing a new article, I am updating this one.

In your starting point measurements, 37 out of the 48 measures depend on your emotional intelligence, and if I want to be quite truthful, even your health number largely depends on your EQ as well. So in a roundabout way, in the Starting Point Measurements I test your emotional intelligence and all the ways it manifests. Continue reading “Emotional intelligence is the most important intelligence”

Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?

What is the difference between mulling something over and contemplating?

A lot of people asked Dr. Peter Popper what it takes to be as knowledgeable is he is. His answer is: reading. And then contemplate over what you read. And then reading more. Contemplate more. Continue reading “Mulling things over or contemplating… which is better?”

What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?

What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?

What if we are not mice that make a mess while the cat is elsewhere… What if it is in our best interest to consider that the Creator is watching us… and doing what he intended for us to do, without grumbling, willingly, and with joy?

What if liberty to do whatever you want to do is not just stupid but also what makes you miserable… because the smart way to live is by the design the Creator created for us? And that is not liberty… it is living by design.

Design is always restriction.

What if the order of things is… Continue reading “What if integrity is living like the Creator intended?”

Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?

Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?

How a student rose her vibration from 200 to 400 in just 22 steps… and an organizing principle.

And just so you know, only 10 people are on that level or above on the planet. How many claim they are already there? About a hundred.

The average vibration on the planet is 70… Busy concourse level.

Street level is 100. Continue reading “Case study: from 200 to 400 in 22 steps. Could you do it?”

How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?

How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?

When I teach you, have you learned? How would I know?

Unless you do life the way I taught you to do it, you didn’t learn.

Unless you understand that the power of knowledge is in what it enables you to do… because only action matters. Only action will get you what you want.. Continue reading “How would you know if you’ve EVER learned anything?”