Learned helplessness versus innovate yourself out of your box

Learned helplessness versus innovate yourself out of your box

7426919_f496Learned helplessness is a technical term coined by Dr. Martin Seligman.

I don’t want to spend time with what he means by that, and how he came to discover this phenomenon… you can google it if you want to know.

If you are in the 67 steps, it’s step 7…

What I want to focus on here is the place where you won’t look: today… Where you locked yourself into a small box.

How come you are the way you are, how come you live in such a tiny box, no fulfillment, no energy, no love, no success…

So, how do you find the areas where you have learned helplessness limiting your life, the dance floor, the ability to accomplish?
Continue reading “Learned helplessness versus innovate yourself out of your box”

Charlie Munger… quotes

charlie-mungerCharlie Munger was a college dropout who served as a meteorologist in the US Army Air Corps before graduating from Harvard Law.

And then he met Warren Buffett.

The rest is history.

As vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Munger is Buffett’s right-hand man. He has an estimated net worth of $1.19 billion.

Like Buffett, Munger is incredibly sharp in his wit and investing wisdom. You might even argue that his words are more blunt and unfiltered than Buffett’s.

We compiled a list of Munger’s most insightful quotes about investing, business, and life.

Check them out below:


overestimating-your-intelligence-could-be-a-major-pitfallOverestimating your intelligence could be a major pitfall.

If you think your IQ is 160 but it’s 150, you’re a disaster. It’s much better to have a 130 IQ and think it’s 120. Continue reading “Charlie Munger… quotes”

Without distinctions everything stays the same

Without distinctions everything stays the same

if you want a rewarding lifeIn the old Landmark Education Forum, or in the old 4-day Forum, the old Advanced course… the course leader came in yelling: “for you everything is the same as everything else…” or alternatively: “You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground“.What are distinctions and what they have to do with a life worth living?

What they meant to say is that you don’t have distinctions and therefore life is a mess of undifferentiated stuff… and you have no power with it.

Distinctions are the different ways to look at things. There are a lot of those… most of those you don’t have.

In the normal course of events you judge things looking through the distinctions you have. Why? you don’t have a choice about it.
Continue reading “Without distinctions everything stays the same”

If you don’t know what keeps you poor, then you’ll remain poor

habits-that-will-keep-you-poorThis may be the most important question… because I am certain you are not rich…

If you don’t know what keeps you poor, then you’ll remain poor… and if you are not even willing to look, then I know your future, as surely as if it had already happened.

I have been observing myself and have found, so far, seven things that keep me poor, that each, by itself, could keep me poor.

How willing you are to look deeply will be the best feedback for you, like a promise, like a horoscope, like fortune telling:

…because if you don’t know what keeps you poor, then you’ll remain poor… or get even poorer.

Life is not forgiving.

You don’t have to use your name, but if you are unwilling to comment… that will say the same thing.

So, start looking and start commenting.

I am not particularly interested in surface stuff. Or even money stuff… I am also not interested in belief crap…

If you are in my 67-step coaching… go beyond where you’ve stopped… and go deeper, wider, so you can map out all the things that you can detect with your current level of understanding.

Warning: poverty is not about money and being rich is not about money.

You can be poor and have a lot of money!

Why do I recommend Tai Lopez 67-step program?

Why do I recommend Tai Lopez 67-step program?

match-inside-outsideThe 67-step program isn’t about money. It’s about living the good life. Whatever that means to you.

If it is being financially free, rich, beautiful, famous, happy, fulfilled… whatever you are willing to work for, that you have a natural inclination, i.e. talent for, you can become.

I did another teacher’s, T. Harv Eker’s course, The Millionaire Mind Intensive twice.

For me the course had one sentence that was instructive: “It is not making the millions of dollars, it who you need to become to earn and have millions of dollars that matters.” 1

Harv subsequently effectively sold me courses, courses that cost me over 30 grands… courses that gave me nothing in addition to that one sentence.

This is important, because this is what I have in mind when I think about today’s spiritual teachers: they teach that doing will create beingness. Or speaking… or thinking…

Continue reading “Why do I recommend Tai Lopez 67-step program?”

One reason you have no peace inside… And how you could…

awarenessI just discovered that the version of the Freecell game is “forgiving”, i.e. you can go back more than one step… “start over again” without a penalty point.

This makes the game an even better modeling tool than it used to be.

I always suspected that the first step really decides the rest of the journey… but being a Quickstart… jumping-without-thinking-type-of-person, this would not have really mattered.

But now, all morning, I have been testing.

I noticed that I get a tightening of the stomach from the idea and the practice of looking before I leap. It’s fear.

When I manage to include the fear, and actually look, systematically, the success rate is 100%.

What could be the reason? After all I can’t see, consciously, and hold any more in memory than three steps ahead… so why would it be that the success rate is so dramatically different?

What would explain this, and my experience that “something” moves my hand?

I am starting to formulate a new theory.
Continue reading “One reason you have no peace inside… And how you could…”

The difference between you being worth a damn and your product being worth a damn

high price high perceived value

I just hit the publish button, and heard that my computer was speaking.

A British marketer’s page was open, and his sales video was playing.

I put on my headset and listened, not to the words, but to the emotions, the intangibles underneath.

I heard that he was shy about asking for the sale. I heard that even thought he saw that his software was very good, the moment when money came up, he had the very common misunderstanding: that people pay for HIS value, not for the software’s value.

One of my students, whose dominant belief is that she is worthless, has a hard time asking for money for her work. She fell victim to the same thinking error.

You can be an evil beaver, a child molester, a kitten killer… and have brilliant products that are worth a bundle.

YOUR value has nothing to do with your product’s value.

As long as you confuse the two, you’ll be in trouble.
Continue reading “The difference between you being worth a damn and your product being worth a damn”

Your worth a damn factor. Knowledge? Is yours worth a damn?

Your worth a damn factor. Knowledge? Is yours worth a damn?
elephant showering joyfullyEverything you know is in the way of you being able to act powerfully

That wasn’t the exact expression… I said: “Everything you know is in your way of being creative…”

I said this to the first person I coached in the United States. It was 1986, and she volunteered to be my ride to and from Landmark Education… of course at the time it was called Werner Erhard and Associates.

She worked as a sales person in her parents’ Janitorial supply company, selling toilet paper and such. She had an aspiration to become an artist. Continue reading “Your worth a damn factor. Knowledge? Is yours worth a damn?”

What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

you deserve what you haveWhat kind of deserving is in that title?

Systemic? Extrinsic? Intrinsic?

  1. Systemic would be: you are on my site, you are reading this, therefore you must be a good person… also deserving?
  2. Extrinsic would be: you have provided me with a lot of value, but what you are doing isn’t getting you the results, the rewards you deserve…
  3. Intrinsic would be: you are a human… deserving a chance at a great life. Of course you need to earn it. Let me show you how to stop what you are doing and teach you a way that is going to work…

Of course I mean the third one. Intrinsically…

I don’t know you. But I know life… And I know that life is more unforgiving than I am.

Because, guess what, you have what you have deserved.

Don’t kill the messenger.

Now, if you want more, better, different than what you have, you need to deserve it. 1
Continue reading “What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…”

As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

on-saying-noI own a business… This blog is part of it.

I am on hundreds of marketers’ mailing list, and I get hundreds of emails about new software, new tricks and strategies to increase traffic, visibility, and ultimately revenue.

I buy some of them. I use 20% of what I buy.

And then I get the whales. That promise to train me to become a super marketer, a money magnet.

It’s that time of the year, there are three such offers going on at the same time.

Tons of stuff. If I put them into boxes… they would fill many.

The allure is tremendous. I can barely breathe…

And then I do the unexpected… I ask a relevant question. I act as my own coach…

I ask: Do I want my life to be about marketing? Do I want to become a marketer?
Continue reading “As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes”