Spirituality uses different tools than the mind, the world

Spirituality uses different tools than the mind, the world

Spirituality, finding your way, finding your self, the path to living a life worth living use different tools from science, schools, the mind, and ordinary thinking.

Not just different tools, but tools used differently.

If you haven’t found what you are seeking… if your seeking has taken you on a wild goose chase only to find nothing of value for yourself… then you owe it to yourself to learn to use the tools and to use them in new ways.

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Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

brett-wilson-find-yourself-and-be-thatI started to read the book by Edward Deci, “Why we do what we do. Understanding self-motivation”.

This is the first book, that I know, that defines self the way, or similarly the way I do…

To become a person, to have autonomy, self-determination, self-expression, integrity, self-motivation, the most important job is to find the self, by distinguishing what is the driver of all your actions, whether it is inner or outer.

And if it is inner… is it the self, or is it the “not-self”?

Greed, narcissism, hate… area inner motivators, but they are all the not-self. So are all the “negative” emotions, like frustration, haste, the desire to fix, to punish, to suffer… etc. Continue reading “Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?”

It is exactly 57 times more complicated than that…

It is exactly 57 times more complicated than that…

The current state of science, knowledge is “one size fits all”.

Just do this and this and this… and you’ll be happy, wealthy, healthy, and in love.

Every profession has their “this is the way, this is the truth” postage stamp size area where they dance…

The medical establishment, pharmaceuticals, psychologists, religion, education, and even the “spiritual” or “alternative” people.

I am a people watcher. I watch their behavior. I watch what they welcome, love, what they tolerate, what they avoid.

I remember I was about 30, and I said:

this is exactly 57 times more complicated than that.

Continue reading “It is exactly 57 times more complicated than that…”

The seven habits of highly unsuccessful people

The seven habits of highly unsuccessful people

I wrote this article in 2016. Nothing much has changed… I got older…

As you know it is the 50th anniversary of my high school graduation.

I had a bunch of extraordinary folks as classmates: they have been meeting every year for the past ten years… and this year they decided to redo the yearbook, which is not a book in Hungary: it is a big board with everyone’s picture and their names. Continue reading “The seven habits of highly unsuccessful people”

What makes someone live with YOLO, you only live once?

What makes someone live with YOLO, you only live once?

the secret for a long life well livedPeople who are hopeless, people who can’t see a future for themselves are more likely to throw their money on unproductive purchases, or YOLO…

Ever since I’ve started to download the energy of the Days of Power, I’ve been wondering how I am going to know that it’s working… how it will manifest, practically, in my life.

Whenever something new comes in, my imagination goes to the known, the familiar, and I guess that is how the human mind works.

So I had no idea what may happen, what could happen, given the energy.
Continue reading “What makes someone live with YOLO, you only live once?”

Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

the experience junkieI used to be a course junkie. I have recovered… This morning’s incident is a good indicator…

I found myself this morning unable to connect. Connect to Source…

When I closed my eyes, I was buzzing…

I muscletested: Am I tired? The answer was “yes”. Shall I rest? The answer was “yes/no” Shall I meditate? The answer was “yes” Shall I meditate for five minutes? “yes”

I closed my eyes, and within seconds I had this huge upheaval, with lots of tears.

Now, what the heck is that about?

I didn’t forget that I have been downloading the Day of Power energy over the past 36 hours… and whatever is there, spiritually, can spill out, and be gone… really fast.

I don’t care what was in that sob. It’s gone. I also don’t look at my poop and wonder what was in it… unless I do… lol.

But you? are you still a junkie?
Continue reading “Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?”

Tai Lopez reading method: can it work for you?

Tai Lopez reading method: can it work for you?
tai lopez book a day dietTai Lopez’s reading method…

What he can’t see he cannot teach you, because for him it is like water for the fish… invisible.

Tai Lopez started to read when he was barely potty trained. And has read, ever since.

His grandfather gave him the kinds of books that train circular reading… the history of the world, encyclopedia…

Thus he build a body of knowledge, a fertile soil, that almost any new information can sprout roots into.

In this regard, he is unique, and as different from most people, as he can be.

He has a reading method, the book-a-day method, that he teaches to people who have no body of knowledge, no fertile soil… and the question is: can the method be useful for you? Continue reading “Tai Lopez reading method: can it work for you?”

What you don’t know that you don’t know is making you fail

What you don’t know that you don’t know is making you fail

sequoia-groveI used to lead introductions to the Landmark Education Forum.

There is a part in the introduction where you attempt to distinguish for people that most of what’s knowable for a human: you don’t know. Moreover: you don’t know what you don’t know.

Then you ask a simple question: Can you give me an example of what you don’t know that you don’t know?
Continue reading “What you don’t know that you don’t know is making you fail”

Self-coaching demonstrated

Self-coaching demonstrated

what-coaching-is-notHm, it seems that “Source” or my inner guidance, or soul, or whatever is doing this guidance thing… is intent for me to have integrity: speak from experiential truth.

So it seems from the few “trips” it’s been sending me.

  1. In the area of health, it is telling me to make dietary mistakes… so I can be authentic in saying things to my clients and students that are doing things that hurt them.

    As soon as I get what I was supposed to get… I am taken to the next “trip”.

  2. Continue reading “Self-coaching demonstrated”

Can you become astute? And if you can… how?

Can you become astute? And if you can… how?

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

This article deals with what it is that you need to become astute, or even just to become a candidate for me to activate astute as a DNA capacity for you…

One of the invaluable benefits I gained from the 67 steps is the idea to consider getting tired in the noonish hours a signal that it is time to lie down and read.

This midday break disrupts the societal pull to do the useful, the purposeful, the goal-oriented stuff… that makes us dull, dutiful, and lopsided… boring.

I have a timer that turns on the light in my bedroom at 5:30 am and then turns it off at 7 am. I wake up and get up during that time. Why such range? Why don’t I use a sound alarm that scares the light out of me?
Continue reading “Can you become astute? And if you can… how?”