One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.

I have been watching youtube videos and movies for a few days now… The focus is becoming more and more on being who you are… being true to that… and inside that seemingly limited “arena” be the most you can be, the best you can be.

One of the great evils perpetrated on us humans is the dogma that we are all one, and that was also made to mean sameness.

Don’t get all out of shape… I do believe we are all human. I do believe we are in this together. I do believe that only if we cooperate we can save our race and our Earth… But I also see that people who preach this are intolerant, uncooperative, and hateful. And I suspect if you got bent out of shape, then you are one of those..

Horse shit.

I am not same with you… I am the end of a blood line of thousands of years of persecution on one hand, sharpening the skills to live in a hostile environment on the other. A tradition where what is in your head counts… because it cannot be taken away. Everything else can be taken away, but who you are, and what you know cannot.

How could I be the same as you when you only care about your money. When you think you are your money…

This is just one example… but as you can tell, my pump went up.

In my coaching practice, the most successful are the people who are able to reach deep down and become proud and guided by their ancestral heritage.

Continue reading “One of my jobs in this world, I say, is to restore people to their racial, ancestral identity.”

Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…

Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…
blind-justice prejudiceJudge, Pre-judge people? Pre-judging is a cognitive bias… how to avoid making stupid value judgments…

Our prejudices often rob us from seeing what is in front of us.

Prejudice is a simple two-part word: pre-judge. Meaning: judge from some simple criteria, like the color of someone’s skin, the strength of their grammar, their clothing, or whether they curse or not.

And then we stop looking, because the judgment is already there: this or that.

Pre-judging is a cognitive bias, it is the mind’s attempt to save you time. It is accurate for our purposes of survival, about 60% of the time. 40% of the time it is inaccurate, and leads to stupid, self-defeating decisions.

Most people get married based on a the 40%, hire people, buy stuff, or not buy, reject perfectly good matches. Continue reading “Judge, Pre-judge people? It’s a cognitive bias…”

Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…

Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…

As you can see, I republished one of the most important articles I have ever published.

What is important in that article is the insight. It is an insight about a life well lived. Einstein said:

“If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.” 1

The insight is that you can use the laws of physics in your life to succeed.

We can use Newton’s first law to achieve great things, to live a life we were meant to live, to live the life Life meant for us to live.

Continue reading “Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…”

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important

This article distinguishes the most important thing you need to know about growing.

Without growing you are dying. Every minute of every day.

Survival is dying.

The purpose of life is living…. not dying.

Most people I know are either stuck or are coasting… They are going noplace… fast or slow… it is unsatisfying and yet… starting to move in the direction Life wants you to go, or even where you want to go is near impossible… Just look at most people…

This article will reveal a secret… the secret of taking your life where Life wants you to go.

I have been clear that Life wants each of us to go someplace… not necessarily physical, not necessarily to a life-purpose, and yet it is a place. A non-physical place.

When I ask myself where Life wants me to go, after the almost immediate fear-reflex, I feel that I am where Life wants me to be. Doing what Life wants me to do. Afraid that I am not going to succeed.

But then again, Life is not a life-coach who talks you to death with goal setting, and specific, measurable results, and milestones, and bold audacious actions…

Thank god, because if it came to goal setting, I would be a slacker…
Continue reading “Taking you where Life wants you to go … Updated because it is important”

You’d rather die than ask for help. People should volunteer

You’d rather die than ask for help. People should volunteer

helpless-haplessAs I am observing my students they belong to two very distinguishable camps.

People who ask for help, and people who don’t.

I myself belong to the second camp. But my reasons for not asking help is different from yours… lol. Maybe.

When I look back at my childhood, I must have decided really early on that asking for help is useless. At best they say “go away”, or who do you think you are… At the worst they beat you up.

And I could use a lot of help. Especially in learning. Especially since by brain damage almost 20 years ago. Continue reading “You’d rather die than ask for help. People should volunteer”

Life is for living. But what does that mean?

Life is for living. But what does that mean?

humility will take you to your destinyI have come to say: “I don’t see how it can be done”

It’s taken me many years… and diligent practice.

My soul correction is arrogance… Knowing it all. And being rigid about it.

In the olden days I used to say: “There is no way”, or “I can’t…” or “It can’t be done”

The difference between the two attitudes is: one is arrogant, the other is not. It has taken me this long, because letting go of what you know, letting go of knowing that you see the truth… is painful.
Continue reading “Life is for living. But what does that mean?”

Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony

Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony

If you look, carefully, now you know why you are not happy.

Here is another quote: People get married because they want their lives witnessed. When your life is witnessed you feel alive… I was par phrasing the Susan Sarandon character’s words in “Shall we Dance?”

The best way to make sure you are on the path to happiness… is actually to be in a coaching program.

In my 67 step coaching program I witness your life.

Obviously, if you don’t care what I see: if you don’t care that I see that there is no harmony in what you think, what you say and what you do, then it is not really doing much for you…

If you don’t care… Continue reading “Happiness is when what you think, say, and do are in harmony”

How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…

How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…

sensations-the-need-for-a-new-scienceHow The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature… on the level of individual. Case studies

The insights of this article came from participants. The insights could not have come without participants looking at their behavior and attitude from the sensations perspective, which is the Tree of Life, working with what nature intended.

On a sidenote: I don’t think nature intended 99% of humans to be obsolete and be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. I think nature intended evolution on a more human trajectory.

But back to what we have discovered, what we have observed, what we have gleaned.

First off: I will begin calling the feelings that come through the senses: Sensations. I think that the book should be re-christened as well… but it is really not up to me.

I’ll organize the observations by the soul correction… but you may find your limiting behavior in any soul correction. Continue reading “How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…”

If an opportunity came along: would you be able to benefit?

If an opportunity came along: would you be able to benefit?

If the opportunity to step into the success you crave came along: would you be able to take advantage of it?

I was listening to an audio that talks about being prepared for opportunity.

Now, please listen up, I intend to teach you a spiritual practice. So if you listen ‘about’, in a gossipy way, you won’t get anything, and that would be a pity. Continue reading “If an opportunity came along: would you be able to benefit?”

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?

It’s Tuesday, and my Rob Brezsny horoscope arrived this morning.

It addressed something I wanted to address, because it is important: treating yourself well by providing yourself with what you need to be well, to do well, to feel well.

You treat your pets better than yourself.

If you were only judgmental and stingy with others, that would be one thing. But you are stingy with yourself.

You judge yourself harshly, you treat yourself badly, and you skimp on yourself first.

Consider yourself your own child, or your own pet? And your relationship, your treatment of it public.

A lot of people, in private, abuse with impunity, but would not dare do the same in public, or when someone can see it. They fear judgment. Continue reading “Is happiness even possible? Is self-hate, self-punishing a good path to it?”