Updated: If your vibration is under 200

Before I let you use any of my products, your purchase needs to get approved by me. Why? Because most people don’t understand that not everything is going to work for them. They like something and they want it… then they will return it because it won’t do what I promised.

All promises are conditional. Just like weight loss products are conditional on your eating and exercising changes… If you don’t keep your end of the deal, the deal is off.

The only part I have control over is your vibration when you make the purchase. If your vibration is under a certain level, the product you bought won’t work for you. That simple…. 1Low vibrational level is also expressed by a lack of intelligence. Most people buy products without asking for their vibration to be measured… And then I have to disappoint them because they can’t have what they ordered. Please don’t be one of those… Get your vibration measured by me for a small donation.

What works for people with a vibration under 200? Or at the minimum 170

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What are you grieving for when you are grieving?

what are you grieving?I caught myself grieving yesterday.

I got a brochure in the mail that had pictures of Budapest in it. I left Hungary, and Budapest, the capital I was born and lived for 34 years 32 years ago.

Every time I considered grieving, a song welled up in my head, a song about home and home sickness. It’s about longing, and it’s about regret. And I refused to regret anything. Like Edith Piaf, Je ne regrette rien. No regrets. 1

I regret nothing

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Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?

Are you arrogant? Oh, no, not you? How dare I say that?

3-year-old-boyYesterday I had a coaching call. One of the students was talking about her difficulty of getting to sleep and then starting her day.

I checked her vibration and it was 130, slightly under her usual vibration of 150. As usual, she was scared of what may get revealed in our interaction about her. Rightfully so…

What got revealed that she scans the articles on my site, and at such low vibration you are also low on intelligence, low on comprehension, low on patience.
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What does religious mean? And what does it have to do with not being happy, fulfilled, etc.


Will you choose the truth or the dogma? Love or “luv”? The personal cost of being religious…

I brought up the issue, my issue, my inability to be OK around religion.

Because I am so practiced activating my “Reticular Activator” and I am so committed to keep on expanding as a human being, my whole world shifted the moment I put my attention to the phenomenon.

All the books suddenly point to something that is related to my “object”, my dreams, articles, everything.

It is not in the foreground all the time, instead it is simmering on the back burner.
Continue reading “What does religious mean? And what does it have to do with not being happy, fulfilled, etc.”

12 steps toward becoming truly who you are: the Playground program

12-step programThe Playground program: the history

Back in 1988 when I first created the Playground: It is never too late to have a happy childhood, I’d just come out from participating in a 12-step program, similar to AA, but for people who suffered from the behavior of the alcoholic.

It turns out, that a troubled household with troubled parents creates the same symptoms as one with an alcoholic parent: a lack of safety. My parents weren’t alcoholic, but their behavior was erratic. One day I was beaten up for a behavior, the next it was ignored… Nerve wrecking. There was nothing I could count on to be quasi permanent and reliable. It’s a miracle that I didn’t withdraw into schizophrenia.

What’s good about 12-step programs?

Anyway, I liked the environment of a 12-step meeting: the meeting had principles, but it had no coaching, no rebuttal, no arguments, it was a very adult and equals program, as opposed to any other place in the world.
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Keep your enemies close… with friends like this who needs enemies?

enemiesI am reading all the books by Michael Connelly.

I had read about 20 before getting to the last few I have on my kindle… these books stirred up something in me…

Suddenly, in these last few books, there is an unexpected twist: the last three novels have a similar element, not quite there, or maybe even missing from the previous ones: a friend or colleague is turning against friend or colleague…
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Spiritual? Religious? Atheist?

wizardozIt is undeniable that there is more to reality than what you can see with your eyes. The below the water level stuff… or behind the curtain type of stuff… mostly about the invisible dynamics, the invisible motive powers of people, and maybe even stuff.

I grew up atheist, a Marxist, and a seriously anti-religious child. Most of that wasn’t from my parents, I don’t ever remember them talking about any of that among themselves: they almost never talked to me about anything.

I never thought there were monsters under the bed, or that the Easter Bunny filled the boots in the windows (we are talking about Hungarian customs, don’t get confused!) or any other superstition. I was free to observe… unimpeded, unhindered, unguided by others’ imagination and fantasies, like religion.

I knew there were at least two layers to every human: what they showed and what was inside…
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I am personally offended… How can they do this to me?


I am personally offended… How can they do it to me? How dare it rain on my wedding day? How dare my husband lie to me? How dare my son pee in his bed?

What drives this thought process? Is it personal pride? Wrongful Pride? Ego? Self-importance? What is it?

If Ego is not what we were told it was, then where does “personally offended” come from?

I am sitting at my computer. It’s a beautiful day, Saturday. Suddenly a I hear a car horn urging someone to do something. Then again.

I feel the corners of my mouth curve down: I am personally offended. They are honking and it bothers me. They don’t behave the way they should: shut the f… up. Respect my peace and quiet.

Yesterday a plumber did some work in the downstairs apartment. He didn’t air out the pipes and it broke the my water filter when the air and water came rushing out in bursts instead of steadily flowing water, the way it SHOULD BE.

Personally offended.
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What is the deepest reason for your procrastination?

What is the deepest reason for your procrastination?

If you watched me long enough, you would probably swear that I am a procrastinator. I plan to do things, maybe I even write it down, maybe I even schedule it, and then I don’t do it for a long time, maybe ever.

I don’t consider myself a procrastinator:

you need to have a should to be a procrastinator.

By definition, procrastination is not doing what you should be doing. I have no shoulds, even if I said I would do something, it doesn’t live like a should for me. Continue reading “What is the deepest reason for your procrastination?”

Your childhood holds the keys to your redemption, to your happiness, to your success

fair-chanceHumans are the most vulnerable creatures of the Planet. They are not big enough, they are not strong enough, to protect themselves effectively from being harmed by predators or nature.

The only reason humans, as a species have survived so far is because of humans’ use of the brain to create protection from predators and the elements.

Nothing has changed: we, humans, are as vulnerable as every, but we have forgotten that the survival of the species depends on each individual in the species: it cannot be delegated to authorities, police, the medical establishment and the like. It has to happen on the individual level first and foremost.

We pretend not to know, because we really don’t care, that for a child to grow up healthy, the child needs a supportive environment with a sense of safety, including emotional safety.
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