Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening

I know your spirituality is a private matter, but your generosity, or the lack thereof, unfortunately, very visible to all, and felt by you: stinginess feels bad, trust me I have been there.

Sharing is generous. Especially when you don’t want to… Almost as effective in raising your vibration as the secret tool I have shared before, validation.

Ten signs that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening:
Continue reading “Ten signs that you are on the path of spiritual awakening”

Is Sophie something special? Has special powers?

Is Sophie something special? Has special powers?

Am I special? Do I have special powers?

Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?

Am I better? Am I special? Continue reading “Is Sophie something special? Has special powers?”

What will you do when the trouble you are afraid of happens?

What will you do when the trouble you are afraid of happens?

2432711I have a wide cone of vision (I see the big picture) in most issues regarding “the economy.” Maybe because both my parents were economists? Who knows.

But having a wide cone of vision, especially in this arena, has its advantages.

People call me to find out, if their personal experience is indicative of a personal issue, or if it just feels that way.
Continue reading “What will you do when the trouble you are afraid of happens?”

Express Yourself: Am I a self-promoting marketer pretending to be superior to all?

A reader from California writes:

The way you shamelessly steal from Landmark Education (Education) on one day and than use Landmark Education as a platform to show how superior you are to Landmark Education another day is just amazing.

You are nothing but a desperate telemarketer trying to grab the market any way she can.

With your approach you will never be trusted by anyone and only a few lonely similar disenchanted and isolated persons will give you their $ and the time of day. Anyone else can see the approach you are using is dangerous, self serving and dishonest and wisely will keep you at the greatest possible distance.

OK, this person, so far, has written this kind of email to me about 20 times… most worse than this.

Question: do you agree with his evaluation of me and my work?

Am I a desperate telemarketer trying to climb up on the dead bodies of people, companies, or methods I write about?
Continue reading “Express Yourself: Am I a self-promoting marketer pretending to be superior to all?”

The Racket of transformation revealed for you

The Racket of transformation revealed for you
The Racket of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others. Continue reading “The Racket of transformation revealed for you”

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and sacredactivation.com

Vibrational Review: Tamra Oviatt and sacredactivation.com

I had a reader send me a comment, complaining of a sudden deterioration of health and connection after she connected to Tamra Oviatt.

Here is a vibrational review of Tamra Oviatt:

tamra oviatt vibrational reviewI went to her site, and looked around. I did not connect… if she put an attachment on the reader, she’ll doubly put an attachment on me…

She changed her website, got better pictures, lost some weight, but she and her site still puts an attachment on you… it did just a few minutes ago. Luckily I can feel it and can remove it. Smack onto my Tangerine Spot.

My educated guess is that she is a Dark Side Practitioner and my recommendation: stay away from her, unless you like the Dark Side and it resonates with you. Like attracts like.

Her site says: “Unplug from the collective consciousness…” but you have to be plugged in some consciousness… and her choice is to plug you to the Dark Side.

I may have a chance to remove the “plug” I call attachment, and I’ll let you know what else I find.

Why your spiritual practice isn’t raising your vibration

I get a lot of people ask for their vibrational reading.

The feedback I get is their life experience matches my experience of them, and the vibration I say they are at… but they are puzzled that in spite of all the spiritual work they do or have done, their vibration is so low.

As I am preparing for the first session of the workshop, Playground, it hit me why.

No matter what you do, meditate, chant, firewalk, etc. unless your speaking changes you won’t rise on the vibrational scale.

Positive thinking, the controlling your speaking in vogue, encourages you to lie about your life, about what you think and what you feel.

It is at the vibrational level of lie… you can gather it is very low.
Continue reading “Why your spiritual practice isn’t raising your vibration”

The Playground. It is really a mastery course

The Playground is a one of a kind program, the like of which I have never experienced. We should call it Mastery Course…

We have seen that the main issue that holds humans back from becoming Human Beings is delusions.

Delusion is misjudging what is real and what is not.

Unless you know what is real, all your actions are going to be misdirected, and it’s a miracle if anything ever get done well around you, if you ever go to places.

Although the level of delusions becomes less as your vibration rises, the cause and effect relationship is reverse: as you see delusions for what they are, and reality for what it is, your vibration can begin to rise, and rise and rise. Continue reading “The Playground. It is really a mastery course”

Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting

hope displaces actionYou have hopes, aspirations, you have dreams. Some have been around and with you since you were a little kid.

You keep them close to your vest, because without hope what have you? If you lost your hopes, you would have nothing, you feel… so you keep them close to your vest, you are protective of them.


If you took hope out, instead of hoping, you would, probably, have a sudden clarity about the fact that what you are doing and not doing are not in concert, not in harmony with your aspirations.
Continue reading “Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting”

Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment?

Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment?
il_340x270.441748597_7e40Part 1: The Question

I just got off a call with my friend, Alex. This call was about starting a business that can make money for me… I asked him to coach me about 10 days ago, and we’ve spoken already a few times.

I am not paying him with money: money comes and goes. Instead I pay him with a currency that will pay him dividends over and over: I ask him to do what he is helping me to do: start a business that can make money for him for a long time. Continue reading “Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment?”