The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?
Your Troubles Are Repeating Themselves. your life is scripted. different locales, different characters, but it is the same repeating story. You Are Living Out A Script… The Outcome Is Not Pretty. You Are Trying. You Fail. What’s Going On?
I would dare to say, that repeating a script that only brings you trouble, pain, guilt, shame is the opposite of emotional intelligence.
- The first “modality” for “emotional intelligence” I encountered was beating. By my mother, occasionally by my father.
- The second modality I encountered was psychotherapy, by a psychiatrist, who, after two years of therapy, decided that sleeping with me is more fun. I was 16 at the time.
Then I graduated to inmate patient in the psych ward, and they wanted to shock the hell out of me: except I cried bloody murder. I wasn’t sick, you see, I was just an unrecognized empath. They said I was schizophrenic, and being an empath is a lot like that, except that the speaking comes from you, the feelings come from someone else.
- Psycho analysis was the fourth modality. Utter rubbish, if you ask me. My only insight gleaned from about 6 years of analysis was that I was different and that I liked it. Pretty slim, I could have told you that without paying through my nose all that time, lol.
- The fifth modality was Landmark Education. Then it was still called est training, infamous, but it did make a difference. It brought a point of organization into my otherwise very cloudy emotional state. It was a very unforgiving modality: you strayed for a moment, and you got yelled at: “That’s just your racket!” lol.
In addition to the very regimented Landmark Education participation, I did a lot of reading. I have always been an avid reader in spite of my wicked dyslexia: I can read if there are no moving objects in the environment, no sound, and I can accomplish that lying in bed.
- I have dabbled in the Bach Flower remedies… another modality… And “revolutionized it”… for my clients and students… oh, and myself.
I managed to get Source to create the Individual Flower Remedies into individual Bach Energies that can be downloaded individually, or made into a bundle. I call the bundle Heaven on Earth because it weakens or eliminates nearly all possible bad feelings… I use it daily, but when the going gets tough, or I work on myself, I use it even more frequently: it gets you over the hump nicely.
Remedy comes in a bottle, enough for 4 weeks.

Another modality that I have studied and was attracted to was Transactional Analysis: What Do You Say After You Say Hello, Games People Play, etc.
Of in somewhat similar vein was the book: Love As A Story.
Two days ago I picked up a book, called The Great French Cat Massacre, a tedious history of “mentalite” which, the author says should be translated to worldview. I think mentality will do just fine… lol.
The book is about how folk tales told by story tellers shape and reflect the worldview (mentality) of a culture.
For example, the French “mentality” is: screw authority, you can only get ahead and even get by with your wit and cleverness (cheating) in life.
Obviously the other two big nations, British and German were very different, but this is not what this article is about.
This article is about getting to know yourself, getting to know what script by what mentality you are playing. So you can choose. Choose intelligently… and get to EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, at last.
Getting to know your script
Including your soul’s correction.
- Kabbalah and its Soul correction was yet another modality… in and of itself was quite useless… quite like psychology… interesting and inconsequential.
Soul correction corrects NOT the soul, but your behavior, your attitude, your way of living your life.
The method of the soul correction is the strait and narrow… that method points out where and how you are off-course. where and how you are off the path to the true Self.
When you manage to get rid off, eliminate the off-course stuff, you are gradually more on the course, you are gradually more yourself.
I first encountered the idea of soul correction back in 2003 when the book: The 72 Names of God was published.
You may not know, but I have been really disturbed when I found out that my written source is low vibration and the truth value is low on his book I was using to determine what is someone’s soul correction.
This was back in 2012, when I started to tell people what their soul correction was.
But I began not sleeping well: when my integrity is out… I don’t sleep well. I had been asking Source to guide me to something that was more truthful.
And through Transactional Analysis I found something that is more truthful.
The same guy who invented Transactional Analysis, Eric Berne also invented the methodology of “what is your fairy tale? what is your life as a fairy tale?”
Knowing your fairy tale can be a big help for you to untangle your life and live free. Change your script or invent a new script… We call it an Organizing Principle in my work… same thing.
I have examined this with Source. When you start to get closer to a worldview where there is no good and no bad, and no right and no wrong in reality… this can be especially useful.
Here is a video of Eric Berne teaching this concept.