Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Jesus+JuiceTruth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie. 1

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?
Continue reading “Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.”

Strategy: should you have one? Plan: should you have one? and what about Goals?

certain of your self

Summary: to have a sense of self, to have a strong self, you need to be self-directed in your journey… which also means having a journey. The size of your life is the size of your project, and most people have small projects, mostly for otter people. You’ll learn how to start building a life and how to be directed by Self by using some basic principles.

We begin, today, the process of building up and protecting the Self from the world, never mind that you have no idea what self is: it will be clear after a few articles, don’t be impatient. It is not a simple task: after all no one has done it before… REALLY!

You’ll need to walk with me through this discovery process, without using your mind to understand: the mind is not able to understand this: this is new! And a new type of process: I am not giving you the results of years worth of thinking: I am doing this with you: live.
Continue reading “Strategy: should you have one? Plan: should you have one? and what about Goals?”

My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?

My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?

learning-styles-posterSummary: In this article I examine different teaching styles in the area of spirituality, consciousness and transformation, and I explain why I teach the way I teach.

I got an email from a student of mine yesterday. I quote the whole letter Continue reading “My teaching style… does it work? should I change it?”

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time – Practicing The Feeling Of Freedom And Power Through Contributing To It

Churches, communities, etc. ask you to contribute. And you comply: you volunteer, you give away your old winter coat, you give food, or money.

But as in everything, context is decisive.

What’s the context in their request? That you support the less fortunate. There is morality: you can afford and therefore you should, and there is shaming… you don’t eat your food and little kids starve in Africa, or “be generous and earn the Kingdom of Heaven” b.s.

All of these make you a wretch. And not just you, anyone. Why? Because context is decisive.

Nature, trees, animals, do not willingly give what they have, unless they have a selfish reason for it. Not a feeling, but a direct benefit. And nature is fine, thank you, and no one suffers. No morality, no shoulds, just good old selfishness. Surprised? Good.
Continue reading “Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really”

The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?

mysteries-of-the-universeThe Mysteries Of The Universe

The first time I encountered in another myopia and narrow mindedness was about 10 years ago. I was at a class in Colorado, and one of the people there was the creator of Holosync, and I was a regular user, a fan of Holosync at the time. In one of the breaks I shared with this dude the principle of water energizing, only to awaken his wreath: water is water, H2O, what are you talking about? I called him names, I must admit, and have been feeling the wound of one of my gurus having proven himself to be an arsehole. I never used Holosync again. I don’t want to turn out like you, dude… lol.

That actually cost me.
Continue reading “The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?”

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Churchill and the dalek: tough choicesTough choices: knowing what’s important

Life is really so incredible perfect when you are committed to something, and therefore you look at everything through that commitment.

Here is a quote I had attached to my kitchen cabinet for four years. When I moved it was impossible to save it: it crumbled… lol. It has an awful lot to do with who I am today, and the incredible results I was able to produce in those four years:

Continue reading “Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t”

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?
can-you-be-with-rapeCan you be with it?

Can you just be… not running away. Not trying to fix it. Not hating it. Just BE. Be there.

Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be?

And observe? And do nothing?

None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever… just silence, just peace, just emergence? Continue reading “Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?”

Will the Soul in you cry when it’s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?

the immortal soulI have been pondering what is the Soul’s attitude, the Soul’s relationship to dying.

After all the Soul is immortal, at least relative to the physical body. But what does it mean? How does it feel? What does the Soul think about that? And does the Soul come back and know it has been here before? And how does it relate to the new body, if that is how it work?

Great questions, no answers until this morning.
Continue reading “Will the Soul in you cry when it’s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?”

Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?

dark side energiesEnergies, just like light, need a carrier. Energies are not a bodiless, shapeless woo-woo thing: they are vibrational in their nature. In total vacuum, the energy cannot advance: there is no carrier.

What are suitable carriers for energies? Air, liquids, especially water, and sound. Obviously sound is already a derivative: without something to carry the sound vibration, there is no sound…

I’ll use sound to illustrate.

If there is no carrier, if there is no matter, sound dissipates.

But sound itself can become a carrier. The energy you want it to carry will modulate the “original” sound, it will combine: you will get the original sound and the inaudible sound of the energy.
Continue reading “Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?”

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do, what do you ask for? Are you eating soup with a fork?

What is the Soul? Where is the seat of the Soul? How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? What does the Soul do? Continue reading “How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…”