The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?

mysteries-of-the-universeThe Mysteries Of The Universe

The first time I encountered in another myopia and narrow mindedness was about 10 years ago. I was at a class in Colorado, and one of the people there was the creator of Holosync, and I was a regular user, a fan of Holosync at the time. In one of the breaks I shared with this dude the principle of water energizing, only to awaken his wreath: water is water, H2O, what are you talking about? I called him names, I must admit, and have been feeling the wound of one of my gurus having proven himself to be an arsehole. I never used Holosync again. I don’t want to turn out like you, dude… lol.

That actually cost me.
Continue reading “The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?”

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t

Churchill and the dalek: tough choicesTough choices: knowing what’s important

Life is really so incredible perfect when you are committed to something, and therefore you look at everything through that commitment.

Here is a quote I had attached to my kitchen cabinet for four years. When I moved it was impossible to save it: it crumbled… lol. It has an awful lot to do with who I am today, and the incredible results I was able to produce in those four years:

Continue reading “Tough choices: knowing what’s important and what isn’t”

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?

Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?
can-you-be-with-rapeCan you be with it?

Can you just be… not running away. Not trying to fix it. Not hating it. Just BE. Be there.

Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be?

And observe? And do nothing?

None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever… just silence, just peace, just emergence? Continue reading “Can you be with it? Have that thing there and just be?”

Will the Soul in you cry when it’s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?

the immortal soulI have been pondering what is the Soul’s attitude, the Soul’s relationship to dying.

After all the Soul is immortal, at least relative to the physical body. But what does it mean? How does it feel? What does the Soul think about that? And does the Soul come back and know it has been here before? And how does it relate to the new body, if that is how it work?

Great questions, no answers until this morning.
Continue reading “Will the Soul in you cry when it’s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?”

Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?

dark side energiesEnergies, just like light, need a carrier. Energies are not a bodiless, shapeless woo-woo thing: they are vibrational in their nature. In total vacuum, the energy cannot advance: there is no carrier.

What are suitable carriers for energies? Air, liquids, especially water, and sound. Obviously sound is already a derivative: without something to carry the sound vibration, there is no sound…

I’ll use sound to illustrate.

If there is no carrier, if there is no matter, sound dissipates.

But sound itself can become a carrier. The energy you want it to carry will modulate the “original” sound, it will combine: you will get the original sound and the inaudible sound of the energy.
Continue reading “Dark Energies, Light Energies… How does it work? How does the energy get to you, for whom is it intended?”

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…

How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do, what do you ask for? Are you eating soup with a fork?

What is the Soul? Where is the seat of the Soul? How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? What does the Soul do? Continue reading “How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do…”

Listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train

attain your freedom through the use of the Unconditional Love ActivatorBe Happy again: Does, listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train, activate Unconditional Love?

Thank you Sophie
my usage after hearing the first 40 mins of the sleepy time audio yesterday night and today on the train: I felt very energized and also, my “need” and “desperation” of seeking validation or that clingy-ness to be liked is drastically reduced, it’s still there the approval syndrome, but i feel better about myself.
Best Regards

Hi Kate. your email teaches me that you don’t understand how activators work, so here is a little refresher:

There are five generations of activators. Out of those we still use three.
Continue reading “Listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train”

Without integrity nothing works… including my activators, the HOE… etc.

without integrity nothing worksWithout integrity nothing works.

What is nothing, and what does it mean “working?”

I will use two examples, both from my own students:

  1. I sent out an email a few weeks ago offering the HOE long range, my famous Heaven on Earth in an audio format.I had a condition: they needed to share my work with people in their circles. 60 people promised to share. About 10 of those actually shared.

    Those people are doing well. The rest of them? The HOE long range isn’t working for them.

    What is the connection? Did I jinx the HOE long range?
    Continue reading “Without integrity nothing works… including my activators, the HOE… etc.”

How did you get to be the way you are? Unhappy,

How did you get to be the way you are? Unhappy,

evil aka the Dark SideHow did you get to be the way you are? Unhappy, low vibration, self-conscious, depressed, fearful? How The Dark Side rules you?

The following is an excerpt from the novel, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. It is an apt description of how evil takes over the world.

It’s long, but please read it. Read it a few times, so you can identify yourself and the ideology that got you to be miserable, empty, merely surviving. Pay special attention on how guilt plays a role in that.

Enjoy. Continue reading “How did you get to be the way you are? Unhappy,”

The path to raising your vibration, to earn your vibration, to become a Human Being, a creator

raising your vibration is like climbing a treeAnimals seem to be happy. Humans are unhappy, pretending to be happy.

Why is this discrepancy?

Consider that what makes you unhappy is your Soul. The Soul that is at cross-purposes with the part of you that is the bodymind, the part of you that guides your behavior, thoughts, and attitudes.

It’s been so maybe forever.

The Soul is the aspect of you that wants to become like God, that wants to become a Creator.

The bodymind only cares about receiving: receiving fun, pleasure, power over others, and being safe, being right, looking good. Some disciplines call it the ego… I won’t… Calling it ego hasn’t proved to be effective, because we have a limited perspective, a cookie cutter concept of ego, and that will limit what you’ll see… so I’ll call what defines you, what guides your actions, what gives you your attitudes the bodymind.
Continue reading “The path to raising your vibration, to earn your vibration, to become a Human Being, a creator”