Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?

Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?

I don’t know about you, but I have always thought that my food should be my medicine, and my medicine should be my food.

And this is mostly how it was for our ancestors… or more precisely: the more their food provided enough nutrients the more our ancestors thrived.

And the same is true for animals. People who raise animals, or take care of animals for a living, for their livelihood, know this. Continue reading “Life expectancy and your vibration are connected, but how?”

Internal and external barriers to growth, changing, success, the good life

Internal and external barriers to growth, changing, success, the good life
is it worth my time, given what I am up to?Is that a distraction? Does that get me closer to my target?

One of the big issue I see with people is this:

You have big desires… but you don’t consider doing the things you have to do to attain them worth your while.

Catch 22.

Your desire for comfort and doing nothing conflicts with your desire for what you say you desire.

Something has to give.
Continue reading “Internal and external barriers to growth, changing, success, the good life”

The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?

The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?

fire-burningIt’s not worth it… you moan…

Is it worth it to invest your energy in something that is uncertain? It’s not worth it, or is it?… It is all about whether it is worth it for YOU or not…

If you are supposed to have it already, then working for it doesn’t look like it’s worth it.

Continue reading “The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?”

How is living like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

How is living like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

writers-gif2Let’s observe how you write… and then we’ll see how you live your life.

Most people first-draft-people… they never re-write. Others carefully craft the format, but don’t touch what they said… the content. And then others wait until they think they have something profound to say… and that is rarely.

All good writing is re-writing. Both writing literature and “writing”, crafting your life, your story. 1 If you are not willing to write badly you are not willing to write well either. And if you can’t see that your first draft is bad, you will never look at it again.

In this article I’ll focus on the category who is afraid to take actions that would re-write their life… they stick with the first draft.
Continue reading “How is living like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…”

The quality of your life boils down to action and patterns

The quality of your life boils down to action and patterns

If nothing changes. the future is predictableThe current state of human intelligence… and I mean the overall intelligence, can be easily tracked on detective movies… British ones are more honest than American movies.

As you may know, I like to watch those… I learn from them as much as from any course, while I am entertained as well.

The quality of a person’s life, your life, boils down to actions… and each and every action is a result of a choice.

The accuracy of your actions is a function of how many patterns you recognize accurately in the world.

If nothing changes about you, your future is quite predictable… it is downhill from here…

Continue reading “The quality of your life boils down to action and patterns”

Casting errors in movies and what you can learn from them for your life

Casting errors in movies and what you can learn from them for your life

my-left-footWhat is wrong with movies, TV series, that I can’t stomach… or barely?

I am talking about good stories. I am talking about shows with good or passable actors, good directing… And yet the show is scarcely enjoyable because the character doesn’t fit. the inner world of the character is off… tells a different story.

Like the serial killer in The Fall… more about it later.
Continue reading “Casting errors in movies and what you can learn from them for your life”

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

granny with flexibilityThis is not a gimmick… This old lady can do this and a ton of other stunts…

The question you should ask not how she remained so flexible, because who cares…

Instead: ask a question that is relevant to you:

What is it that you can do to regain some of your flexibility, some of your energy, so you can enjoy life more, feel younger, look younger.

That is exactly what I did. Continue reading “Ignorance in health matters is killing you”

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

necessary-endingsThe personality test that tells you if you can grow, and if you can benefit from working with me.

I have been at my wits’ end for years now.

Today I found out what was missing…

Remember the wise saying: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know.

More often than not, what you don’t know is a distinction… and it was definitely true in my case.

I have been making the mistake of coaching and dealing with my people as if they were me… like me… similar to me.

Continue reading “The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test”

How to grow from where you are begins with…

How to grow from where you are begins with…

why-do-i-succeedI’ve been quiet.

I am working through some stuff… nothing personal, it’s about you. It’s about what to teach you. How to teach you. It’s about seeing, in more detail, and more precisely what is the truth about you, so I can talk to you the way you can hear me.

The more precisely I can ‘diagnose’ what is the situation with you, the more effective my message and my teaching can be.

But, it seems no matter how precise my teaching, it is not really up to me, or my teaching, what will happen to you or your life.

It is up to you. Your actions, your attitude, your ‘undeclared commitment’ in life. Continue reading “How to grow from where you are begins with…”

what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?

what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?

dogs-unseen-venn-diagramThe quality of your life depends on your overall intelligence… intellect, body intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to live a full life, with a range of emotions, and to conquer difficulties, adversities successfully.

You are born with certain DNA defined potentials. No doubt about that. Your ancestry and its habits lead to your DNA being allowing and restrictive, and yet, all human capacities are encoded in your DNA… but what is not needed, what was not needed by your ancestors is dimmed out… “not needed”, Nature decided…
Continue reading “what is intelligence, and what is more intelligent?”