Soul Correction: Global Transformation

Originally posted 2011-12-25 20:39:15.

Soul Correction: Global Transformation

With a title like that, you would expect that a soul correction like that will encourage the human to direct all their attention outward and try to change, improve, transform other people’s lives.

But when it comes to soul correction, normal societal logic doesn’t apply.

If you want to cause anything outside of you, you really have to cause it inside of you. Bummer, right?

All the revolutionaries, and campaigners, and reformers, and global warming people, and conspiracy theorists, listen up!
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Global Transformation”

Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression?

Originally posted 2011-12-21 13:18:14.

Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression?

the opposite of enthusiastic is called depressed... no soul withinDepression: What Are The Signs Of Depression? Your Purpose, Your Soul’s Purpose And How To Beat Depression

For most of my life I was depressed. My mother was depressed. I had a hard time going to bed and I had a hard time getting up. It took me a lot of coffee to get going. I felt heavy, sluggish, and life was an effort.

Depression is widespread, and hard to treat. 1

In most cases, the treatment is a tradeoff: you may get more mojo in your head but lose it down there, for example.

Looking at it as an empath, where I know more about your depression than you do, because I am not effected (especially if I can figure out that it is not mine!) and I can watch objectively what’s going on.

Now, this is not a dissertation that can cover all types of depression. Instead it will cover the most common. I am exposed to it every day, and I am getting more and more pieces of the puzzle.

Continue reading “Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression?”

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

Originally posted 2011-12-17 15:22:33.

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

when we connect to Source, you are like diamonds in my crown: I know if you are there!Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening. Continue reading “Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader”

A Fulfilled Life Is When You Become A Match To Your Dreams… How Is Your Life?

Originally posted 2011-12-09 22:51:09.

a fulfilled life is when you become a match to your dreams Becoming A Match To Your Dreams: The Key To A Fulfilled Life

This article is an open Critique Of Coaching as if you knew How To Use The Law Of Attraction
Continue reading “A Fulfilled Life Is When You Become A Match To Your Dreams… How Is Your Life?”

Connecting To Source, Connecting To Higher Self, Connecting To Intuition: Which Is The Easiest? Which Can Be Taught?

Originally posted 2011-09-07 10:01:04.

Connect To Your Higher Self By Connecting To Source

Connecting To Source, Connecting To Higher Self, Connecting To Intuition: Which Is The Easiest? Which Can Be Taught?

Warning: this article is written so a 9-year old won’t understand it. If your comprehension is on a 9-year old’s level, go, find another website to read… and if this warning insults you… Good. I woke you up!

  • What is the difference between getting guidance from Source and intuition?
  • What is the difference between connecting to your higher self and connecting to Source?
  • What is inspiration and where does it come from? How can I access it when I need it?
  • How do I pick a path and stay on it? Where does it come from?
  • Continue reading “Connecting To Source, Connecting To Higher Self, Connecting To Intuition: Which Is The Easiest? Which Can Be Taught?”

    Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

    Originally posted 2011-07-14 13:14:19.

    Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

    the visual signs of higher vibration raise your vibration Please remember that this case study is concerned with one aspect: does the modality raise your vibration permanently. That is the only question I answer here, that is my only concern.

    Why? Because there are tons of life-coaches, lots of ‘transformational’ programs, lots of spiritual teachers, lots of meditation, yoga, brain-entrainment, etc. programs are out there that create a feel-good effect, but the effect isn’t lasting, and you have to go back for more.

    What do I mean? Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work”

    Vibrational Review: The Healing Codes

    Originally posted 2011-06-27 15:03:34.

    Vibrational Review:  The Healing Codes

    Vibrational Review 1/12/2012

    Updated 3/14/2015

    Dr Alex Loyd personal vibration: 210
    The methodology: 200
    the company: 200
    truth value: 13%. Why is it so low? Because

    Continue reading “Vibrational Review: The Healing Codes”

    Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – winning first inside

    Originally posted 2011-05-22 18:15:05.

    Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – winning first inside

    Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – Create Positive Outcomes and Adventure With Your Mind

    The gist of this article is to go within. Within really means: go to the vertical, instead of staying and living on the horizontal plane with all the drama, all the conflicts, all the bumping into this and that. Continue reading “Life Is Like a Bruce Lee Movie – winning first inside”

    What is the difference between a human and a human being?

    What is the difference between a human and a human being?

    My work is to take humans from the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death to the Promised Land… to Human Beingness. This post might be an important milepost in that.

    I read an article in the Howard Business Review that points out a worldview that is at the root of you staying a potential, you staying an effect, in every area of your life.

    Although the article is a business article, business is a great analogy to life. Another great analogy is travel.

    Travel is a much easier, much more accessible activity, so I will use it, while, if you want to read the original business article, I am enclosing it.
    Continue reading “What is the difference between a human and a human being?”