Vibrational Reviews: reader requests. Numerologists, internet marketers, self improvement gurus, a billionaire… oh my! lol

Celebrity numerologist Tania Gabrielle (I’d be very curious about her truth value) personal vibration: 320; truth value: 230

Caldean numerologist Joanna Justis: personal vibration: 230; truth value: 200

highest paid hand analyst Baeth Davis: personal vibration: 190; truth value: 180

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Vibrational Reviews: Vibration of some (internet) my marketing teachers: Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Jim Edwards, Robert Plank, Armand Morin, and more

Vibration of some (internet) marketing teachers:

Robert Plank: 250 (used to be 299)
Lance Tamashiro: 250
Frank Kern: 300 (used to be 400)
Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Vibration of some (internet) my marketing teachers: Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, Jim Edwards, Robert Plank, Armand Morin, and more”