Who or What is calling the shot in your life?

Who or What is calling the shot in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely

Displacement of your commitment:

As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect of you that conspires and is in cahoots with the Universe, will put up obstacles in your path, so instead of doing stuff that’s consistent with your commitment, you are now on a detour path: handling your obstacles.

Alex, a friend of mine, is dealing with his server and his websites being hacked… a moment after he made a commitment to growth. So he feels forced to deal with that, instead of following the path he set for himself.
Continue reading “Who or What is calling the shot in your life?”

Theta Mode training… first take

2009I have been under the weather… mainly because of withdrawal symptoms after I stopped drinking milk. Lost my voice…

But I promised to make a video, so made a first take… not very good, but it will hold you over until I feel better and record the real training.

I am also planning on doing a webinar or two, to check if the instructions are working for you… so wait for the announcement, probably will do the first this coming weekend.

OK, here comes the video
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If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself…


If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself… How losing yourself happens, and how you can live a life where you never lose yourself?

This past week I had a lot of interactions: a lot more than usual.

I had calls, where the other person, from time to time, got hold of the steering wheel… and it felt dangerous for me of losing control or the conversation.

I also had to cancel some utilities and restart them with a different provider.

The bad cell phone connection, the voice mail systems, the operators that talk without listening, like a machine, the hold-music… all factors that could be causing me to lose myself.

Loud TV, a typical marketeer loud forceful audio on the computer, peak traffic, noises, bumping into carts in the grocery store… all tearing at you, wanting attention.
Continue reading “If you feel you are losing yourself, maybe lost yourself…”

Your weakness is around what your life can turn around

Your weakness is around what your life can turn around

turn disadvantage into an advantage

Turning disadvantage into an advantage…

Another book written by Malcolm Gladwell deals with the deficit, the weakness of a person, that becomes the catalyst for them to become the best.

Of course, this is not automatic.

99% of dyslexics can’t read or write well, and are left behind in society.

But a disproportionately large percentage of exceptionally successful people are dyslexic.

99% of dyslexics are kinesthetic learners, perceive the world kinestheticly. It is another hindrance, being kinesthetic: relating to the world, information, through the body.
Continue reading “Your weakness is around what your life can turn around”

Osho on the pathless path to enlightenment

Osho on the pathless path to enlightenment








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Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?

the-life-of-a-teacherFirst things first: the saying is “become worth a damn.” But a lot of people consider damn a curse word, so they say “become worth a dime”… Oh well, here you have it. Become worth a dime… lol.

Second: let me explain the picture: no teacher is worth a darn, unless the student is able to handle, utilize what the teacher teaches. And therein lies all the difficulty you are experiencing.

As you can, maybe, track, I am becoming obsessed with learning to learn… or more precisely said, teaching you to learn to learn…

Because you have been mislead.

Even MY parents tried to mislead ME… lol.

I was dyslexic, which, as a diagnosis, didn’t exist when I was a child, so they thought I was stupid. So they tried to make me memorize…
Continue reading “Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?”

Your cultural predicament to feel powerless

Your cultural predicament to feel powerless

Another issue that has been driven up by the “Gate of Heaven” workshop is this:

In certain cultures women are told they are inferior. They are supposed to be pretty, but not smart. They are property: they are treated as property.

Women resent this. So revolt is normal and necessary. Continue reading “Your cultural predicament to feel powerless”

The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven

The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven

gateway-to-heavenThe Detached capacity is the gateway to heaven… and also the gatekeeper to heaven. All ways to heaven, to higher functioning, to human beingness lead through this capacity…

It’s very interesting: whenever I start a new course, or a workshop, suddenly everyone gets quiet.

They are waiting for the other shoe to drop. What shoe? lol… so see if it works… holding their breath.

Anyway, the workshop started this morning, and I enjoyed it. Even I learned a lot…

If you are in the workshop: I would appreciate a little bit of public feedback.

The first session (of the Detached capacity workshop) was enjoyable. I never expect that: my whole base attitude is pessimistic. I prepare for horror, and I am always pleasantly surprised.
Continue reading “The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven”

Your beingness is given by your attitude right now

Your beingness is given by your attitude right now

attitude is a state of being. All actions come from it.The importance of being: who you are being, from where it all comes, your actions, your feelings, your results

It’s obvious to me: I am not succeeding in conveying the importance of being.

And another thing is starting to get clear: everything we think about attitudes is off… sometimes a lot, other times a little.

So I am going to muse here for a bit, a see if I can make more sense of it, for you.

Attitude is a beingness phenomenon. It is not mental, it is not emotional, it is not intellectual. It is a state of being. And yet… it is created by words.

Special words, mind you. But words nevertheless.

You can LABEL your beingness, or your attitude with an emotion word… but you cannot change your emotion… so if that were how attitude is, then humans would never have any power over their attitudes, and therefore their lives.

But humans do… Attitudes are created with words, managed with words, changed with words.

Here is an attitude of arrogance. A superiority. Can you, if you have nothing to go on, change that attitude?

You can’t.

But if you listen in, deeply, to the words, what is there is a version of this:

I am better than you. Only what I say matters, whatever you say doesn’t matter, because I am the big cheese. I know and you don’t, so I’ll tell you. I advise you, I counsel you, I coach you, because I know, I am better than you. Your job in this relationship is to admire me. To validate me. To flatter me. Who do you think you are to open your mouth, tell me what to do, or criticize me?! etc.

Now, being in a state of being has gotten a misleading interpretation, namely that it’s a good thing. But being in a state of being is neutral. You are always in a state of being. The question is: what is your state of being?

Your state of being is what is also called ATTITUDE.

You can look at the being and tell if it is a high vibration being or a low vibration being. If it is constructive. If it is conducive to good relationship, to love, to caring, to productivity, to growth, to good health, etc.

Your being is invisible to you, like water is for the fish. Its LABEL is visible to others.

Because it is invisible to you, you don’t know about it. And you can’t catch what you can’t see…

Our job here is to learn how to see what’s invisible… Because all the power comes from the invisible.

So you go to what you know about, your conscious thoughts and your the feelings you can name.

But your thoughts and feelings are often far from where your being is.

  • When I say to someone: you are arrogant… they say: I don’t feel arrogant. Of course you don’t… arrogance doesn’t feel, because it is a being. It is obvious to others, invisible to you.
  • When I say to someone: you are stingy… they say: I am not. I am very giving… but the beingness of stingy isn’t even something they can wrap their mind or feelings around.

But, listen up!

ALL your actions derive themselves from the attitude, the being. Your feelings and thoughts have rarely any relevance at all.

Being able to have a certain attitude is a good thing… but not all attitudes are available to you unless you have the capacity for that being, for that attitude.

Generosity is one of these attitudes… you can do the moves of generosity, you’ll praise someone, you allow them to finish their sentence, but you are doing it, against your better judgment. You are doing it because you want something. You have an agenda.

Or you DO compassion… but your attitude is contempt. Or superiority. Or ‘I am better than you.’

You DO love, but your attitude is contempt.

In my last romantic relationship we first shared MY apartment in New Jersey. Then we moved to New York because of his job. And then we lived in HIS apartment.

His attitude in the relationship was: ‘I am the boss. Unless you please me I’ll kick you out. Everything that is yours is also mine, but if you touch MY stuff, I kick you out. You better keep MY house clean, cook dinner for me, or you are history.

What is YOUR hidden attitude with your significant other?

Authentic being doesn’t have an agenda. Neither a hidden agenda, nor a overt agenda. No agenda.

When you have the authentic being of generosity, you don’t shut up so people will like you, so they listen, so you get what you want. No, the authentic being of generosity is for no reason at all. You are not in scarcity… Scarcity expresses itself in agendas, winning, getting, and such.

So now what?

You are inauthentic, that’s what. And you lie about it.


Most attitudes make you miserable. Like being stingy. Like being arrogant. Like being tentative, cautious, and withdrawing.

Why? Because your higher self communicate to you through pain and bad feelings.

It is not a guidance voice, as they preach it is, no. It is a punishing guidance… and of course you have no ears to hear, no eyes to see, so you suffer, and get no guidance from it.

In order to get guidance, you need distinctions, but you don’t have many… and the ones you have are Tree of Knowledge: you learned them from someone who learned them from someone… who ultimately made it up. Mostly the Dark Side.

change-your-attitudeSo you listen to your feelings as guidance, and your listen to your mind chatter as guidance, and they are saying all kinds of things, and you are left… hey, let’s tell the truth: powerless.

So, what can you do?

  • You can do what most people will do: try to fix their feelings or their minds. Plenty of programs for that.
  • or you can do what I do, what I did, and what I recommend that you do:
    Step out from the circle of noise into the circle of silence.

Step into being. What being? The first being you can step into is “I am not my feelings and I am not my thoughts. I am not my history, I am not my body, I am me.”

You can try to do it on your own, and you’ll see if you have the capacity or not.

If you already have the capacity, you’ll experience the silence. And you can open your eyes and see what you should do, without having to think about it.

If you don’t already have the capacity to step into being, you’ll know, because you won’t have a place to step into. The noise will continue, the feelings will continue, and maybe even get louder.

step-into-beingThe capacity, I call, Step Into Being, can be activated for you, and if you practice it enough, it will stick. 1

The being it allows you to step into is simply the being of silence. The being of stepping outside of the hubbub.

But for most of you, that will be a revolutionary step, the step that will make all the difference.

If you don’t need it, this is not a good time. It will just turn off.

Unless you have more than 10 opportunities and needs a day to use it, it will turn off.


Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles

Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles
how-accurately-do-you-see-yourselfWhat is self-awareness?

Is it feeling what you feel, thinking what you think, doing what you do, and knowing you are feeling, thinking, doing that?

I think self-awareness is beyond that. self-awareness is a positional shift for the self that is aware. Positional meant in a physical sense, in a physical movement of the vantage point.

It is one thing to feel from inside the body, and it’s another thing from observing it, as the body feels what it feels. Continue reading “Self-awareness: and your financial and relationship troubles”