What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”

What is The Creator that loves you unconditionally?

What is The Creator that loves you unconditionally?

Summary: In this article I am going to illustrate to you how something evolves, as opposed to being born…

I will illustrate to you the thought process it takes to move something from good to better to better and even better… There is no such thing as best in this thought process. This is the foundation of an Expanding Human Being: there is no limit to expanding, neither in the mind nor in the reality of the Original Design. And I’ll share the breakthrough we had in raising your vibration.

  1. When I came to this country at age 38, I was much like you in a lot of ways. One of the thngs that I remember vividly is my relationship to improvement. If a product label said “improved”, my thought was “that means it wasn’t good before, and probably isn’t good now… so I won’t get it.”I still lived in the mind, and the mind does not like improvement, it doesn’t like change. If something is good, then it is good, no need for improvement… Bah humbug.
  2. When I was an architecture students, I learned two things that became totally useful regardless of the field I applied them. One of these is what I learned from my famed History of Architecture professor: He shared that when he graduated as an architect, he went to work in a theater, instead of the field of design or construction.
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The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: you don’t want it

The ability to care, the ability to love: why is it that people don’t want it?

Why would a large majority of the human population refuse to receive the DNA upgrade?

In conversations with students, without ever asking their opinion about this, I have formed a view about the reasons why someone would not want the capacities included in the DNA upgrade of September 4.

It is hard to fathom… after all if you have more capacities, you can live more, love more, have more, enjoy more… but no, reality doesn’t work the way of my imagination, not at all.

The easiest it is to see this unwillingness when we look at the capacities of love and caring.

Most of humanity lives in a state I call “driftwood.”
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Money, Well-Being, Work, Relationships… become powerful?

Money, Well-Being, Work, Relationships… which area do you most want to become powerful?

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night. I had a sudden insight, that is what woke me up.

I suddenly saw that I have been writing many of my articles as if what you want, what you are worried about, what keeps you up at night didn’t matter to me.

I broke out in cold sweat: that is the last thing I am about.

I want to give you what you want, what you need, and this is what this article is about.

The number one question that anyone on my site should ask themselves: why do I want to raise my vibration? What will become possible in my life if I do that?

putting-our-knowledge-togetherIf my feedback from students is any indication, the main issues you may be dealing with are

  • money
  • well-being
  • your work, job, and your performance and your satisfaction
  • Relationships/Love
  • Finding your work

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Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling

laura-knight-jadczykI am halfway through listening to an interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, prolific alternative history writer, blah blah blah.

As you saw from my previous article, I am reading one of his books… I was researching why Moses is depicted with horns… and that is how I got to her.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s personal vibration is 200, and the truth value of her whole teachings, tens of thousands of pages in eleven books, not mentioning her interviews, etc. the truth value of all that is 190.

Not high, not high at all.
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The path to become a Human Being – Part 2:

The path to become a Human Being – Part 2:

If you haven’t, please read Part 1 of this article first. It will make more sense… it will set the context.

The missing godliness are called virtues.

Living virtuously is a daily struggle, a daily battle. No one, no matter how high their vibration, is ever done. Not a Buddha, not a Jesus, not anyone.

The two problems I see in this “business” of raising your vibration:

  1. You want happiness, joy, fulfillment, the exact way you want pleasure: food, sex, the breeze on your face. You don’t want to earn it, you just want to get it. You may want to buy it, but happiness, joy, fulfillment is not something you can buy. But there are plenty of gurus, doctors, healers, teachers, that will accommodate your slothful desire:
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Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?

energized waterWater! 70% of your body is water, and every single chemical process in your body requires water. In your cell and in between the cells.

Clean, well structured, good water. Water that lubricates your joints. Water that dissolves and carries the vitamins and the minerals to where they become life. Water that refreshes you, quenches your thirst, and leaves you with more energy than when you started.

Unfortunately to all of us, this is not the case. The water that is available for us, whether it is through the tap, through a “pristine” mountain stream, in a bottle, is water that doesn’t fit to drink.

The minimum energy, the minimum vibration, the minimum “consciousness level” water needs to have is 300. That is what muscletest says the body needs to match itself… for the water to neither add nor take away from its state. On the vibrational scale of consciousness. If its vibration is lower, then it robs your body of energy, and it robs you of your life, of your happiness, of your peace of mind, of your brilliance, of your health.

I have measured the vibration of water from different sources, and this is what I found this morning:
Continue reading “Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?”

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code

Revisited: What does the vibration number mean? Why are methodologies that actually help people rate low on the vibrational scale? I’ll compare and review the Dr. Bradley Nelson method, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios.

I just finished watching a few episodes of the Dr. Bradley Nelson show. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a showman, a great salesperson. I think it’s great: I wish I could be more like him doing the work I do. More people would flock to me.

Now, why is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s vibration as low as 190, occasionally as low as 170? Is he an unhappy person? Is this a case of the shoemaker who doesn’t have shoes?

The answer is no. I see two problems with his methodology that would result in such low vibration.

The problem isn’t as much his well-being, peace of mind, etc. as he isn’t in the business of empowering people. His methodology is to work through practitioners, and this model duplicates the system of the medical establishment, the church, the government.

In his system people are treated for an issue with a method that may work, by a practitioner who was “specially trained” to treat people with that method.

So people need to be sick for those practitioners to exist, which means his system perpetuates disease.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code”

Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Machaelle Small Wright vibrational review
Machaelle Small Wright author of “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered” First off, when I asked to connect to Machaella, there was no such person. Then I asked to connect to the author of the book above, and then I connected. The author seems to be a man. WTF? This has never happened to me… personal vibration: 180. Truth value: 170. The whole ouvre vibration: 200

Mantak Chia is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong. Personal vibration: 240. Deep seated fear
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Vibrational Review: Tapping Into Abundance By Carol Look (MindValley product)

vibrational review tapping into abundance carol look mind valley empowermentTapping Into Abundance By Carol Look And Tapping – A vibrational review

I am working on an abundance activator, and therefore I am very interested in anything that is happening in that topic.

I didn’t buy the 195 dollar product, so I am only able to provide my thoughts and my muscletesting results.
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