You bought a 3-day coaching from me… email coaching, to keep the newly activated spiritual capacity alive. And I can feel that you are waiting for me to do something.

spottingIf we were in sport, you behave as if the coach’s job is to come pick you up drive you to the field, and tell you what to do.

What is coaching?

Coaching is the coach making you do what you don’t want to do so you can be all you can be.

But… Only someone who is in action can be coached.

So, unless you are doing what you think the assignment is, you are not in action.
Unless you report to me what you are doing and how you are doing it… you are not in action

You paid for coaching, but coaching is impossible… because coaching begins with you doing and letting me know.

I know you meant to hire me for $25 so that I can do for you what you are not willing to do. That is not coaching, that is saving, rescuing, and no matter what I do, your capacity won’t stay open, because you didn’t do what you needed to do.
Continue reading “You bought a 3-day coaching from me… email coaching, to keep the newly activated spiritual capacity alive. And I can feel that you are waiting for me to do something.”

Now that You don’t have to be perfect, You can be good… and alive

Now that You don’t have to be perfect, You can be good… and alive

The best present I can give you is this

“Now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good,” says a character in John Steinbeck’s novel *East of Eden.* I suggest that you make this your rallying cry. In fact, why not begin right now, wherever you are? Say “Now that I don’t have to be perfect, I can be good.” Free yourself of the pressure to be the polished, ultimate embodiment of everything you’d ever hoped you would be. That will allow you to relax into being more content with the intriguing creation you have already become. You may be surprised by how much mojo this affords you.

Most procrastination is caused by the strong urge to ONLY do things that you can do perfectly, like watching TV, eating ice cream, sleeping…

Continue reading “Now that You don’t have to be perfect, You can be good… and alive”

The Problem of Artificial Willpower

willpower-drugsThe lack of motivation, ambition, the lack of vision in the loss of Self

As a whole, humanity is unmotivated, low on ambition, and lacks a vision… and is unwilling to create a vision to boot.

So what has caused and what maintains this lackluster way of living?

I read an article this morning and it struck me as more truthful than the other theories of wrong beliefs, fear, etc.

Here is the article.

Summary: What do we risk by using substances that enhance our enjoyment and interest in certain pursuits – say, a university major or career – which we would otherwise find meaningless and alienating? Continue reading “The Problem of Artificial Willpower”

ADD, ADHD. What the French can teach us about that…

ADD, ADHD. What the French can teach us about that…

Is ADD and ADHD a nature or nurture phenomenon? There is a surprising answer: we compare American and French children with regards to ADD…

Based on an article by Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. “Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD? French children don’t need medications to control their behavior.”

First off: what is ADD and ADHD?

Attention deficit disorder is a symptom. According to Dr. Daniel Amen, when an ADD/ADHD person wants to concentrate, at a certain point their prefrontal cortex shuts down… much like your computer crashes when you overload it.
Continue reading “ADD, ADHD. What the French can teach us about that…”

Correction or fix? When are they the same?

Correction or fix? When are they the same?

bandaidCorrection or fix? When are they the same? or how to become an intelligent consumer?

I am a people watcher. I watch what they do, I watch the emotions underlying the behavior… the hidden stuff.

Even people whose life philosophy is to help people take missteps into the arena to offering fixes. But for most practitioners it’s a pretense thinly veiling that they are in business to make money… Continue reading “Correction or fix? When are they the same?”

The Racket of transformation revealed for you

The Racket of transformation revealed for you
The Racket of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others. Continue reading “The Racket of transformation revealed for you”