Soul Correction: Global Transformation

Soul Correction: Global Transformation

With a title like that, you would expect that a soul correction like that will encourage the human to direct all their attention outward and try to change, improve, transform other people’s lives.

But when it comes to soul correction, normal societal logic doesn’t apply.

If you want to cause anything outside of you, you really have to cause it inside of you. Bummer, right?

All the revolutionaries, and campaigners, and reformers, and global warming people, and conspiracy theorists, listen up!
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Global Transformation”

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader

when we connect to Source, you are like diamonds in my crown: I know if you are there!Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6 pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00 am webinar. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening. Continue reading “Do I need to connect to Source? asks a reader”