When you are afraid… what is there to do?

When you are afraid… what is there to do?

I am doing a business project with my brand spanking new coach… and…

As it was predictable, this is my fourth day only, I already got to a place, where fear is coming up.

I am glad, because I am so rarely afraid. This will give me an opportunity to notice something Tree of Life for my scaredy cat clients and students.

So I am afraid.

IT, the voice, is whispering sweet nothings into my ear, lol. ‘It’s not important.‘ ‘You are already fine.‘ ‘What if you lose all the money you’ve made?‘ ‘he doesn’t know…Continue reading “When you are afraid… what is there to do?”

Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?

Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?

There are really two types of people when it comes to making more money: one group will chase the mirage, the lottery approach, winning, betting on schemes… and the other, the tiny group that sees that making more money is a natural fallout of becoming worth a damn.

I am interested in talking to the second group, the tiny group.

You see, knowing that you should become worth a damn is nice and dandy… but knowing with pinpoint accuracy where you aren’t… what it is that you need to do next to increase your worth a damn factor is crucial.

Life is holographic. Maybe it is the Universe… but who am I to just repeat something I heard… I don’t know about the Universe. But I do know about Life. Continue reading “Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method? Lottery Approach?”

Choiceless freedom? Choiceless choice? Choiceless Awareness? Is Osho right about that?

Choiceless freedom? Choiceless choice? Choiceless Awareness? Is Osho right about that?

I am reading Osho, specifically his collection of talks on freedom.

He didn’t actually write any of his books, they are collections of his spontaneous daily talks in his ashrams to his devotees, answering questions.

One of the most intriguing concepts is this:

You want freedom. Freedom of choice.

And you find out that once you have chosen, anything, the scope of freedom gets reduced, diminished.

He suggests this experiment:

Stand up. Now raise one of your feet and stand on the other leg.
Now lift the other leg…

You can’t, can you?

This is how choice and freedom are connected.
Continue reading “Choiceless freedom? Choiceless choice? Choiceless Awareness? Is Osho right about that?”

More on being locked out… I am handing you the key

thumbSome 10 years ago I did a year long course, called Partnership Explorations. It was intense, incomprehensible, and difficult.

Yet, it had an aspect that caused me to have an insight that was directly responsible for the breakthrough that you live with me, now.

The course was some talk, and a lot of collages.

A collage is an artwork… normally. But in the Partnership Explorations course it was a tool to get a new insight about life, about ourselves.

In one collage I wanted to show that I was locked out. I was locked out of the kind of life I saw people enjoy: parties, kissing, love.
Continue reading “More on being locked out… I am handing you the key”

Fear of death

threatened-gunYesterday, in the Playground session, we spoke about the fear of death.

“They” say all fear is fear of death. I am not afraid of death. I have faced death several times. Some of the times it was because I was ill. Many of the times I did it to meet death, to make friends with death. And even more often I faced death to get beyond it. To get where only through death you can get.
Continue reading “Fear of death”