Learning to learn… how you learn makes all the difference… What is the theta state of mind?

Some days I just can’t write. I don’t want to write.

Some days it doesn’t make any sense to me to write. It feels like I have done all I will ever do, and it hasn’t made a difference.

One of the main stumbling block for me to being able to make a difference for you, is how you listen.

You listen with a certain economy. You want to make sure that what you hear is relevant, what you hear is true, what you hear is worth listening to.

How do you make the decision what to FOCUS on?

brain-statesYou go to the only place you have: your mind.

The mind is a storage facility. I contains all the things you have put, consciously or unconsciously, into it. Continue reading “Learning to learn… how you learn makes all the difference… What is the theta state of mind?”

To what degree is your life fragmented?

fragmented lifeYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attached you are to one area of life, or one way to do it, or one problem you have.
Continue reading “To what degree is your life fragmented?”

Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a “higher power” and a universe that makes sense

indigo childI think that most, or at least, many children are born with a much higher potential than what they will actually live out.

It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Some of these children, like myself, are allowed to grow like a weed. Attention, the attention of the lesser ability adults that try to pass on their worldview destroys the potential of these children.

  • It is said that we live in special times.
  • That nowadays more children than ever before are born with some additional strands of DNA…
  • That children retain their ability to see the invisible, hear the invisible, feel the invisible.

I don’t think this is the case. I think that in every age people were born closer to what could be considered “the next evolution” but got reduced back to “normal” by their loving parents, by their caring teachers, or by a hostile society that doesn’t tolerate being different.

Of course this day and age, where humanity has no power, no purpose, no individuality, we are trying to make ourselves more special by claiming that our children are special… after all they are OUR children.
Continue reading “Indigo, shmindigo… about indigo children and humanity’s obsession of a “higher power” and a universe that makes sense”

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only learning that can take you to human being level

So holographic learning is based on a hologram.

A hologram is generated from a pattern on a disk (I think). Even a small fragment of the disk can generate the whole hologram. But more of the disk, and the hologram will be sharper and will have more details. Continue reading “Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…”

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Lots of questions are coming up… Is it possible to be happy, to have ikigai, purpose, and joy if you live in your imagination?

What is the main difference between animals and homo sapiens?

The only differences I can see are

1. homo sapiens (modern humans) live in the mind… thinking it’s reality
2. homo sapiens have conscience
3. homo sapiens live like anything different from what they want is wrong.
4. homo sapiens have usury relationships, win-lose, zero sum. Continue reading “Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?”

How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…

Most everything you read on the internet, in books, on youtube, is b.s. Not true… a lie, or not the whole truth.

What do I mean by b.s.? I simply mean that they have a low truth value.

They can be a lie… misdirection, misleading, made up… etc. Not necessarily with a malicious intent… the speaker/writer is looking to say what they say in the mind, in memes, in books, in other people speaking, not in reality.

Unless it is your truth, experienced yourself, it is not truth. Truth repeated is a lie… Talking about flying isn’t flying. Talking about sex isn’t sex. Talking about integrity isn’t integrity.

Continue reading “How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…”

Truth value: what am I looking at to come up with a number?

The invisible and its relationship to truth value

I bought a book today Ikagai

Ikagai the Japanese way of finding purpose in your life. Japanese culture is very different from Western culture in that there is no hurry, there is no desire trap, no teaching to imagine in detail what you want, live in your head… etc.
Here are the five principles of Ikigai: living with joy every day. Step dancing to work, as Tai Lopez would say:

Awakening Your Ikagai by Ken Mogi (Truth value: 30%) explains that Ikigai (roughly described as the pleasures and meanings of life) has 5 Pillars:

  • 1 – Starting small; focusing on doing a certain thing (or part of a thing) very well
  • 2 – Releasing yourself from bondage, from the should’s and have-to’s; accepting who you are, and allowing yourself to be open to your place in the greater community
  • 3 – Harmony & sustainability – recognizing that the permanence of anything includes getting along with and relying on others, doing small things well/beautifully
  • 4 – The joy of small things – appreciating the sensory pleasure of everything around you
  • 5 – Being in the here and now – living in this moment now
Ikagai is what logotherapy invented by Victor Frankl in the Nazi concentration camp… and more. Really a way to live that feels like it matters.

It really doesn’t matter whether you matter or not for the quality of your life. Many people matter, and yet feel bad about their lives. What matters is what you FEEL.

I, for example, probably don’t matter. But I have managed to create IKAGAI for my life, that allows me to enjoy it, enjoy myself, and make my life closest to an art form.

Ikagai for business on creating a purpose, both individually, and for a business.

I have just started reading it… I measured its truth value. It’s 20%.

And then I had the idea of asking a different question I have been meaning to ask: How much of the missing 80% is something that the person doesn’t say, cannot say, because he doesn’t know? And it was high: 70%. And the remaining 10% is just simple untruth, mistake, wrong knowledge.

Then I got a report from one of my students/accountability partners. He says:
I spent some time pondering.

I saw the value and the importance of seeing things for myself, taking time to gather my own evidence to support views, to make it my own. To keep moving towards clarity. Otherwise, I’m just repeating memes, i.e. lying. The difference between assessment and assertion

My heart smiled. He is getting it. His truth value is growing.

99% of the world repeats memes, Tree of Knowledge, that they have no personal evidence for, experience about, they just words that maybe even the writer or the speaker is just repeating. Utterances. But they are repeating “truth”… and in their mouths the truth becomes a lie.

And it isn’t just Bible thumping folks, it is university professors, PhD’s, doctors, gurus, healers… and not the least: you. Continue reading “Truth value: what am I looking at to come up with a number?”

Rob Brezsny interprets the invisible and answers attacks

Rob Brezsny interprets the invisible and answers attacks

I am sharing today’s Rob Brezsny newsletter, because he answers a lot of question for me, about my work as well.

For example, why would soul correction be calculated from your date of birth… WTF, right? But it is very accurate, I must tell you. Even though I discover and am shown aspects of a soul correction, once I see the new aspect, I can look and it fits all people with the same correction like a glove.

I am also starting to see more clearly some low vibration aspects of different systems of thought.

For example: any system of thought that subscribes to god, gods, angels, or in fact any entities, loses truth value and vibration to the degree that the system depends on that idea, on those ideas.

The idea for a need for a supernatural being, or two or many shows a low grasp on reality, and that is low vibration.

The vibration, could be said, is a number that shows the accuracy of your worldview.
Continue reading “Rob Brezsny interprets the invisible and answers attacks”

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?

What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?
The foundation of your being needs to change to raise your vibration.

We could say that raising your vibration is raising the foundation of your being, the foundation of your existence, the height from where you observe life.

Your foundation is set by your culture. Your culture also sets what you can hear and what you cannot.

What you cannot hear is what is higher than the level of your foundation.

You hear something… but by the time it becomes conscious, it is translated to the level of your culture. How? By hearing it in the mind, Plato’s Cave.

To the naked eye, you sound kind of stupid. A is said, and you hear B. Your actions will be based on B. And your results will also be based on B. Continue reading “What is your biggest barrier to raising your vibration?”

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

In my view, there is no god, there are no angels, entities, and such. There is also no devil, no hell, no heaven, no afterlife.

But, because humans even on this level of evolution where we are, can create stuff with their thoughts… gods and angels and entities and other stuff.

So at this point (it may change in the future if research and experiments reveal stuff I am not seeing now) my theory is that there is Dark Side and it is created by humans. It’s all thoughts.

Now, with that said, where does it come from what I say, that the voices you hear in your head are the Dark Side? Or the memes…

Because I say that.

So, what do I consider Dark Side? Continue reading “The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?”