How to be successful without being evil. Is it possible?

How to be successful without being evil

winningOne of the distinctions from Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich is called “The Creative Plane.”

Most of us, most of the time, live on the competitive plane.

The competitive plane has several aspects, and depending on your disposition, you’ll be able to counter some, while not be able or be willing to counter others. Continue reading “How to be successful without being evil. Is it possible?”

What is a spiritual path? Can a phony teacher take you where you want to go?

dont-be-upset-by-the-results-you-didnt-getWhen people ask for their vibrational measure, often they ask me to suggest a path they could follow to raise their vibration. Most of the time this is simple, they need to take one of the liquid remedies to feel better first. But today I got a request like that, and this person was different from the usual requests. When I connected to her, I connected to empty… hm. I decided to use writing to get clear, and to work through it for myself, I wrote this article.

My path… a look back

I was just like you until a few years ago. I made decisions on what to buy, what to use, what to believe on an emotional basis.

If something sounded good, I wanted it.
If I was suffering from something: frustration, difficulties, pain, or lack of sleep, I was more likely to fall for a solution that sounded a good fit for my suffering.

And, of course, most things didn’t work.

I had a difficult time to trust anything or anyone, but I didn’t trust myself either, so I didn’t actually trust the inner voice that said: wrong way.

I had to get to a point where I could trust myself, or continue to pile up junk in my already crowded life, junk that I wanted, but it didn’t do what it promised to do.
Continue reading “What is a spiritual path? Can a phony teacher take you where you want to go?”

Emotional Healing… Emotions and Vibration

Emotional-HealingThis morning I was browsing the internet for sites that deal with the vibration of emotions.

I found a few, and dug deeper on one.

The website I found had a really good, high vibration piece of content, that I even felt worthy to put into a pdf, so it is easier to read on your mobile device. And if I am lucky, I can have the computer read it into an mp3, so you can drive while you listen.

The vibration of the document, which means its truth value is 600.

The person’s vibration is 170.

WTF, right?
Continue reading “Emotional Healing… Emotions and Vibration”

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”

Raise your vibration books and teachers on Amazon

Raise your vibration books and teachers on Amazon

Top Raise your vibration products on Amazon

41OIDK-rh5L._AA160_Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-bookTM (Raise Your Vibration min-e-bookTM series) by Caroline A Shearer Caroline A Shearer‘s personal vibration: 200 (she is in her mind 100 % of the time, gave me a headache)
51+9v2-2lvL._AA160_Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace… by Dawn James
Dawn James personal vibration: 90 (it’s dropped since I last time measured her vibration)
51HJzOr26DL._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160_365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency: Simple Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Energy for Balance, Purpose, and Joy by Melissa Alvarez aka Ariana Dupre. Personal vibration: 130

Continue reading “Raise your vibration books and teachers on Amazon”

Vibrational Reviews: Krishnamurti, Michael Beckwith, etc,

Vibrational Reviews: Krishnamurti, Michael Beckwith, etc,

Here is another batch of vibrational reviews of Richard Rudd (Gene Keys), Thorwald Dethlefsen, Rudiger Dahlke, “the healing power of sickness”), Jordan David Pearce, The Spirit Science, The Atlantis King, Amit Goswami, “The Quantum Activist”, pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio), Sri Ravi Shankar, The Art of Living, Michael Bernoff, Dawn Abraham , Jiddu Krishnamurti, Anthony de Mello, Thomas Merton, Quantum Confidence, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Robert Smith, Faster Eft,Sonia Choquette,Tapas Fleming,TAT,Morry Zelcovitch. Some of these I have measured before, the numbers are going down…
Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Krishnamurti, Michael Beckwith, etc,”

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling

Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling

laura-knight-jadczykI am halfway through listening to an interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, prolific alternative history writer, blah blah blah.

As you saw from my previous article, I am reading one of his books… I was researching why Moses is depicted with horns… and that is how I got to her.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk’s personal vibration is 200, and the truth value of her whole teachings, tens of thousands of pages in eleven books, not mentioning her interviews, etc. the truth value of all that is 190.

Not high, not high at all.
Continue reading “Laura Knight-Jadczyk, cassiopaea, ouija board, channeling”

Vibrational Reviews of some high profile people

Vibrational Reviews of some high profile people

Number after the person’s name signifies personal vibration at the time of this review, September 2013. It is 2023 now, and the numbers have changed, likely halved.. If it’s an organization, then the number signifies truth value… on the logarithmic scale of vibration… 200 vibration is around 2% truth value… meaning 98% horse dung.

The numbers are vibrational numbers, on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale.
Total truth is 1000…
Look at the map to see what each level feels like According to David Hawkins… vibration: 200. truth value: 7%

Harrison Klein 170
Bruce Lipton 170
Gregg Braden 210
Eric Pearl 150
Joan Borysenko 210
Howard Martin 210
Guy Finley 170
Sue Morter 150
Bruce Goldberg 130
Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews of some high profile people”

Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT

Vibrational Reviews: Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT

Nickie Thetsy tnano reviewNickie Thetsy (personal vibration: 140. and the tNANO technology: truth value: 160 (
Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT”

Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo

What is the vibration of these teachers and healers:

Dr. Mark Sircus
Tony Robbins
Maureen Moss
Dr. Pankaj Naram
Taraleigh Love
Taraleigh Silberberberg
Sabrina Rieber
Melody Fletcher
Kathy Hadley
Merav Knafo
Belinda Davidson
Jia Ni Teo

Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo”