Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

Originally posted 2011-07-14 13:14:19.

Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

the visual signs of higher vibration raise your vibration Please remember that this case study is concerned with one aspect: does the modality raise your vibration permanently. That is the only question I answer here, that is my only concern.

Why? Because there are tons of life-coaches, lots of ‘transformational’ programs, lots of spiritual teachers, lots of meditation, yoga, brain-entrainment, etc. programs are out there that create a feel-good effect, but the effect isn’t lasting, and you have to go back for more.

What do I mean? Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work”

Tr. Foundation: Follow Up

Originally posted 2011-07-04 16:10:02.

man hit by lightning tr. foundation Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscletesting (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right… lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Tr.’s programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal — if it delivers…

Delivers what?
Continue reading “Tr. Foundation: Follow Up”

Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa

Originally posted 2011-06-22 22:04:41.

sai maa The intention of this post is to show that in order to have a permanent and earned rise in your vibration, you need to connect to the Creator directly.

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, etc. Everything. Under 500… won’t raise your vibration. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source

Vibrational Review 1/14/2012

Sai Maa’s personal vibration: 195
Her Vibration when in a seminar: ~500
Her organization: 185
Her “diksha” light submission: 195
Truth value: 185
Continue reading “Case Study #1: Humanity in Unity with Sai Maa”

The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?

The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?

the Unbreakable Energy The Unbreakable

Let me start with a little story

In one of the most memorable exercises of all time, the leader asks a person to volunteer. The person needs to be a “certifiable” klutz, aka clumsy person.

Inadvertently the person always turns out to be a woman with a Ph.D.

In the first part of the exercise or demonstration, the leader throws a tennis ball to the volunteer which she either catches by trying too hard, or trying too hard and yet dropping the ball.

Everyone can see that she is a klutz.

After a while the leader says that they are going to play a different game. This time the volunteer doesn’t have to catch the ball. Instead they need to observe the ball and tell the leader which way the ball was spinning. To make the spin more visible, the leader takes out a think marker and blackens the seams of the tennis ball.

The volunteer agrees. The first ball falls on the podium while she is showing with her fingers which way the ball was spinning. The second ball falls on the podium and rolls into the corner. The volunteer walks there, picks it up, and throws it back to the leader.

The third ball is thrown, but the volunteer reaches for it with one hand, throws it back to the leader and with her hands now free, shows the leader which way the ball was spinning.

The fourth ball comes more forcefully. The volunteer reaches out with one hand, catches it, throws it back to the leader, and demonstrates which way the ball was spinning.

The fifth ball comes fast and far, but the volunteer steps in its direction, catches is with one hand and throws it back.

The audience that was holding their breath in this second part of the exercise starts to clap. The volunteer looks and doesn’t understand what is the cause for clapping.

She never realized she caught the ball, there was no sign of clumsiness at all.

What happened? The leader explains that the world shifted from being incompetent in the arena of catching balls into the arena of competence being able to see the spin of the ball.

In the arena of competence everything is approached with competence.

I experienced this exact phenomenon this morning.

For the past 6 weeks me, my websites, and my place have been under siege. I will not go into detail: I’ll just talk about the attack on the Energy Water.

The Energy Water is normal tap water driven through a 2-stage filter. When it comes out of the filter, its vibration varies between 80 and 100 on a scale of 1 to 1000.
Continue reading “The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking?”

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?

Yesterday, the theme in my 2nd Phase Activator Class was compassion: That compassion is not for the other person’s sake; just like love is not for the other person’s sake.

Compassion (and love) is for YOU!

When you can transform hatred, pity, or anger, resentment, or regret to compassion, you become free. (Not even mentioning the fact that love and compassion is only felt by the giver, never by the receiver. It warms up the giver, maybe shines on the recipient, but no nurturing there.)

Continue reading “Sometimes the teacher needs the teaching more than the student, especially a spiritual teacher. Marketeer Poneman and Tr.: which is the evil one?”