Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

heartmath reviewFirst: Heartmath has a theory, that the heart has a lot of brain cells in it and they can be influenced just like the brain can be…

The promise is of Heartmath is to help you calm down and handle life’s stresses better at will.

I first heard of and listened to recordings, exercises from the Heartmath Institute around 2003. I found the idea very seductive, and really wanted it to work for me… but it didn’t. When a few years later Dr. Alex Loyd used them to prove that the Healing Codes work I revisited them… and found the methodology still not working.

The truth is: they are both, the Healing Codes and the Heartmath, a nice idea… but neither of them works reliably, consistently, and for anyone. If something is NOT reliable, NOT consistent, then in essence it doesn’t work… what works is the Placebo effect.

I am not discounting the Placebo effect: it is powerful, but it is used to sell snake oil…
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From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

heart coherence Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.

Incoherence is like herding cats… hopeless.

I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose. Continue reading “From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?”

The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia

The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia

Plants are integratedThe Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia

Eudamonia: the fulfilled life. The satisfying life. It’s a how… It’s about how much life you have in your years. Fulfilling the potential that you are.

It’s impossible to have “the Good Life” without Integration… but… 1

One of the hardest steps for students to complete in the 67 step coaching is the step about creating an integrated life.

Why? Because on the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, there is no such a thing as integration.

Continue reading “The Integrated Good Life & The Four Pillars Of Eudaimonia”

Are you disappointed with yourself for not being higher minded, and achieving more in life?

Are you disappointed with yourself for not being higher minded, and achieving more in life?

be an empty spotFor years I’ve seen that humans, humanity, are stuck in a place where happiness is impossible, accomplishment is not predictable, and health is touch and go.

I’ve had big hopes, selfish hopes, that I will be the one to unstuck you.

Lots of other people have this hope… and the hopes remain hopes, because you have a vested interest to keep what keeps you stuck in place? If we knew what keeps you stuck, maybe we could unstuck you.

This article is an attempt to identify that one thing. The linchpin issue.
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Smart people don’t have to look… Creativity is genetic… and other bullcrap from the Tree of Knowledge

Smart people don’t have to look… Creativity is genetic… and other bullcrap from the Tree of Knowledge

I have started to put my old videos on my video site

I also listened to one… how you lose your creativity, how to get it back…

Continue reading “Smart people don’t have to look… Creativity is genetic… and other bullcrap from the Tree of Knowledge”

The counter-intuitive path. Teaching pigs to fly

The counter-intuitive path. Teaching pigs to fly

if someone else did it, your can do it tooToday I am tired. I am in and out of bed, I need my rest.

Why am I so tired? I lead a session of the From Upset To Communication course/workshop, an experimental course with no curriculum, except my commitment to take you to a place of living in the flow.

It is possible. I did it. But not with what you already have.

People, maybe you, my students, hope that we can have a life like that, without some pain, maybe a lot of pain.

What is the pain about? Well, it is the pain of loss.
Continue reading “The counter-intuitive path. Teaching pigs to fly”

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble,  It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, It's what you know for sure that just ain't so“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”.
~ from the movie “The Big Short”

Why is it that people don’t like this quote? Can you guess?

I see it all the time. People are quite certain that what they know is true, and are puzzled by the fact that they don’t feel good about themselves, about their place in the world, about their lives.

This includes smart people, and this includes people who are not that sophisticated.

We, as a species, are full of knowledge that just isn’t so. And when we build theories, actions, futures, arguments on those untruths, then things don’t work. Continue reading “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”

How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?

How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?

Warning: read the footnotes!

One of my students in my coaching program taught me something today that I could not see before.

Every student of mine has had one or more health consultations with me, where I muscletested their supplementation, their eating style and the foods that work best for their body. 2

They also had to set up their water energizer system.

This particular student had her session a long time ago (in October of last year), but she didn’t make the changes I suggested. She kept emailing me with her doubts: can I trust that these are the foods I can eat? Continue reading “How your health number, the number of spiritual capacities, and your earning power are connected?”

The Attitude That Will Help You Climb The Tree Of Life

The Attitude That Will Help You Climb The Tree Of Life

An attitude is an approach. It is the result of an internal conversation we are having with ourselves. An attitude is 100% in your power, even if you don’t feel you can change it. And true: you don’t change it directly. You change the conversation, the things you say to yourself.

We are taught in the Tree of Knowledge culture to have a strong “why” for our actions. A reason, and agenda, a purpose to what we want to do.

This attitude will keep you on the Tree of Knowledge, and will keep you wretched: the Tree of Knowledge is the home of wretched living. Continue reading “The Attitude That Will Help You Climb The Tree Of Life”

Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays

Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays

Yesterday I downloaded the Days of Power energy. The “skies” open up at precise times and the energy that is available can be channeled if someone is able to go close enough, and if someone is brave enough to use themselves as a pipe to concentrate the energy for someone else’s benefit.

That is what I do in the Days of Power energy downloads.

There is a part of this though, that I want to talk about, because there is something to learn from it.

Humans, on the Tree of Knowledge, see change as a series of instant changes, like the cuts in a movie. Now I am here, now I am there.

But in reality, things don’t just jump from here to there… even the brain cannot switch as fast as the movie.

Continue reading “Teaching you to climb the Tree of Life… how I do it nowadays”