What is health?

A German who escaped just before all the Jews were hoarded into concentration camps in Germany, came to the United States.

His name was Robert Hartman.

His experience with evil uniquely qualified him to set out to deal with the age long question: what is evil, what is good?

He took on himself to define good… the strait and narrow. Many philosophers failed in that: after all the strait and narrow is delineated by the land that encloses it, not by itself…

But he succeeded.

Continue reading “What is health?”

Why is it important to know what you want?

Why is it important to know what you want?

Knowing what you want to achieve, is one thing that is missing in you. Another name for that is called “mental representation” of what you want to achieve.

Mental representation is a detailed picture, so detailed and so tangible, that you can pinpoint where reality is deviating from it… and how. Continue reading “Why is it important to know what you want?”

Updated: So you want to feel special… how is it going for you?

bisexual-bison-specialSo you want to feel special?

We are all special, if special means, as special as our thumbprint… But that is not special enough for you, is it?

You want to be SPECIAL… so you can be treated special… a special talent, outstanding, mind boggling, awesome, the best.

In this article I will shed light to an important phenomenon that we are all experiencing… the ITCH, that keeps us miserable, and the HORIZON that keeps us on track, sane, happy and always well.
Continue reading “Updated: So you want to feel special… how is it going for you?”

Republished: The secret words that activate a dormant DNA

Rada Cannon memeAfter your anchor-to-doom attachment is pulled… A whole new set of choices show up… Will you choose differently? All future depends on that.

As you know I use my own life as a kind of laboratory to test if there are really changes when I say there will be changes, and if indeed the new choices will give you a new life.

I am at a point of choice, so let us see the whole process, and see what we see. OK?

For background, enough to suffice, I hope, that just having a website, one website, and even lots of unique articles won’t get you far in today’s economy. You need to have and you need to do a lot more to make a living.

About six-seven weeks ago I set up such a supportive system on a well recommended web hosting site, and it took a lot of work. Then the web hosting site decided to do some internal work, and it hasn’t gone well. My supportive system (100 websites) is entirely offline. I am paying 99 dollars rent. And they don’t seem to care about me.

Now, here it is where it gets juicy for our purposes.
Continue reading “Republished: The secret words that activate a dormant DNA”

Knowledge, Strategy, Execution… which one is missing?

I spent most of the afternoon watching videos. Among others, I watched this guy, Tai Lopez. I ended up buying his entry level course. 1

I already learned enough to start getting glimpses of what I haven’t seen before, that is missing for me to accomplish more in life.

He is a guy who went from no skills, no knowledge, seven capacities, 20 years ago, and grew it to 20 capacities, lots of knowledge, and multi millions of dollars.

What attracted me to him is his Ted talk where he talks about reading a book a day.

So I followed him to his site, where he had a long video sharing his three principles, and that’s when I had my aha moment.

He teaches that the three things you need for success, any type of success, are knowledge, strategy, and execution through immersion.

You remember, the question I am dealing with is that most of the people who I try to help, don’t get helped.

Every time something is not working, there is something you are not seeing.
Continue reading “Knowledge, Strategy, Execution… which one is missing?”

Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, how do you measure it, and why?

tesla-energy-frequency-vibrationVibrational frequency: is it really frequency? Is it really vibration?

I don’t know who invented the idea that there is such a thing “vibrational frequency”, and it is a good idea if it is high.

I know, I know, even my site’s address says yourvibration.com… but between you and me, the idea that you should have a different actual vibration, is horse shit.

A human should be human.

What has, maybe, high vibration is beingness… and there are at least 160 beingness-es, sorry, I know it is bad English. 2

Landmark Education calls these “Possible ways of being”. but Landmark Education includes in possible ways of being some real nasty ways of being, so we are not exactly talking about the same thing.

But we could safely say: there are 160 higher minded ways of being… higher vibration ways of being… more spiritual, more caring, more effective ways of being.
Continue reading “Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, how do you measure it, and why?”

Your beingness is given by your attitude right now

Your beingness is given by your attitude right now

attitude is a state of being. All actions come from it.The importance of being: who you are being, from where it all comes, your actions, your feelings, your results

It’s obvious to me: I am not succeeding in conveying the importance of being.

And another thing is starting to get clear: everything we think about attitudes is off… sometimes a lot, other times a little.

So I am going to muse here for a bit, a see if I can make more sense of it, for you.

Attitude is a beingness phenomenon. It is not mental, it is not emotional, it is not intellectual. It is a state of being. And yet… it is created by words.

Special words, mind you. But words nevertheless.

You can LABEL your beingness, or your attitude with an emotion word… but you cannot change your emotion… so if that were how attitude is, then humans would never have any power over their attitudes, and therefore their lives.

But humans do… Attitudes are created with words, managed with words, changed with words.

Here is an attitude of arrogance. A superiority. Can you, if you have nothing to go on, change that attitude?

You can’t.

But if you listen in, deeply, to the words, what is there is a version of this:

I am better than you. Only what I say matters, whatever you say doesn’t matter, because I am the big cheese. I know and you don’t, so I’ll tell you. I advise you, I counsel you, I coach you, because I know, I am better than you. Your job in this relationship is to admire me. To validate me. To flatter me. Who do you think you are to open your mouth, tell me what to do, or criticize me?! etc.

Now, being in a state of being has gotten a misleading interpretation, namely that it’s a good thing. But being in a state of being is neutral. You are always in a state of being. The question is: what is your state of being?

Your state of being is what is also called ATTITUDE.

You can look at the being and tell if it is a high vibration being or a low vibration being. If it is constructive. If it is conducive to good relationship, to love, to caring, to productivity, to growth, to good health, etc.

Your being is invisible to you, like water is for the fish. Its LABEL is visible to others.

Because it is invisible to you, you don’t know about it. And you can’t catch what you can’t see…

Our job here is to learn how to see what’s invisible… Because all the power comes from the invisible.

So you go to what you know about, your conscious thoughts and your the feelings you can name.

But your thoughts and feelings are often far from where your being is.

  • When I say to someone: you are arrogant… they say: I don’t feel arrogant. Of course you don’t… arrogance doesn’t feel, because it is a being. It is obvious to others, invisible to you.
  • When I say to someone: you are stingy… they say: I am not. I am very giving… but the beingness of stingy isn’t even something they can wrap their mind or feelings around.

But, listen up!

ALL your actions derive themselves from the attitude, the being. Your feelings and thoughts have rarely any relevance at all.

Being able to have a certain attitude is a good thing… but not all attitudes are available to you unless you have the capacity for that being, for that attitude.

Generosity is one of these attitudes… you can do the moves of generosity, you’ll praise someone, you allow them to finish their sentence, but you are doing it, against your better judgment. You are doing it because you want something. You have an agenda.

Or you DO compassion… but your attitude is contempt. Or superiority. Or ‘I am better than you.’

You DO love, but your attitude is contempt.

In my last romantic relationship we first shared MY apartment in New Jersey. Then we moved to New York because of his job. And then we lived in HIS apartment.

His attitude in the relationship was: ‘I am the boss. Unless you please me I’ll kick you out. Everything that is yours is also mine, but if you touch MY stuff, I kick you out. You better keep MY house clean, cook dinner for me, or you are history.

What is YOUR hidden attitude with your significant other?

Authentic being doesn’t have an agenda. Neither a hidden agenda, nor a overt agenda. No agenda.

When you have the authentic being of generosity, you don’t shut up so people will like you, so they listen, so you get what you want. No, the authentic being of generosity is for no reason at all. You are not in scarcity… Scarcity expresses itself in agendas, winning, getting, and such.

So now what?

You are inauthentic, that’s what. And you lie about it.


Most attitudes make you miserable. Like being stingy. Like being arrogant. Like being tentative, cautious, and withdrawing.

Why? Because your higher self communicate to you through pain and bad feelings.

It is not a guidance voice, as they preach it is, no. It is a punishing guidance… and of course you have no ears to hear, no eyes to see, so you suffer, and get no guidance from it.

In order to get guidance, you need distinctions, but you don’t have many… and the ones you have are Tree of Knowledge: you learned them from someone who learned them from someone… who ultimately made it up. Mostly the Dark Side.

change-your-attitudeSo you listen to your feelings as guidance, and your listen to your mind chatter as guidance, and they are saying all kinds of things, and you are left… hey, let’s tell the truth: powerless.

So, what can you do?

  • You can do what most people will do: try to fix their feelings or their minds. Plenty of programs for that.
  • or you can do what I do, what I did, and what I recommend that you do:
    Step out from the circle of noise into the circle of silence.

Step into being. What being? The first being you can step into is “I am not my feelings and I am not my thoughts. I am not my history, I am not my body, I am me.”

You can try to do it on your own, and you’ll see if you have the capacity or not.

If you already have the capacity, you’ll experience the silence. And you can open your eyes and see what you should do, without having to think about it.

If you don’t already have the capacity to step into being, you’ll know, because you won’t have a place to step into. The noise will continue, the feelings will continue, and maybe even get louder.

step-into-beingThe capacity, I call, Step Into Being, can be activated for you, and if you practice it enough, it will stick. 3

The being it allows you to step into is simply the being of silence. The being of stepping outside of the hubbub.

But for most of you, that will be a revolutionary step, the step that will make all the difference.

If you don’t need it, this is not a good time. It will just turn off.

Unless you have more than 10 opportunities and needs a day to use it, it will turn off.


Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry

Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry

Did you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who?

When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding.

In Hungary we learned a lot more history than American students do, and I personally have seen revolution, and reform and all that never changed anything on the long run.

It’s like making a dish, turning it on a plate… and thinking that now it’s different. No. it is the same dish… just what was on the bottom is now on the top. Continue reading “Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry”

Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Often (too often!) people write to me telling me that I am not supposed to get angry, not supposed to be stingy, not supposed to be on thing or another…

Why? Because enlightened means, according to them, forever joyful, forever happy, and rich, rich, rich.

Having smooth youthful face, a radiant smile, and a slim body, if you are a woman. Men have no such requirements. They can be ugly, they can be a predator, they can be even disgusting looking. For men it’s OK.

So, what is the truth about enlightenment? Is there such a thing at all?

The answer depends on who you ask, but whoever you ask: they are speaking from Tree of Knowledge.

Why? Because if you say ‘I am enlightened’ according to scriptures you are lying.
And if you say ‘I am not enlightened’ you don’t know what you are talking about…

Enlightened is a trick. Just like it is a trick to call Jesus (if he existed at all) the son of god.

It is to feed the masses with inferiority… you are not like that. Creating a caste system.

Or alternatively, since the last century, anyone who can say ohm, and sit in the lotus position is ‘an enlightened master. I just found a new ‘enlightened master’ Ibrahim Hassan in Egypt. He has 10 spiritual capacities, personal vibration 170, and truth value less than 1%

enlightened masterspiritually aware: having a good and accurate grasp on how reality is… This is the dictionary meaning. When I listen to people, they say: enlightened with reverence… so, I guess, their meaning is something like approaching god-like.
enlightened master ibrahimibrahim-hassanI both listened to this person, and watched this person with the audio off… Both times I felt his impostor syndrome, I felt that he listen with the mind and speaks from the mind. None of what he says is his personal experience. Fake…
enlightened master ibrahim hassanAs I said, bs artist.

‘, a guru, and your job is touch their feet and sit with them so you can entrain yourself to their vibration.

But my measurements of any guru is that they were and are low vibration, full of anxiety, impostor syndrome, who abused their power and had no integrity.

So the so-called enlightenment, looking through the ‘enlightened ones’ is a scam to create a them and you… hunger and greed for enlightenment, no mind, silence, and such.

So the result is more anxiety, more pretense, and more misery. Wahoo… success?!

My claim to fame is not what I have attained to. My claim to fame is that I don’t ask you to do anything I am not willing to do, and 90% of the time I actually do, when I ask you to do it.

My claim to fame is I am a ‘man of understanding’ using Osho’s wording, Osho’s expression. That simply means that I don’t say something from my head, I look, I see, I say.

And given the number of years that I have been doing this, I see a lot more than anyone I know, and a lot more accurately. That is not to say that I am accurate 100% of the time. According to muscletest, I am accurate 93% of the time. 7% of the time I am off. How off? Off…

Compared to the 2%-10% truth value of others, I am up there, but I am not 100%.

Now, with that in mind, that is only when I speak. And mostly when I speak about you to you.

When it comes to me, I am wrong 20% of the time. Why? Because it is very hard to see your own self.

So if I lived till 120, I still would not see myself accurately, even though it is a daily occurrence that I see something I was wrong about.

Can you be with me, can you trust me if I am only accurate 93% of the time? And that with double-checking myself with muscletest, really frequently… Without that I would be wrong a lot more often.

Some people, especially if your soul correction is ‘Silent Partner’, have a serious issue with trust.

It is because you are afraid to trust yourself. Because you have an eye for mistakes you make… and you even pay more attention than others.

So your issue with self-trust is projected to others in the world, and you’ll have a hard time trusting me.

One of the fundamental missings, for a lot of people, is self-trust, the ability to say: if I screw up: I can handle it. If I succeed, I can handle that too.

Self-trust is the ability to say: I can handle it.

When self trust is turned on and is working, you stop resisting, you stop procrastinating, you stop avoiding what you are not sure about… and become an expanding human going on expanding human being.

Because lack of self-trust is preventing you from that…

The activation is, on your end, is quite simple: you need to do, for three days, things you are not used to doing: taking risky steps, talking to strangers, asking for help, taking wrong turns driving, taking on assignment you are not sure you can fulfill but are going to.

It will not eliminate fear: I am still afraid from new things… but I am rarely stopped by them. Now that I have included being homeless as something I can be with… I can see that I can handle a lot more… Jail? dealing with authorities? Still scares the living out of me… So self-trust is 70% working.

And this is what you should expect with every capacity: it is a 1-100% thing… For example, generosity is only 30% active and working for me. I still interrupt people, I still connect their success with my no-success and react with anger…

Whether I am ‘enlightened’ or not, I am still human.

PS: If self-trust is your big issue, here is the link to order the activation of self-trust. Self-trust is sorely needed for most of the things on the Tree of Life.

Especially it is needed when I ask you to choose something, or invent something, as in the upcoming Invent Your Self course…

Goal setting and other usual activities for January…

Goal setting and other usual activities for January…

You may want to teach what you need to learn. Why? Because that way you can teach from your own learning experience, instead of tree of knowledge.

So far so good… but…

Some things lie just outside of your reach… you can never really learn them, I think. Continue reading “Goal setting and other usual activities for January…”