How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…

How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…

sensations-the-need-for-a-new-scienceHow The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature… on the level of individual. Case studies

The insights of this article came from participants. The insights could not have come without participants looking at their behavior and attitude from the sensations perspective, which is the Tree of Life, working with what nature intended.

On a sidenote: I don’t think nature intended 99% of humans to be obsolete and be replaced by Artificial Intelligence. I think nature intended evolution on a more human trajectory.

But back to what we have discovered, what we have observed, what we have gleaned.

First off: I will begin calling the feelings that come through the senses: Sensations. I think that the book should be re-christened as well… but it is really not up to me.

I’ll organize the observations by the soul correction… but you may find your limiting behavior in any soul correction. Continue reading “How The Tree of Knowledge goes against nature…”

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

dante infernoThis article is about using guidance, but not for its truth value, but in spite of its truth value. 1

Tai’s 67 steps program coupled with my coaching is the perfect growth program.

It’s not because of me, it is not because of the steps either but because of its structural essence.
Continue reading “Long winter may be the secret of high achievers”

What’s wrong with Osho? Why is his vibration so low?

What’s wrong with Osho? Why is his vibration so low?

osho talksI just watched/listened to two Osho talks… And suddenly I realized what I have never seen: why Osho’s vibration is not higher. It dropped from 300 to 280… as more of reality gets revealed, everyone’s vibration gets lower. Seneca’s vibration today is 300, but when he was alive, it was around 800.

So Osho died 25 years ago, give or take, and his vibration, consequently dropped.

OK… so what’s wrong with Osho? After all it is so soothing, so wonderful to listen to him. he is so right!

That is what’s wrong with Osho. Continue reading “What’s wrong with Osho? Why is his vibration so low?”

Why you don’t want what you say you want…

Why you don’t want what you say you want…

water energizer setupI am working, one-on-one with people who submitted their pictures of their setup of the water energizer.

This has been one of the most brilliant things I have ever decided to do.

Without feedback one may imagine a lot of things, but with feedback, eventually you arrive to the truth, to reality, and there is no room for imagination, fancy, or any other unreality.

The reality is this:

The Water Energizer works… you don’t.
Continue reading “Why you don’t want what you say you want…”

The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor

The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor

The connection between the number of words you can correctly use in writing or in speaking and your intelligence, your worth a damn factor, and your deserving the good life… or not.

I am a reader. I read a lot. But yet, a whole new world opened up for me when I started to read on the Kindle. Why? Because it has a built in dictionary. As a result, I have added, to date, 2,000 words to my vocabulary.

It was very cumbersome to read with a dictionary before… I would lose my place, etc.

But the Kindle has made it possible.

I find the word… but sometimes the word in the dictionary is not useful. Continue reading “The connection between your vocabulary and your deserving factor”

What is the purpose of life? how to live it on Life’s terms?

What is the purpose of life? how to live it on Life’s terms?

In my quest to find like-minded people, who want to better humanity, I am watching videos, and am exposed the feelings of the speaker, commentator, or whoever is in the video.

What prompted this article is a bout of weeping… for no reason.

I am sitting here examining the context inside which this happened, and I Have had no reason to be sad, to weep. Continue reading “What is the purpose of life? how to live it on Life’s terms?”

Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics

Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics

In my coaching I am seeing a phenomenon that can only be understood once you start mastering the 13th floor through the books, ground breaking new book “Feelings” by Margoczi, and the follow-up: “Words,” plus through getting to know your feelings… The Feelings webinars can help you get started in that.

Sidenote: the author of the book isn’t even willing to entertain the word: emotions. This should tell you something.

In the world of symbols, the level of words, most people use the words feeling and emotion interchangeably, but they are actually not even connected directly.
  • Feelings are a 13th floor phenomenon. They are as physical as anything, measurable, and make a lot of sense.
  • Emotions are a 15th floor phenomenon, and are entirely culturally defined. They are the marker feelings of words… and there is nothing that makes sense about them. Anything that is culturally defined is designed to confuse and enslave you. No kidding.

Continue reading “Personhood understanding the 13th floor dynamics”

Is what you are reading talking on the right level?

Is what you are reading talking on the right level?

For the first time in who knows how long, how many years, I have nothing to write.

One could say “writer’s block”… but I would not know. I have never had that…


So I am looking. When I have nothing to say… and that is unusual, what happened that is also unusual?

Did you see how I formulated the question?

Your ticket to get out of anything, to innovate yourself out of a problem is the question. Or questions…

So that question did direct my attention to something I’ve been doing that is also unusual.
Continue reading “Is what you are reading talking on the right level?”

Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

If you have a smart phone… What is it doing to your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?

Warning: this article is half teaching half ranting… Consider yourself warned!
As you know the most reliable indicator whether you’ll have a good life or not is your TLB score.

We could say that your worth a damn factor is very close to your TLB score… And whether you are worth a damn, is clearly indicative of the quality of life you’ll live, the kind of friends you’ll have, the kind of money your can make, consistently, and the kind of intimate relationships you can form and maintain.

Tai Lopez says… one of the high achievers said it… that it is awareness.

But this was said before the age of the smart phones.

Today the amount of time you are willing to spend without your phone is a better indicator than your education, your IQ, all you could do if you had time… almost anything.


Continue reading “Smart phone and your Twitchy Little Bastard Score?”

What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?

What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?

Dr Wallach says: what you don’t put in your mouth is more important to your well-being, than what you do put in your mouth. Is he right?

An article I just looked at says: what you don’t do is more important to your productivity, money, well-being, than what you do… Is the article right? Continue reading “What is a more important, what you do or what you don’t do?”