Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck?

Originally posted 2011-01-10 20:30:44.

What does it take to attract your desire?

In January, people make resolutions, that address some of their deepest desires.

Weight, relationship and money are the three most frequent wishes, and most of them never go anywhere, no change, and yet another year makes hope lost a little bit more, confidence lost a little bit more, self-esteem lost a little bit more.

Why would this be? Continue reading “Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck?”

How to turn your life around under any circumstances

How to turn your life around under any circumstances

…or how should you go from where you are to where you want to be, emotionally, in your health, wealth, love, and happiness.

I just ended my core group training, and as it seems I now have some energy to coach.

Instantly three ‘associates’ called, on the same day, and I accepted all three for some friendly coaching: just for the fun of it.

Who or what kind of people are people I like to coach: Continue reading “How to turn your life around under any circumstances”

Can you change? Will you be able to change?

Can you change? Will you be able to change?

This article is a stream of consciousness… Beware, it is like poetry… you have to feel it, you can’t explain it.

Cultural memes, media bias, tell us that change is fast and dramatic.

So when you consider your own change, that is what you are planning for, or that is what you resist. Even if not-changing means staying at a place where you don’t like. But of the two bad things: dramatic change or staying miserable, staying miserable is still more attractive, because at least you know that place.

But cultural memes, media bias, are lies.

Actually, all memes are lies. It was, maybe, someone’s truth, but it is not THE TRUTH.

Only physical laws are THE TRUTH… Continue reading “Can you change? Will you be able to change?”