What do I do when I get the blues?

What do I do when I get the blues?

Getting the blues, periodically is totally normal… and it’s also no fun. Whether it’s the weather, whether it’s the pandemic, whether it’s loneliness, lack of direction, hopelessness, no movement… it’s immaterial. The blues are the blues… But instead of them lasting forever, you can take the upper hand… this is what this article is about.

What do I do when I get blue because I see parents taking care of their children, even though they are already adults? When I feel that I was never loved and never will be? Continue reading “What do I do when I get the blues?”

Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?

Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?

Three umpires are asked the same question: how do you call ball or strike.

For those not from the United States, an umpire is an official who watches a game or match closely to enforce the rules and arbitrate on matters arising from the play in baseball.

The youngest, a rookie umpire is asked: how do you call ball or strike? The rookie umpire answers confidently: I call it the way it is.

The journeyman who has been judging the game for quite a few years, says: you are a rookie. I call it the way I see it. Continue reading “Is Trump a seasoned umpire, a rookie umpire or a journeyman?”

Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?

Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?
3-ways-to-change-your-stateWhat is the easiest method to shift someone’s state of being?

We already know. Children, when they cry because they hurt themselves, can be brought out of crying by directing their attention to something more interesting, more engaging.

We use it in the Soaring Method.

I use it in almost every coaching conversation I have with people who are stuck in some unproductive state of being, like sadness, despair, maybe even resistance.

State of being, mode of being, beingness… all are outside of what you call self-awareness…

Self-awareness on the level of human is all physical and emotional.

Continue reading “Self-awareness… How to shift your state of being, how to toughen up?”

What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated

transformation is like picking a lock. here are our tools to raise your vibrationTransformation is like picking a lock. You need tools, you need patience, you need immense awareness, and the results need to be valuable, or you’ll quit before you are done. Partial transformation gives you bragging rights, but no results.

This is going to be an article that, I predict, will grow as we discover or invent (with Source) new tools to bring about the 1,000 Years of Peace, the restoration of the Original Design.

I will not give details of the tools in this article. The details you can find in other articles, or in the glossary. I will link the tools to where you can read more about them as time allows.

Patience, my friend, patience is a virtue. I’ll get to it when I can. Start at the beginning… do you know how to connect, yet? I don’t mean know about it. I don’t mean “I think so” I mean, have I said that you are connected? If not, then please come to a connection call or stop feeding your mind. All this information is worthless there.

I will list the tools in the order I received them, not in the order of importance. This is where the good guys finish first, even if they started last…

Continue reading “What are OUR tools in raising your vibration… Updated”

What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?

What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?

commitment-to-marryWhat is the intrinsic role of commitment… making a commitment, committing to something?

Ever asked the question why people get engaged? Engaged to be married…

Engagement is making a commitment…

But commitment is tricky.

Real commitment comes from the Intrinsic Self, and you don’t need to make it. It is what the Intrinsic Self wants you to do…

Most things you call commitment, are impositions on the Intrinsic Self, impositions on you. Duty, obligation, drudgery.

They come from either an outside goal or an ego goal… and they don’t get the support of the Intrinsic Self.

The engagement period drives up the real sentiments, and if there is any honesty, will prove or disprove the authenticity of the commitment.

Authenticity means: coming from the intrinsic Self.
Continue reading “What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?”

What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours

What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours

your-daily-routineWhat is the purpose of Life for you? Not YOUR purpose… LIFE’s purpose FOR you?

I stumbled on this meme this morning. It is still a little dark outside, and I am still a little sleepy… so I am going to follow this meme, down the rabbit hole… wherever it takes… hm.

The full quote is from a book: Today Matters…

How would you describe your life? Are you achieving what you desire? Are you accomplishing the things that are important to you? Do you consider yourself a success? How do your prospects look for the future?

If I could come to your house and spend just one day with you, I would be able to tell whether or not you will be successful. You could pick the day. If I got up with you in the morning and went through the day with you, watching you for 24 hours, I could tell in what direction your life is headed.
Continue reading “What is the purpose of Life for you? Life’s not yours”

Atheists are the most spiritual…

demotivation.us_Religion-is-for-people-who-are-afraid-of-going-to-hell.-Spirituality-is-for-those-who-have-already-been-there_138262858294I have a friend who I call a few times a year, and then we talk a lot for a few weeks, and then not for months at a clip.

I’ve called him the other day, and now we are talking again.

Today he asked me a question that put me in touch with something I buried deep…

He asked me “What is Energized Water?”

I wanted to find out what he thinks energized water is. And that conversation lead from the pristine spring he got his drinking water from when he was a kid, through the hot springs of Lourdes, the healing waters, to a realization, that because I am an atheist, I have been not allowing myself to be moved.

I wrote notes while we spoke. This is what I wrote…

Continue reading “Atheists are the most spiritual…”

Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?

it's not that bad. someone is stupider than youMore than half of my site’s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi’s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods… 1

I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, and maybe I should.

Why? Why would I want to remove a post that brings in so many visitors?

I tell you why! Because people who are interested in those numbers, are not my people. They want miracles, angel dust, prayer, magicians, shamans, or some other form of “please do it for me” magic.

Of all the people that searched for the Grabovoi codes, I am aware of one person who stayed and became a star student of mine… One out of hundreds of thousands.

But what if the people who search for the Grabovoi codes need my help?

What about the people who don’t feel well, who are bloated, or can’t get enough rest in the night, tired, sluggish, listless, depressed, not enough pep or not enough energy to enjoy life?
Continue reading “Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?”

Osho on Knowledge and Knowing. Zen is just Zen

Osho on Knowledge and Knowing. Zen is just Zen


ZEN IS JUST ZEN. There is nothing comparable to it. It is unique — unique in the sense that it is the most ordinary and yet the most extraordinary phenomenon that has happened to human consciousness. It is the most ordinary because it does not believe in knowledge, it does not believe in mind. It is not a philosophy, not a religion either. It is the acceptance of the ordinary existence with a total heart, with one’s total being, not desiring some other world, supra-mundane, supra-mental.
Continue reading on my Osho blog

Christmas, alone, my empath mother, getting to no thing

Christmas, alone, my empath mother, getting to no thing

Christmas of EaglesAs far as I can see back, Christmas was a painful reminder that I am alone.

I always wanted to go home… home was a place where I longed to be, but I had no idea what that would be like. Surely where I lived wasn’t home. Surely the people I was with left me feeling alone.

Later, relationship made my life busy, but I still felt alone. Not envying others, not something wrong, just alone. Like you are on the top of a mountain, and no one to share the experience with.
Continue reading “Christmas, alone, my empath mother, getting to no thing”