Can you fully recover from depression from a drug?

You should consider reading the novel, Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes

Not the movie, the book.

Why, you would ask… Because it shows you what happens when you get to unearned heights.

In the book, Charlie undergoes an operation that makes his brain perform at beyond genius level… only to go back to become mentally handicapped… again.

Because a living being is an organism, you really cannot gift it a higher level than the whole organism. It cannot carry the weight… and it collapses to where it was before the “gifting” or below. Continue reading “Can you fully recover from depression from a drug?”

The misbuttoned shirt life and what to do about it

Emotional intelligence, emotional maturity… the end of suffering, the end of life in hell is all a result of the misbuttoned shirt life

Fiction, good fiction, allows you to have intimacy with people you never knew. And what we miss most in life is intimacy. Knowing the other, being known and accepted.

It’s hard to be intimate in real life, it takes two people, two people who were hurt, maybe abused as children, so it is nearly impossible.

I listen to the partner call (from the Playground) and wish they read fiction. Reading fiction, especially children’s books, is very healing.

At least for myself.

You cry, and you don’t even know why, but you are healing.

Continue reading “The misbuttoned shirt life and what to do about it”

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?

This article is about one of those invisible dynamics mainly: the distinction: listening

All power is in the listening.

If you aren’t getting as much out of your participation with me and my stuff, then consider that it is not the stuff: it is you. You unconsciously or consciously block, invalidate, judge, agree or disagree with what I say.

I often catch myself with hate and grief arising when I read or study someone’s stuff… and it takes a little bit to resolve that before I can get any benefit out of the reading or studying.

But I do it… Do you? I didn’t think so. Continue reading “If the invisible reality is invisible, how can you see it?”

I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…

Why would you think that someone will judge you? Simple… you have already judged yourself.

But why would you? Not everyone judge themselves. I, for example, don’t… or not often at all. I often assess myself, my behavior, my looks, my stuff… but assessment does not carry condemnation in it, and it doesn’t carry praise in it either.

What is the difference between judgment and assessment 1 ?

The main difference is fixed mindset.

In judgment, the judging person lives as if there were a fixed good or bad, smart or stupid, right or wrong. And then they act as if they were assigned the job of judging…

So a high fixed mindset plus arrogance, superiority, plus high desire/low ambition numbers.

I have found that people with this combination are unable, unwilling, or resistant to do the work of the Playground. Continue reading “I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…”

Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?

Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?

Distinction vs examples

One of the reasons you are not as astute in life is because you can’t see the forest for the trees.

You can see the example, but you cannot see the distinction.

But why?

Seeing patterns is a higher function of the brain, and needs to be developed and nurtured. I call this astuteness, or the using the astute capacity.

Continue reading “Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?”